Demonization of Putin is one of the biggest threats to American national security,Stephen Cohen.

It is sad that Russia was given such an opportunity to abandon years of oppression and embrace Western Democracy

The west opened their arms and offered free trade opportunities.

But Russia could not help but revert to their old ways personified by Putin
It is sad that following the collapse of the Soviet, Russia was descended on by a bunch of wild pack animals representing Western commercial interests.

Putin had little choice but defend Russia's sovereignty.
Russian federal media a by far the most propagandistic over the world... Don't watch it. You will be fooled you don't know where and when.
Whatever the Russian media learned of propaganda techniques, they most assuredly learned from the US system of propaganda techniques.

The consistent message is not to put faith in popular media systems. Always look with an eye of distrust regardless of the country one resides. It is the mouthpiece of the ruling class.
Actually, I have a feeling American Media learned how to brainwash the people from the USSR. But I've been living in the USSR, they were trying to brainwash us, but we all knew it and were laughing at it in our kitchens.

What I am watching now in USA is several times worse. Since 2008 when Georgia attacked South Ossetia and American Media started blaming Russia for that (showing correct pictures of aggression, but of Georgian aggression in S. Ossetia, not Russian!), then same thing happened (twice) with Ukraine. Lately the anti-Russian propaganda got really wild and now reminds me Hollywood soap opera about "bad Russians", Trump/Russian collusion (=delusion) so on and on. Also nobody cares about presenting a single proof for that but many Americans believe it reagrdless.

To me it looks like somebody has been trying to build up huge hate for Russia using "free" Media constantly and on daily basis. And that's both dangerous and unfair. Actually, constantly lying Media (not Russians, not anybody from outside the country) seems to be American's worst enemy. The most scary thing is that this enemy is interior.

So people like you supported Putin over the Democrats after the election, which was bad..And now that Putin is busted for hacking us you are supporting what a good man Putin is over our own media.
What the hell is wrong with you.. Putin attacked us stealing identities to change votes on a government website..pretending to be an American.

You are siding with this man over your own American people..what a complete ignorant nut job that should learn more about exactly what he did before writing a stupid thread like this..
You are making a fool out of yourself.
Russian federal media a by far the most propagandistic over the world... Don't watch it. You will be fooled you don't know where and when.
Whatever the Russian media learned of propaganda techniques, they most assuredly learned from the US system of propaganda techniques.

The consistent message is not to put faith in popular media systems. Always look with an eye of distrust regardless of the country one resides. It is the mouthpiece of the ruling class.
Actually, I have a feeling American Media learned how to brainwash the people from the USSR. But I've been living in the USSR, they were trying to brainwash us, but we all knew it and were laughing at it in our kitchens.

What I am watching now in USA is several times worse. Since 2008 when Georgia attacked South Ossetia and American Media started blaming Russia for that (showing correct pictures of aggression, but of Georgian aggression in S. Ossetia, not Russian!), then same thing happened (twice) with Ukraine. Lately the anti-Russian propaganda got really wild and now reminds me Hollywood soap opera about "bad Russians", Trump/Russian collusion (=delusion) so on and on. Also nobody cares about presenting a single proof for that but many Americans believe it reagrdless.

To me it looks like somebody has been trying to build up huge hate for Russia using "free" Media constantly and on daily basis. And that's both dangerous and unfair. Actually, constantly lying Media (not Russians, not anybody from outside the country) seems to be American's worst enemy. The most scary thing is that this enemy is interior.

So people like you supported Putin over the Democrats after the election, which was bad..And now that Putin is busted for hacking us you are supporting what a good man Putin is over our own media.
What the hell is wrong with you.. Putin attacked us stealing identities to change votes on a government website..pretending to be an American.

You are siding with this man over your own American people..what a complete ignorant nut job that should learn more about exactly what he did before writing a stupid thread like this..
You are making a fool out of yourself.
Stratford is not American, fool.
And now that Putin is busted for hacking us you are supporting what a good man Putin is over our own media.
What the hell is wrong with you.. Putin attacked us stealing identities to change votes on a government website..pretending to be an American
You have no supporting evidence to justify such assertions.

But you have justified the OP. :113:
It is sad that Russia was given such an opportunity to abandon years of oppression and embrace Western Democracy

The west opened their arms and offered free trade opportunities.

But Russia could not help but revert to their old ways personified by Putin
Russia has tasted your Western "democracy" in 90-s and spit it out. The vast majority of Russians do not need your Western "values", they have their own great traditions and values they observe and respect which are over 10 ages old (Russia has been baptized in year 988, when USA has not been on the map yet). And it's just great that their leader (who seems to be a true leader, not another Deep State puppet!) has been guarding Russian sovereignty, history, values and traditions from all kinds of foreign dirty hands. And that's another thing why Deep State has been demonizing him for.
And now that Putin is busted for hacking us you are supporting what a good man Putin is over our own media.
What the hell is wrong with you.. Putin attacked us stealing identities to change votes on a government website..pretending to be an American
You have no supporting evidence to justify such assertions.

