DemonRAT Rep. Joe Kennedy: No Sports Competitions for Women or Girls, Only for ‘Human Beings’

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Rep. Joe Kennedy decried sports leagues for only women and girls and said sports competitions must be for all “human beings.”

Kennedy, who chairs the Democrats’ transgender equality task force, dismissed women’s sports when Breitbart asked him during a brief interview on Capitol Hill what he would say to women and girls who lose sports competitions to “transgender” men and boys who say they are females.

“Human beings are human beings, man, that’s exactly what I’d say,” he said April 9, adding: “Human beings are 100 percent entitled to compete with whatever sport they want to compete with. Human beings are humans beings … That’s your problem.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Come on all you libreal women, start to think for a change.... The DEMONRATS take your votes as a given, as they did and still do, for the most part, the black and Hispanic vote. So they are concentrating on the LGBTQ voter and are pushing that agenda over YOUR RIGHTS. They do believe that the LGBTQ community is smarter than you, and must pander to them. Don’t think so?.......

Rep. Joe Kennedy decried sports leagues for only women and girls and said sports competitions must be for all “human beings.”

Kennedy, who chairs the Democrats’ transgender equality task force, dismissed women’s sports when Breitbart asked him during a brief interview on Capitol Hill what he would say to women and girls who lose sports competitions to “transgender” men and boys who say they are females.

“Human beings are human beings, man, that’s exactly what I’d say,” he said April 9, adding: “Human beings are 100 percent entitled to compete with whatever sport they want to compete with. Human beings are humans beings … That’s your problem.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Come on all you libreal women, start to think for a change.... The DEMONRATS take your votes as a given, as they did and still do, for the most part, the black and Hispanic vote. So they are concentrating on the LGBTQ voter and are pushing that agenda over YOUR RIGHTS. They do believe that the LGBTQ community is smarter than you, and must pander to them. Don’t think so?.......

Dont forget the 2 transsexuals who won the women's tennis events How many millions were stolen from REAL women by the two fake women?

Sure do seem like angry men when they start to lose..

I dedicate this song to all the male to female transgender people.

Joe Kennedy is a puppet who does as he's told. Denying the clear differences between male and female is the mark of liars.
Males who get a few hormone shots and a couple of implants are still physically superior people due to the gender they try to deny or ignore when they compete as real authentic females.

The left is insane. Joe Kennedy is a whore. The issue is a joke.
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Joe Kennedy is a puppet who does as he's told. Denying the clear differences between male and female is the mark of liar.
Males who get a few hormone shots and a couple of implants are still physically superior people due to the gender they try to deny or ignore when they compete as real authentic females.

The left is insane. Joe Kennedy is a whore. The issue is a joke.
--------------------------------- agree , good thinking . Me , i think the whole issue is funny and that normal people should quit paying any attention at all to any kinda mindless watching or thinking about 'sports' .
Rep. Joe Kennedy decried sports leagues for only women and girls and said sports competitions must be for all “human beings.”

Kennedy, who chairs the Democrats’ transgender equality task force, dismissed women’s sports when Breitbart asked him during a brief interview on Capitol Hill what he would say to women and girls who lose sports competitions to “transgender” men and boys who say they are females.

“Human beings are human beings, man, that’s exactly what I’d say,” he said April 9, adding: “Human beings are 100 percent entitled to compete with whatever sport they want to compete with. Human beings are humans beings … That’s your problem.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Come on all you libreal women, start to think for a change.... The DEMONRATS take your votes as a given, as they did and still do, for the most part, the black and Hispanic vote. So they are concentrating on the LGBTQ voter and are pushing that agenda over YOUR RIGHTS. They do believe that the LGBTQ community is smarter than you, and must pander to them. Don’t think so?.......

Not surprising considering democrats just had the only First "Lady" who peed standing up
agree , good thinking . Me , i think the whole issue is funny and that normal people should quit paying any attention at all to any kinda mindless watching or thinking about 'sports' .
Then the leftists win and all the women around the world who have spent their whole lives training and perfecting their craft, just as hard and diligently as any man, lose due to the utter insanity of the leftist transgender movement.

That is in itself, insane.
agree , good thinking . Me , i think the whole issue is funny and that normal people should quit paying any attention at all to any kinda mindless watching or thinking about 'sports' .
Then the leftists win and all the women around the world who have spent their whole lives training and perfecting their craft, just as hard and diligently as any man, lose due to the utter insanity of the leftist transgender movement.

That is in itself, insane.
--------------------------------- i don't care if Women lose as they 'perfect' their silly time wasting craft . Feck'em and also male jocks is my attitude EricA.
agree , good thinking . Me , i think the whole issue is funny and that normal people should quit paying any attention at all to any kinda mindless watching or thinking about 'sports' .
Then the leftists win and all the women around the world who have spent their whole lives training and perfecting their craft, just as hard and diligently as any man, lose due to the utter insanity of the leftist transgender movement.

That is in itself, insane.
--------------------------------- i don't care if Women lose as they 'perfect' their silly time wasting craft . Feck'em and also male jocks is my attitude EricA.
---------------------------- !!
sports , only sport i really liked was 'Dodge Ball' , no teams just a buncha kids , usually boys trying to kill each other with a bouncy ball . Now that was fun .
So where are the brain dead feminists that will DEFEND these actions...for that matter where is any brain dead liberal or LGTBQXYZ to defend this?
i don't care if Women lose as they 'perfect' their silly time wasting craft . Feck'em and also male jocks is my attitude EricA.
I don't care much for your attitude, especially the part where you seem to have thrown in the towel and let transgender fascists have their way just because you seem to be sports phobic.

You don't have to love football or wrestling, etc., to realize that ultra left crazies can't be allowed to take over huge chunks of our culture. Or does that not matter to you either?
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like i said , feck them . You and the sports fans can fight the Sports battle . ME , i will just support Trumps thinking on not allowing these types into USA Militiary because to me that is an important issue Eric .
the culture is being destroyed . See the 'ilham omar' and 'talib' in 'Congress . See the illegal flow over the USA Border . See the little boys being cowed and punished due to chewing their poptarts into the shape of a gun . See your use of the words 'sports PHOBIC' Eric [chuckle] .
agree , good thinking . Me , i think the whole issue is funny and that normal people should quit paying any attention at all to any kinda mindless watching or thinking about 'sports' .
Then the leftists win and all the women around the world who have spent their whole lives training and perfecting their craft, just as hard and diligently as any man, lose due to the utter insanity of the leftist transgender movement.

That is in itself, insane.
Then do you think the minority class of women who continue to be victims of liberalism would "NOT" vote for the very people who allow men to cheat?
Then do you think the minority class of women who continue to be victims of liberalism would "NOT" vote for the very people who allow men to cheat?
You can only hope they do put two and two together but many people vote against their own self interests when political
dogma is their overriding determining factor in voting.
I was lucky i guess . When i went to school i don't even remember 'girls sports' let alone 'transgender sports' in school or anywhere else . As far as your question in 17 , if you are asking me , i either don't understand it or something Anderon

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