Dems In Trouble For 2020: Trump Approval At 50% Or Higher In US Counties That Put Him In White House


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Trump is not losing any support from the people who put him in office, the silent White majority, or simply put, Nationalists. As America becomes great again as he proceeds to unravel the destruction Obama inflicted on this country, his percentages will only increase. That spells trouble for Democrats in 2020.


Hah-Hah! Trump Approval at 50% or Higher in US Counties That Put Him in White House
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Steve posts half a dozen threads a day, but he is a silent member of the white majority. :lol:
They are also in trouble for 2018.
Early sentiment is that the public is tired of The Dems Fake Russian Narrative combined with their Obstructionism and that this will impact them negatively in a big way next year.
Democrats will continue to lie to themselves, then feel cheated when they lose.

You see, leftards never lose elections....they are simply CHEATED out of their rightful place in power thus denying them the opportunity to micro-manage the lives of every single living organism on the planet because they think they know what is best for everyone.
Trump is not losing any support from the people who put him in office, the silent White majority, or simply put, Nationalists.

Hah-Hah! Trump Approval at 50% or Higher in US Counties That Put Him in White House

Do you really want to show proof Trump is right about his supporters, all the poorly educated that he loves.

That he can shoot somebody on 5th avenue and not lose any votes.

Ahhhh yes! Only SMART people vote "Leftards"!!!! Never mind the e-mails and how one adviser said that they had done a good job of keeping the sheeple clueless but they were getting harder to control and becoming less compliant and that this issue must be dealt with.

THAT is what your political party thinks of numbnuts like you and your ilk. You couldn't take me on in a debate or discussion on the best day you ever had in your life.
They are also in trouble for 2018.
Early sentiment is that the public is tired of The Dems Fake Russian Narrative combined with their Obstructionism and that this will impact them negatively in a big way next year.

Problem is that the Republicans are such a complete pack of whining sniveling Pussies, that, while I can never vote for the damn Bolshevik Democrats....its also damn hard to vote for the Pussies....they are scared shit-less of the New York Media.

Don Trump needs to start passing out sets of balls to every Republican in Congress.
They didn't actually poll all the counties. Big surprise. Gateway Pundit is the most dishonest political outlet on the internet.
I'd say the odds of Trump not being President or of America no longer existing as a nation in 2020 are higher than the Orange traitor winning re-election.
The only opinions that matter are in the 30 States Trump won, we don't really give a shit what puke libs think in California and New York. Poll until you are blue in the face for all we care.
Did anyone notice the liberal media waged a propaganda war on Bush for years spinning the narrative that everything was just horrible, even 5% unemployment. They are using the same tactic on Trump, lie twist distort feed the masses the narrative and hope it sticks.
Trump is not losing any support from the people who put him in office, the silent White majority, or simply put, Nationalists. As America becomes great again as he proceeds to unravel the destruction Obama inflicted on this country, his percentages will only increase. That spells trouble for Democrats in 2020.


Hah-Hah! Trump Approval at 50% or Higher in US Counties That Put Him in White House

Here's what Forbes had to say.
Trump's Getting Killed In The Media, But Not Because Of Bias
Hah-Hah! Trump Approval at 50% or Higher

Shock the Snowflakes here, doesn’t it! Well, here’s the rest of the headline:

in US Counties That Put Him in White House

After six months of the most biased and dishonest liberal media attacks in US history President Donald Trump still stands at 50% or higher in the US counties that fueled his win in 2016.


And this poll comes from NBC News! @ In the counties that fueled his win, 50 percent approve of Trump's job

#FakeNews Up to Dirty Tricks Again – WaPo/ABC Publish BOGUS POLL to Smear President Trump @ #FakeNews Up to Dirty Tricks Again – WaPo/ABC Publish BOGUS POLL to Smear President Trump
You don't win by winning counties.
And you certainly don't win by getting the popular vote. I'm sure Hillary can attest to that!!!!

No, you win the presidency by getting your message out to the counties having an electoral college campaign strategy. That's exactly how the Trumpenfuhrer won.

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