But you have justified the OP. :113:

Bullshit..there is no reason to support what the Russians did here in America..what Putin did was in my opinion a terrorist attack.
Putin isn't under indictment.
And now that Putin is busted for hacking us you are supporting what a good man Putin is over our own media.
What the hell is wrong with you.. Putin attacked us stealing identities to change votes on a government website..pretending to be an American
You have no supporting evidence to justify such assertions.

But you have justified the OP. :113:

Bullshit..there is no reason to support what the Russians did here in America..what Putin did was in my opinion a terrorist attack.
Putin isn't under indictment.

Because his buddy in chief Trump pretends that Puttin didn't do anything, many people in America don't even know what he did.
So, even though Putin/Russia, attacks our democratic electoral process, has tried to divide America and now is involved with attacking our troops in Syria by proxy, we are suppose to approve of Trump and you Trumpsters kissing Putin's ass?
Yevgeniy Prigozhin is a man of many trades.
A failed cross-country skier from St. Petersburg, Russia, who once spent nine years in prison for robbery, Prigozhin rose from running a hot dog stand in the 1990s to owning an upscale restaurant frequented by Russian President Vladimir Putin and other members of the nation’s political elite.
Most recently, the man nicknamed Putin’s Chef was indicted in the United States by special counsel Robert Mueller for running a troll farm that conducted information warfare against the U.S. and attempted to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Prigozhin also allegedly runs a business that profits off oil and gas deals in Syrian territories seized from the Islamic State militant group (ISIS).
And now, reports also claim Prigozhin is the Putin ally who allegedly controls Russian mercenaries working in Syria. He was responsible for ordering a recent attack by Russian mercenaries and pro-government Syrian forces on U.S. troops stationed in Syria.
Prigozhin is known to have close ties with Putin, and it is unlikely that he works without the permission of Russia’s most powerful man.
The mercenaries involved in the attack work for a company called Wagner, which employs Russian nationals and military veterans—many of whom are believed to have fought in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Wagner also provides foot soldiers who help fight ISIS in order to secure access to oil and gas fields that Prigozhin profits from.

Putin’s chef ordered Russian mercenaries to attack U.S. troops in Syria, report claims
Russia’s Attack on U.S. Troops
And now that Putin is busted for hacking us you are supporting what a good man Putin is over our own media.
What the hell is wrong with you.. Putin attacked us stealing identities to change votes on a government website..pretending to be an American
You have no supporting evidence to justify such assertions.

But you have justified the OP. :113:

Bullshit..there is no reason to support what the Russians did here in America..what Putin did was in my opinion a terrorist attack.
Putin isn't under indictment.

Because his buddy in chief Trump pretends that Puttin didn't do anything, many people in America don't even know what he did.
Many people don't know that Putin did anything because there has been nothing provided to suggest that he did.

You, on the other hand, take it on faith.

I'm no Trumpkin. I try to keep things in perspective. I understand the desire of the government to want to demonize Putin due to the geopolitics involved. We see the same tactics repeated over and again. Who can forget how we were manipulated into the war in Iraq.
And now that Putin is busted for hacking us you are supporting what a good man Putin is over our own media.
What the hell is wrong with you.. Putin attacked us stealing identities to change votes on a government website..pretending to be an American
You have no supporting evidence to justify such assertions.

But you have justified the OP. :113:

Bullshit..there is no reason to support what the Russians did here in America..what Putin did was in my opinion a terrorist attack.
Putin isn't under indictment.

Because his buddy in chief Trump pretends that Puttin didn't do anything, many people in America don't even know what he did.
It's another myth which Deep State Media has been actively spreading. Trump and Putin are NOT buddies, never have been, and never met before Trump became a POTUS.
Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor.
The "deep" action is the pathetic attempt of Russia to overthrow America.
And now that Putin is busted for hacking us you are supporting what a good man Putin is over our own media.
What the hell is wrong with you.. Putin attacked us stealing identities to change votes on a government website..pretending to be an American
You have no supporting evidence to justify such assertions.

But you have justified the OP. :113:

Bullshit..there is no reason to support what the Russians did here in America..what Putin did was in my opinion a terrorist attack.
Putin isn't under indictment.

Because his buddy in chief Trump pretends that Puttin didn't do anything, many people in America don't even know what he did.
It's another myth which Deep State Media has been actively spreading. Trump and Putin are NOT buddies, never have been, and never met before Trump became a POTUS.
Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor.

Trump has supported Putin over the American democrats, that alone is dangerous. So far there is proof that the Trump campaign has had contact indirectly with Putin..
Sorry about thinking you are American, not used to other Countries writing so well on the forum.. I have seen you around for a long time.
The "deep" action is the pathetic attempt of Russia to overthrow America.
So far, I see it vice versa: American Deep State has been trying to overthrow Putin. They already overthrew the legitimate president of my home country of Ukraine and brought their puppets to power. But Ukraine is just a pawn in their dirty geopolitical game against Russia.
Putin should be overthrown.

