Democrats would rather resign that face Voters' wrath

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Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020
After that stinging defeat in Virginia and other states, democrats would rather resign than to face what may be coming for them. RINOs take note. You should be strongly considering your future prospects.

oh yeah...the party in power always suffers mid term defeats...but this ain't midterm y'all. WE've yet to come to that in this brain dead, poopypants of a President Brandon regime.
After Democrats rammed a minority-supported Obamacare bill down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want it while they slept, quite a few Democrats, none of which who read any part of the bill, returned home to extremely pissed off condtituentswho had read the bill and who knew more about Obamacare than they did. They were deservedly savaged - several ran out of their Town Halls before it was over.

Other Democrsts did not even return home during the break, too ashamed and/ or frightened to face the people they had screwed.

Democrats, however, unlike Republicans, are so committed to their radical Marxist / Socialist agenda that many do not mind ramming this dhit into law and then being voted out. They know, like Obamacare, once it is law it will NEVER be revoked.

So they lose the House, Lose the Senate....tge GOP puts in placmce rules, regs, and / or laws Democrats can easily and rapidly revise the next time they get in then once again ram Marxist / Socialist shot into law, forcing America closer towards being a 3rd world Marcist / Socialist shit hole, knowing, again, it will never get overturned/ reversed even if the cycle repeats and they are rin out of office.

The Demovrats will lose the House and Senate in 2024....but the samage will gave been done. Just look how much damage Biden has done in 9 months.
If I wasnt such a racist, gas would be cheap.

This is on me, guys.

My bad.
After that stinging defeat in Virginia and other states, democrats would rather resign than to face what may be coming for them. RINOs take note. You should be strongly considering your future prospects.

oh yeah...the party in power always suffers mid term defeats...but this ain't midterm y'all. WE've yet to come to that in this brain dead, poopypants of a President Brandon regime.

Unclean Start
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