Dems give aid and comfort to the enemy !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
thats right ! and thats exactly what they are doing when they second guess and accuse the POTUS of war crimes ,abuse of power, no strategy ,had no authority to pull the trigger ,Soleimani was a political leader while ignoring the fact that he was the most dangerous terrorist on the planet ! when the left spouts this propaganda who does it help ?? IT HELPS IRAN ! it encourages the enemy to strike knowing that the left will use actions Iran may take it as a tool to attack Trump ! its Trumps fault ect .... which will cause further political divide in this country which helps not only Iran but our enemies across the world ! if the left showed support for Trumps killing of Soleimani instead of trying to hamstring his use of military force against terrorist and rogue regimes it would send a strong and chilling warning against our enemies abroad ! and if and when the terrorists strike again will the left hold the animals responsible ?? OOOOHHHH NO ! they will blame Trump ! AID AND COMFORT TO OUR ENEMIES ! ACTS OF TREASON BY THE DEMOCRATS !
thats right ! and thats exactly what they are doing when they second guess and accuse the POTUS of war crimes ,abuse of power, no strategy ,had no authority to pull the trigger ,Soleimani was a political leader while ignoring the fact that he was the most dangerous terrorist on the planet ! when the left spouts this propaganda who does it help ?? IT HELPS IRAN ! it encourages the enemy to strike knowing that the left will use actions Iran may take it as a tool to attack Trump ! its Trumps fault ect .... which will cause further political divide in this country which helps not only Iran but our enemies across the world ! if the left showed support for Trumps killing of Soleimani instead of trying to hamstring his use of military force against terrorist and rogue regimes it would send a strong and chilling warning against our enemies abroad ! and if and when the terrorists strike again will the left hold the animals responsible ?? OOOOHHHH NO ! they will blame Trump ! AID AND COMFORT TO OUR ENEMIES ! ACTS OF TREASON BY THE DEMOCRATS !
Fox News' Tucker Carlson challenges Trump decision to assassinate Iran leader

Another 'democrat' giving comfort to the enemy

“Yes, Soleimani was linked to the deaths of Americans. Nobody mourns his passing. But Mexico and China are also linked to the deaths of Americans. Each has flooded our country with narcotics from which tens of thousands of Americans die every single year,” Carlson said during his show on Friday.

He continued: “Not that anyone in power cares. So does that mean we get to bomb Oaxaca? Can we start assassinating generals in the [Chinese] People's Liberation Army?”
The Iranians have given the American left something trendy and edgy to unite behind. It used to be communism, but they sorta lost the urge to be junior Bolsheviks after Russia pissed on their hopes of electing Hillary.

Incredibly creepy, Dastardly Durbin brings up example - Wellstone voted against Iraq war in 2002, says he didn't return to the Senate, died a few days after...

thats right ! and thats exactly what they are doing when they second guess and accuse the POTUS of war crimes ,abuse of power, no strategy ,had no authority to pull the trigger ,Soleimani was a political leader while ignoring the fact that he was the most dangerous terrorist on the planet ! when the left spouts this propaganda who does it help ?? IT HELPS IRAN ! it encourages the enemy to strike knowing that the left will use actions Iran may take it as a tool to attack Trump ! its Trumps fault ect .... which will cause further political divide in this country which helps not only Iran but our enemies across the world ! if the left showed support for Trumps killing of Soleimani instead of trying to hamstring his use of military force against terrorist and rogue regimes it would send a strong and chilling warning against our enemies abroad ! and if and when the terrorists strike again will the left hold the animals responsible ?? OOOOHHHH NO ! they will blame Trump ! AID AND COMFORT TO OUR ENEMIES ! ACTS OF TREASON BY THE DEMOCRATS !
Fox News' Tucker Carlson challenges Trump decision to assassinate Iran leader

Another 'democrat' giving comfort to the enemy

“Yes, Soleimani was linked to the deaths of Americans. Nobody mourns his passing. But Mexico and China are also linked to the deaths of Americans. Each has flooded our country with narcotics from which tens of thousands of Americans die every single year,” Carlson said during his show on Friday.

He continued: “Not that anyone in power cares. So does that mean we get to bomb Oaxaca? Can we start assassinating generals in the [Chinese] People's Liberation Army?”