Russia has no legitimate reason to conduct cyberwarfare, but if it continues to do so, the day will come soon when the electricity goes off in Russia until it submits, executes Russia, and kneels to the West.
And now that Putin is busted for hacking us you are supporting what a good man Putin is over our own media.
What the hell is wrong with you.. Putin attacked us stealing identities to change votes on a government website..pretending to be an American
You have no supporting evidence to justify such assertions.

But you have justified the OP. :113:

Bullshit..there is no reason to support what the Russians did here in America..what Putin did was in my opinion a terrorist attack.
So the US is terrorising much of the world and has been for decades? Not very patriotic of you :)
You have no supporting evidence to justify such assertions.

But you have justified the OP. :113:

Bullshit..there is no reason to support what the Russians did here in America..what Putin did was in my opinion a terrorist attack.
Putin isn't under indictment.

Because his buddy in chief Trump pretends that Puttin didn't do anything, many people in America don't even know what he did.
It's another myth which Deep State Media has been actively spreading. Trump and Putin are NOT buddies, never have been, and never met before Trump became a POTUS.
Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor.

Trump has supported Putin over the American democrats, that alone is dangerous. So far there is proof that the Trump campaign has had contact indirectly with Putin..
Sorry about thinking you are American, not used to other Countries writing so well on the forum.. I have seen you around for a long time.
First of all, thanks for complementing my English, I'm actually, surprised. A year or two ago the people on the forum were mocking my English, Tehon can confirm it. I really tried to improve it.

As for all those "proves" that somebody contacted somebody, it's another BS. The contacts to discuss how to work together in future are not a crime and have been used by all politicians of all countries for ages.
And now that Putin is busted for hacking us you are supporting what a good man Putin is over our own media.
What the hell is wrong with you.. Putin attacked us stealing identities to change votes on a government website..pretending to be an American
You have no supporting evidence to justify such assertions.

But you have justified the OP. :113:

Bullshit..there is no reason to support what the Russians did here in America..what Putin did was in my opinion a terrorist attack.
Putin isn't under indictment.

Because his buddy in chief Trump pretends that Puttin didn't do anything, many people in America don't even know what he did.
Many people don't know that Putin did anything because there has been nothing provided to suggest that he did.

You, on the other hand, take it on faith.

I'm no Trumpkin. I try to keep things in perspective. I understand the desire of the government to want to demonize Putin due to the geopolitics involved. We see the same tactics repeated over and again. Who can forget how we were manipulated into the war in Iraq.

Why don't you read up on the 12 Russians who are under indictment for hacking America..
Bullshit..there is no reason to support what the Russians did here in America..what Putin did was in my opinion a terrorist attack.
Putin isn't under indictment.

Because his buddy in chief Trump pretends that Puttin didn't do anything, many people in America don't even know what he did.
It's another myth which Deep State Media has been actively spreading. Trump and Putin are NOT buddies, never have been, and never met before Trump became a POTUS.
Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor.

Trump has supported Putin over the American democrats, that alone is dangerous. So far there is proof that the Trump campaign has had contact indirectly with Putin..
Sorry about thinking you are American, not used to other Countries writing so well on the forum.. I have seen you around for a long time.
First of all, thanks for complementing my English, I'm actually, surprised. A year or two ago the people on the forum were mocking my English, Tehon can confirm it. I really tried to improve it.

As for all those "proves" that somebody contacted somebody, it's another BS. The contacts to discuss how to work together in future are not a crime and have been used by all politicians of all countries for ages.

It has already been proven that Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer, and that Jeff Sessions lied about meeting with Russians, and was busted for lying again for saying he didn't talk about the campaign.

WaPo: Sessions, Russian talked Trump campaign, per intel - CNNPolitics
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
Putin should be overthrown.

Russia has no legitimate reason to conduct cyberwarfare, but if it continues to do so, the day will come soon when the electricity goes off in Russia until it submits, executes Russia, and kneels to the West.
That's the true face of American democracy: overthrowing legitimate presidents and regime changes. We DO NOT need that "democracy", thank you.
Putin isn't under indictment.

Because his buddy in chief Trump pretends that Puttin didn't do anything, many people in America don't even know what he did.
It's another myth which Deep State Media has been actively spreading. Trump and Putin are NOT buddies, never have been, and never met before Trump became a POTUS.
Besides, during more than a year of Trump's presidency he hasn't done even one little thing in Putin's favor.

Trump has supported Putin over the American democrats, that alone is dangerous. So far there is proof that the Trump campaign has had contact indirectly with Putin..
Sorry about thinking you are American, not used to other Countries writing so well on the forum.. I have seen you around for a long time.
First of all, thanks for complementing my English, I'm actually, surprised. A year or two ago the people on the forum were mocking my English, Tehon can confirm it. I really tried to improve it.

As for all those "proves" that somebody contacted somebody, it's another BS. The contacts to discuss how to work together in future are not a crime and have been used by all politicians of all countries for ages.

It has already been proven that Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer, and that Jeff Sessions lied about meeting with Russians, and was busted for lying again for saying he didn't talk about the campaign.

WaPo: Sessions, Russian talked Trump campaign, per intel - CNNPolitics
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
Those stories belong to Hollywood, not to politics.

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