dems reveal who's really doing the riots looting and burning !

Well, Mr. Mayor, there sure are a lot of blacks among those white supremacists. Idiot.
I'm kinda iffy on the white supremacists claim at this point, but there is no denying the multi-racial crowd I watched live last night.
It’s antifa. They have been caught on tape breaking the windows, others throwing in molotov cocktails. See post 11 to see who funds these things. It’s an older article re Ferguson riots.
Well, Mr. Mayor, there sure are a lot of blacks among those white supremacists. Idiot.
I'm kinda iffy on the white supremacists claim at this point, but there is no denying the multi-racial crowd I watched live last night.

It is OBVIOUS bullshit. If you got your name right on an IQ test...

White supremacists aren't even an actual thing. Even if they were, why would they want to riot with black people?

Antifa was bussed in, that is correct, as are the MASSIVE dildos the democrat "leaders" take up their behinds. You could fight an entire race war with those...
Don't blame me kid. The governor
Well, Mr. Mayor, there sure are a lot of blacks among those white supremacists. Idiot.
I'm kinda iffy on the white supremacists claim at this point, but there is no denying the multi-racial crowd I watched live last night.

It is OBVIOUS bullshit. If you got your name right on an IQ test...

White supremacists aren't even an actual thing. Even if they were, why would they want to riot with black people?

Antifa was bussed in, that is correct, as are the MASSIVE dildos the democrat "leaders" take up their behinds. You could fight an entire race war with those...
Don't blame me and start a bunch of childish abuse kid. The governor made the claim. See Nostra's thread at top of cue. If someone says they are iffy on a proposition it usually means they ain't quite buying it. I am in Tennessee. I am not going to flat out deny what the Governor of that state said. If you want to, fine. But if you are going to just insult my intelligence becuase you are like that I'll add you to IGNORE. If you got a point, make it. Don't pull that tantrum crap on me. I didn't attack you and am not in the mood.
Don't look like the KKK to me................

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No surprise here. Leftists always blame their failures on some unseen boogeymen.
Don't look like the KKK to me................

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Could be; remember Trudea and Northam??

Well, Mr. Mayor, there sure are a lot of blacks among those white supremacists. Idiot.
I'm kinda iffy on the white supremacists claim at this point, but there is no denying the multi-racial crowd I watched live last night.

It is OBVIOUS bullshit. If you got your name right on an IQ test...

White supremacists aren't even an actual thing. Even if they were, why would they want to riot with black people?

Antifa was bussed in, that is correct, as are the MASSIVE dildos the democrat "leaders" take up their behinds. You could fight an entire race war with those...
Don't blame me kid. The governor
Well, Mr. Mayor, there sure are a lot of blacks among those white supremacists. Idiot.
I'm kinda iffy on the white supremacists claim at this point, but there is no denying the multi-racial crowd I watched live last night.

It is OBVIOUS bullshit. If you got your name right on an IQ test...

White supremacists aren't even an actual thing. Even if they were, why would they want to riot with black people?

Antifa was bussed in, that is correct, as are the MASSIVE dildos the democrat "leaders" take up their behinds. You could fight an entire race war with those...
Don't blame me and start a bunch of childish abuse kid. The governor made the claim. See Nostra's thread at top of cue. If someone says they are iffy on a proposition it usually means they ain't quite buying it. I am in Tennessee. I am not going to flat out deny what the Governor of that state said. If you want to, fine. But if you are going to just insult my intelligence becuase you are like that I'll add you to IGNORE. If you got a point, make it. Don't pull that tantrum crap on me. I didn't attack you and am not in the mood.

The governor is a huge moron who makes up lies and sides with the looters. Obviously you should not trust the idiot. Voting democrat is always a mistake.

Either he puts the facts on the table and tells us exactly what group he thought participated or shuts the fuck up. There are hours of recording, best of luck finding the white supremacist among all those BLM members.
Well, Mr. Mayor, there sure are a lot of blacks among those white supremacists. Idiot.
I'm kinda iffy on the white supremacists claim at this point, but there is no denying the multi-racial crowd I watched live last night.
So? Opportunistic thugs come in all colors.
Yep. Thugs are thug. I would kind of like to see the government try out the new Active Denial weapon system. It is made specically for crowd control and they have a crowd problem. I doesn't kill anybody, but if you want to back up and clear out a bunch of people, there ya go.
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year-- average
blacks murder 3000 per year
plain and simple
Don't look like the KKK to me................

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This has been all comedy haha fcukin White People are you blame lol haha
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year-- average
blacks murder 3000 per year
plain and simple
I have heard that. At the same time, I don't want anything to do with them either. Racial hate game is for uneducated losers who were not raised well.
Don't look like the KKK to me................

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Mayor Limp-dick is a disgrace. He could be Justin Turdeau’s brother.
They wouldn't have Antifa if there wasn't neo Nazis or neo conservatives.

So do you have any thoughts on Hitler??
What the hell are you talking about that AintIFascist comes from Neo Nazis? You are a fucking Nazi - Full Fucking Fledged. And you support AintIFascist. You're the proof that the racists, the Nazis, the white supremacists, are leftists and Democrats. Even all the racists here, even those who pretend to be so, are not conservatives; they're anti-constitutionalist, leftist, anarchist, fascist, rebels.
What do you suppose is up with the Perrier and the low end bottle water when those protesters are standing in front of a prerfectly good liqueur store right behind them?
Let’s look at who was arrested. I looked up bookings

what does he do?




You can check for yourselves
The media chooses to down play (fill in the blank racial/cultural groups) violence as "not to stir up animosity". But then they seeming love to focus only on, and amplify, acts committed by whites or police, as IF to stir up animosity... Really? OUR so called "MEDIA", the supposed honest arbiters of truth and facts are only just looking to get revenue by any means necessary. Race baiting and hate mongering among their marketing strategy.

If they actually were worried about profits they would report the truth. CNN and MSNBC lie for political reasons, supporting an agenda at the cost of profits. Nielson ratings are very tightly protected; even the networks can't disclose the data they pay for. That makes it hard to get current values; these were the latest I could find in 10 minutes so I'm going with these:


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