I for one am sick of hearing the "but" word throughout the last few days.

"Yes, Soleimani was a mean old poopy-head and he ate babies for breakfast, but......."

thats right ! and thats exactly what they are doing when they second guess and accuse the POTUS of war crimes ,abuse of power, no strategy ,had no authority to pull the trigger ,Soleimani was a political leader while ignoring the fact that he was the most dangerous terrorist on the planet ! when the left spouts this propaganda who does it help ?? IT HELPS IRAN ! it encourages the enemy to strike knowing that the left will use actions Iran may take it as a tool to attack Trump ! its Trumps fault ect .... which will cause further political divide in this country which helps not only Iran but our enemies across the world ! if the left showed support for Trumps killing of Soleimani instead of trying to hamstring his use of military force against terrorist and rogue regimes it would send a strong and chilling warning against our enemies abroad ! and if and when the terrorists strike again will the left hold the animals responsible ?? OOOOHHHH NO ! they will blame Trump ! AID AND COMFORT TO OUR ENEMIES ! ACTS OF TREASON BY THE DEMOCRATS !
Fox News' Tucker Carlson challenges Trump decision to assassinate Iran leader

Another 'democrat' giving comfort to the enemy

“Yes, Soleimani was linked to the deaths of Americans. Nobody mourns his passing. But Mexico and China are also linked to the deaths of Americans. Each has flooded our country with narcotics from which tens of thousands of Americans die every single year,” Carlson said during his show on Friday.

He continued: “Not that anyone in power cares. So does that mean we get to bomb Oaxaca? Can we start assassinating generals in the [Chinese] People's Liberation Army?”
So what ! hes right about wanting to pull our troops out of the Middle East but hes wrong about taking out the worlds most influential terrorist ! and unlike the media on the left Carlson has been known to admit when he is wrong . as more info comes out dont be surprised if Tucker changes his view on the matter .
So you committed treason when you posted this propaganda bullshit too then, right?
BWAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAA ! you had to search back yrs and thats all you could find ! the equivalent would be me taking the side of Obamma had no right to kill Ben Ladin .....which i didnt and the republican leadership and supported the killing of the terrorist leader . anybody that can read knows Obama used drugs in college . what does drugs have to do with war crimes idiot !
So you committed treason when you posted this propaganda bullshit too then, right?
BWAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAA ! you had to search back yrs and thats all you could find ! the equivalent would be me taking the side of Obamma had no right to kill Ben Ladin .....which i didnt and the republican leadership and supported the killing of the terrorist leader . anybody that can read knows Obama used drugs in college . what does drugs have to do with war crimes idiot !

Your spreading disparaging about the CINC propaganda is tantamount to treason.
So you committed treason when you posted this propaganda bullshit too then, right?
BWAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAA ! you had to search back yrs and thats all you could find ! the equivalent would be me taking the side of Obamma had no right to kill Ben Ladin .....which i didnt and the republican leadership and supported the killing of the terrorist leader . anybody that can read knows Obama used drugs in college . what does drugs have to do with war crimes idiot !

Your spreading disparaging about the CINC propaganda is tantamount to treason.
nice try Candyass .... but not liking the POTUS is not treason . but siding with enemy propaganda to undermine the War Powers Act given to the CINC like the left when it comes to killing the biggest terrorist on the planet alive today is treason .
thats right ! and thats exactly what they are doing when they second guess and accuse the POTUS of war crimes ,abuse of power, no strategy ,had no authority to pull the trigger ,Soleimani was a political leader while ignoring the fact that he was the most dangerous terrorist on the planet ! when the left spouts this propaganda who does it help ?? IT HELPS IRAN ! it encourages the enemy to strike knowing that the left will use actions Iran may take it as a tool to attack Trump ! its Trumps fault ect .... which will cause further political divide in this country which helps not only Iran but our enemies across the world ! if the left showed support for Trumps killing of Soleimani instead of trying to hamstring his use of military force against terrorist and rogue regimes it would send a strong and chilling warning against our enemies abroad ! and if and when the terrorists strike again will the left hold the animals responsible ?? OOOOHHHH NO ! they will blame Trump ! AID AND COMFORT TO OUR ENEMIES ! ACTS OF TREASON BY THE DEMOCRATS !
Fox News' Tucker Carlson challenges Trump decision to assassinate Iran leader

Another 'democrat' giving comfort to the enemy

“Yes, Soleimani was linked to the deaths of Americans. Nobody mourns his passing. But Mexico and China are also linked to the deaths of Americans. Each has flooded our country with narcotics from which tens of thousands of Americans die every single year,” Carlson said during his show on Friday.

