Dems’ last shot for health care overhaul: Stuff it all into the spending bill..."All they need is several trillion more dollars."

"Already, some ambitious promises that played well on the campaign trail are being shelved. A senior Democratic aide told POLITICO that the package will not lower the eligibility age for Medicare — a top progressive demand"
The main argument the right wing as been using to fight Obamacare is that it would/will add trillions to the deficit. Not really true..Is Obamacare the Biggest Tax Increase Ever?
No what it did is lead to higher premiums and higher deductibles. That is not debatable.
Obamacare turned health insurance into catastrophic care at health insurance prices.
Catastrophic care Insurance use to be dirt cheap. As cheap as $80/mo.
Now the same basic coverage now called "Health Insurance" is 4 times that cost.
If you have a plan with a $2,500 deductible or higher - YOU DO NOT HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE. You have Catastrophic Insurance CALLED health insurance.
Harry Truman dreamt of Medicare For All. 70 years later, he's still dreaming

Why not. We didnt get much for the 2 or 3 trillion spent in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Let's try more health care. A bit of soci a li and won't hurt because the capitalist system has done nothing.

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