Dems Can’t Reach Consensus to Condemn Anti-Semitism


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Dems Can’t Reach Consensus to Condemn Anti-Semitism

Dems Can’t Reach Consensus to Condemn Anti-Semitism
Unable to cobble together a majority of her Party willing to vote for a resolution condemning the repeated anti-Semitic propaganda issuing forth from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn), Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) was able to get an insipid statement opposing hatred through.
“Since there are so many hateful things being said and done in the world, our caucus didn’t think it would be fair to single out Rep. Omar for rebuke,” Pelosi explained. “On top of that, it was pointed out to me the Quran commands Muslims to hate Jews and that criticizing her for following the commands of her faith would violate her right to freedom of religion.”
Democratic Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) applauded Pelosi’s compromise and pointed out that “Omar has a right to vent against Jews after she spent so much time in a Kenyan refugee camp. She personally suffered. Almost all the Jews who survived the Holocaust are no longer alive. Most Jews alive today, therefore, have not personally experienced the kind of suffering that Omar has.” Unfortunately for Clyburn’s argument, Jews were not involved in running the refugee camp where Omar suffered.
Twenty-three Republicans voted against the compromise measure, an action which Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez characterized as “worse than the supposed anti-Semitic offense of Rep. Omar. Her hate was limited in scope to only a tiny world-wide minority. The 23 Republicans refused to support a statement against all the forms of hate that exist in the world.” …. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) called the resolution “a sham measure designed to provide cover for the anti-Semitic hate and bigotry expressed by Rep. Omar.
Democrat contenders for their Party’s 2020 presidential nomination Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt), Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif), and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass) all defended Omar’s freedom of speech. “Anti-Semitism isn’t necessarily the best use of freedom of speech, but it still merits our respect,” Harris said. “My greatest fear is that by officially condemning Rep. Omar we might be putting her at risk of violence.”
While Democrats may be willing to excuse Omar for slandering Jews it remains to be seen whether she will as easily be given a pass for assailing former President Obama as “a murderer for his assassination of suspected terrorists and nearby persons via drone strikes” and “as bad as Trump for putting immigrants in cages.”

For the most part, Progressive Marxist Socialist Fabian Democrats are not really against anti-Semitism. In fact, a fair number promote it. They did so in the 1920's, 30's and 40's even after WWII anti Semitism has raised it's ugly head. Omar is not new to this fact and no resolution slapped together to protect her and other anti-Semetic PMS Democrats will resolve the situation.
. “On top of that, it was pointed out to me the Quran commands Muslims to hate Jews and that criticizing her for following the commands of her faith would violate her right to freedom of religion.”
So, when her "GOOD Book" declares that Gentiles and the west are mortal enemies and should be taken out in large numbers, Pelosi won't rebuke that either. Got it.
. “On top of that, it was pointed out to me the Quran commands Muslims to hate Jews and that criticizing her for following the commands of her faith would violate her right to freedom of religion.”
So, when her "GOOD Book" declares that Gentiles and the west are mortal enemies and should be taken out in large numbers, Pelosi won't rebuke that either. Got it.

Of Course Pelosi will not rebuke Omar or AOC. Were the anti-Semetic decrees of Stalin from the 1920 to the 1950's every decried,rebuked or complained by the Russian people?
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The bottom line for the voters in 2020 to remember is that the Democratic Party refused to condemn racial hatred and anti-Semitism espoused within their own party. See how that goes over with independents and traditional Democrat voters.

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