He continued: “Not that anyone in power cares. So does that mean we get to bomb Oaxaca? Can we start assassinating generals in the [Chinese] People's Liberation Army?”
they are not designated terrorist .
thats right ! and thats exactly what they are doing when they second guess and accuse the POTUS of war crimes ,abuse of power, no strategy ,had no authority to pull the trigger ,Soleimani was a political leader while ignoring the fact that he was the most dangerous terrorist on the planet ! when the left spouts this propaganda who does it help ?? IT HELPS IRAN ! it encourages the enemy to strike knowing that the left will use actions Iran may take it as a tool to attack Trump ! its Trumps fault ect .... which will cause further political divide in this country which helps not only Iran but our enemies across the world ! if the left showed support for Trumps killing of Soleimani instead of trying to hamstring his use of military force against terrorist and rogue regimes it would send a strong and chilling warning against our enemies abroad ! and if and when the terrorists strike again will the left hold the animals responsible ?? OOOOHHHH NO ! they will blame Trump ! AID AND COMFORT TO OUR ENEMIES ! ACTS OF TREASON BY THE DEMOCRATS !
Fox News' Tucker Carlson challenges Trump decision to assassinate Iran leader

Another 'democrat' giving comfort to the enemy

“Yes, Soleimani was linked to the deaths of Americans. Nobody mourns his passing. But Mexico and China are also linked to the deaths of Americans. Each has flooded our country with narcotics from which tens of thousands of Americans die every single year,” Carlson said during his show on Friday.

He continued: “Not that anyone in power cares. So does that mean we get to bomb Oaxaca? Can we start assassinating generals in the [Chinese] People's Liberation Army?”
So what ! hes right about wanting to pull our troops out of the Middle East but hes wrong about taking out the worlds most influential terrorist ! and unlike the media on the left Carlson has been known to admit when he is wrong . as more info comes out dont be surprised if Tucker changes his view on the matter .
thats right ! and thats exactly what they are doing when they second guess and accuse the POTUS of war crimes ,abuse of power, no strategy ,had no authority to pull the trigger ,Soleimani was a political leader while ignoring the fact that he was the most dangerous terrorist on the planet ! when the left spouts this propaganda who does it help ?? IT HELPS IRAN ! it encourages the enemy to strike knowing that the left will use actions Iran may take it as a tool to attack Trump ! its Trumps fault ect .... which will cause further political divide in this country which helps not only Iran but our enemies across the world ! if the left showed support for Trumps killing of Soleimani instead of trying to hamstring his use of military force against terrorist and rogue regimes it would send a strong and chilling warning against our enemies abroad ! and if and when the terrorists strike again will the left hold the animals responsible ?? OOOOHHHH NO ! they will blame Trump ! AID AND COMFORT TO OUR ENEMIES ! ACTS OF TREASON BY THE DEMOCRATS !
Fox News' Tucker Carlson challenges Trump decision to assassinate Iran leader

Another 'democrat' giving comfort to the enemy

“Yes, Soleimani was linked to the deaths of Americans. Nobody mourns his passing. But Mexico and China are also linked to the deaths of Americans. Each has flooded our country with narcotics from which tens of thousands of Americans die every single year,” Carlson said during his show on Friday.

