Dems failed in coup to overthrow President Trump ! Treason ??


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
what else would you call political leaders using false paid for info from a foreign government to obtain a warrant to spy on and investigate in an attempt overthrow a constitutionally elected leader ! TREASON !
I’d call it 35 indictments!

Crazy trumpets act like that didn’t happen .
I’d call it 35 indictments!

Crazy trumpets act like that didn’t happen .

35 indictments the FBI could have done without the Mueller debacle. A bunch of nothing burgers except for Manafort and Cohen's crimes which had nothing to do with "collusion".

Fake News, junk science, and tabloid gossip is all the idiot libtardos have left to whine about.

26 were phoney Russian indictments for people we dont even know exist for crimes Mueller never revealed.

So that leaves you with just 10 and almost all of those were trumped up charges based on petty process crimes.

So that leaves you with two people who actually committed real crimes.

Manafort and Cohen.

Both of them were former Clinton associates.

Manafort committed his crimes working for Clinton and Obama years ago through The Podesta Group in The Ukraine and some kinda Loan fraud & lying.

Cohen ripped off Trump organization for $35,000 and was involved in some taxi medallion scheme, lying and loan fraud.

I’d call it 35 indictments!

Crazy trumpets act like that didn’t happen .

35 indictments the FBI could have done without the Mueller debacle. A bunch of nothing burgers except for Manafort and Cohen's crimes which had nothing to do with "collusion".

Fake News, junk science, and tabloid gossip is all the idiot libtardos have left to whine about.

what else would you call political leaders using false paid for info from a foreign government to obtain a warrant to spy on and investigate in an attempt overthrow a constitutionally elected leader ! TREASON !

Is this about that Mueller probe that only charged like 30 ppl?
I’d call it 35 indictments!

Crazy trumpets act like that didn’t happen .

Crazy progs act like its important. Eat crow with some dignity Timmy

I agree

eat crow ....with some Russian sauce sheeple Demrats!

never mind "dignity" you never had any!


Putin does not like your attitude.
Try to sound less
Wimpy and less

Try to sound
Like Russian Bear!

what else would you call political leaders using false paid for info from a foreign government to obtain a warrant to spy on and investigate in an attempt overthrow a constitutionally elected leader ! TREASON !

Is this about that Mueller probe that only charged like 30 ppl?
I’d call it 35 indictments!

Crazy trumpets act like that didn’t happen .

Additionally, it was his own DOJ. If he wants to charge his own administration with treason...that’s find by me.

You really have to wonder what grade if Elementary school Trump fluffers dropped out of.
what else would you call political leaders using false paid for info from a foreign government to obtain a warrant to spy on and investigate in an attempt overthrow a constitutionally elected leader ! TREASON !

Is this about that Mueller probe that only charged like 30 ppl?

How many indicted after the endless Benghazi investigations?

And cons still harp about it .
what else would you call political leaders using false paid for info from a foreign government to obtain a warrant to spy on and investigate in an attempt overthrow a constitutionally elected leader ! TREASON !

That 5 Eye shit spy on America has to end!

Starting with socialist traitor Jacinta Ardern who should be ousted in New Zealand.
Putin does not like your attitude.
Try to sound less
Wimpy and less

Try to sound
Like Russian Bear!

what else would you call political leaders using false paid for info from a foreign government to obtain a warrant to spy on and investigate in an attempt overthrow a constitutionally elected leader ! TREASON !

Is this about that Mueller probe that only charged like 30 ppl?

That made me smile :)

I'll work on the voice modulator for my next post!
what else would you call political leaders using false paid for info from a foreign government to obtain a warrant to spy on and investigate in an attempt overthrow a constitutionally elected leader ! TREASON !
Who specifically are you blaming for the coup?
what else would you call political leaders using false paid for info from a foreign government to obtain a warrant to spy on and investigate in an attempt overthrow a constitutionally elected leader ! TREASON !

I would call people like you crazy. The fact is that the CIA has clandestine contacts in a number of countries including most likely Russia. The fact is that Comey confirmed at least some of the information had been verified. They did not rely on false information to get a warrant. There was no attempt to overthrow a elected leader. NO TREASON!

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