Dems Preached Appeasement, Trump Remained Strong - Kim Blinked


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Jimmy Carter negotiated the path to nuclear weapons for North Korea.

Bill Clinton continued the appeasement, giving NK 2 nuclear reactors.

Barak Obama did virtually nothing to deter NK's efforts to acquire nuclear weapons with a delivery system for the ability to strike the US.

Just Recently, as Kim continued to threaten to strike the US with nukes, Susan Rice, Obama's idiot former cabinet member, publicly recommended Trump come to learn to accept a nuclear North Korea that had the capability to strike the US....once again demonstrating diplomacy to Democrats = appeasement.

Trump showed snowflakes what STRENGTH looks like. He refused to back down, refused to take Kim's crap, and told Kim exactly what the US would do if it launched a missile / nuke - wipe them out. Democrats nearly wet themselves, ran around screaming how Trump was provoking Kim and was inviting a nuclear war.

Snowflakes could not comprehend the fact that Kim KNEW if he did anything he and his nation would be wiped out, and he is not suicidal. Trump called his bluff by threatening to make his worst nightmare come true. What did Kim do?

Kim Jong Un appears to back down after Mattis, Trump warnings

Appeasement NEVER works...
Trump sent the message loud and clear to China. Your economy will collapse and North Korea will be vaporized.

Trump gets it, lieberals have no clue.

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