He continued: “Not that anyone in power cares. So does that mean we get to bomb Oaxaca? Can we start assassinating generals in the [Chinese] People's Liberation Army?”
So what ! hes right about wanting to pull our troops out of the Middle East but hes wrong about taking out the worlds most influential terrorist ! and unlike the media on the left Carlson has been known to admit when he is wrong . as more info comes out dont be surprised if Tucker changes his view on the matter .
it is not treason to question the strategy [escalation in the region] possible from the strike and not wanting to get bogged down in another full scale war [which will not happen] like Carlson suggested may happen . Carlson did not question the CINC authority to take out a terrorist and accuse him of war crimes like the left and Iran did !
This just proves that Dems are guilty of what the have been accusing the President of all along. For three years we’ve listened to them call President Trump a puppet of Putin. Now they are spreading Russian and Iranian talking points verbatim.
thats right ! and thats exactly what they are doing when they second guess and accuse the POTUS of war crimes ,abuse of power, no strategy ,had no authority to pull the trigger ,Soleimani was a political leader while ignoring the fact that he was the most dangerous terrorist on the planet ! when the left spouts this propaganda who does it help ?? IT HELPS IRAN ! it encourages the enemy to strike knowing that the left will use actions Iran may take it as a tool to attack Trump ! its Trumps fault ect .... which will cause further political divide in this country which helps not only Iran but our enemies across the world ! if the left showed support for Trumps killing of Soleimani instead of trying to hamstring his use of military force against terrorist and rogue regimes it would send a strong and chilling warning against our enemies abroad ! and if and when the terrorists strike again will the left hold the animals responsible ?? OOOOHHHH NO ! they will blame Trump ! AID AND COMFORT TO OUR ENEMIES ! ACTS OF TREASON BY THE DEMOCRATS !

Trump and his fools (that would be you) have been lending aid and comfort to our enemies since the traitor was appointed.

So you committed treason when you posted this propaganda bullshit too then, right?
BWAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAA ! you had to search back yrs and thats all you could find ! the equivalent would be me taking the side of Obamma had no right to kill Ben Ladin .....which i didnt and the republican leadership and supported the killing of the terrorist leader . anybody that can read knows Obama used drugs in college . what does drugs have to do with war crimes idiot !

Your spreading disparaging about the CINC propaganda is tantamount to treason.
nice try Candyass .... but not liking the POTUS is not treason . but siding with enemy propaganda to undermine the War Powers Act given to the CINC like the left when it comes to killing the biggest terrorist on the planet alive today is treason .

Alleging the POTUS is a drug attic is far beyond disliking the man fuck face.

why don’t you just shut the fuck up about the whole “aid and comfort” to the enemy bullshit.
This just proves that Dems are guilty of what the have been accusing the President of all along. For three years we’ve listened to them call President Trump a puppet of Putin. Now they are spreading Russian and Iranian talking points verbatim.
winner post my friend ! and oh so true . it just proves whatever dems accuse others of they are projecting their own guilt !
So you committed treason when you posted this propaganda bullshit too then, right?
BWAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAA ! you had to search back yrs and thats all you could find ! the equivalent would be me taking the side of Obamma had no right to kill Ben Ladin .....which i didnt and the republican leadership and supported the killing of the terrorist leader . anybody that can read knows Obama used drugs in college . what does drugs have to do with war crimes idiot !

Your spreading disparaging about the CINC propaganda is tantamount to treason.
nice try Candyass .... but not liking the POTUS is not treason . but siding with enemy propaganda to undermine the War Powers Act given to the CINC like the left when it comes to killing the biggest terrorist on the planet alive today is treason .

Alleging the POTUS is a drug attic is far beyond disliking the man fuck face.

why don’t you just shut the fuck up about the whole “aid and comfort” to the enemy bullshit.
thats right ! and thats exactly what they are doing when they second guess and accuse the POTUS of war crimes ,abuse of power, no strategy ,had no authority to pull the trigger ,Soleimani was a political leader while ignoring the fact that he was the most dangerous terrorist on the planet ! when the left spouts this propaganda who does it help ?? IT HELPS IRAN ! it encourages the enemy to strike knowing that the left will use actions Iran may take it as a tool to attack Trump ! its Trumps fault ect .... which will cause further political divide in this country which helps not only Iran but our enemies across the world ! if the left showed support for Trumps killing of Soleimani instead of trying to hamstring his use of military force against terrorist and rogue regimes it would send a strong and chilling warning against our enemies abroad ! and if and when the terrorists strike again will the left hold the animals responsible ?? OOOOHHHH NO ! they will blame Trump ! AID AND COMFORT TO OUR ENEMIES ! ACTS OF TREASON BY THE DEMOCRATS !
The Dems are so damned dim. Our president gets them to play into his hands EVERY time! And they STILL haven't learned. Just pitiful.

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