Dems. Taking a knee for China..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
In a world where traitor tech. suppresses news and freedom loving Americans their free speech rights.

A world where the Democratic Party leadership bend a knee and suck-hole the leadership of the communist party in China.

A place where sports hero's take a knee for whatever anti-American protest that the Chinese propagandists and Democrat liberal media come up with..

.. and the (I have special free speech rights and I abuse them relentlessly) liberal Democrat media will lie, cheat and steal for their bonehead "F" America politicians and at every opportunity gladly take a knee for China..

I just figured it was about time they all all learn their new national anthem and even stand with their hands over their hearts for their beloved China communist leadership..

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In a world where traitor tech. suppresses news and freedom loving Americans their free speech rights.

A world where the Democratic Party leadership bend a knee and suck-hole the leadership of the communist party in China.

A place where sports hero's take a knee for whatever anti-American protest that the Chinese propagandists and Democrat liberal media come up with..

.. and the (I have special free speech rights and I abuse them relentlessly) liberal Democrat media will lie, cheat and steal for their bonehead "F" America politicians and at every opportunity gladly take a knee for China..

I just figured it was about time they all all learn their new national anthem and stand with their hands over their hearts for their beloved China.


I am absolutely positive the sheer irony of your posting the Chinese national anthem completely escapes you.
Build that wall!
In a world where traitor tech. suppresses news and freedom loving Americans their free speech rights.

A world where the Democratic Party leadership bend a knee and suck-hole the leadership of the communist party in China.

A place where sports hero's take a knee for whatever anti-American protest that the Chinese propagandists and Democrat liberal media come up with..

.. and the (I have special free speech rights and I abuse them relentlessly) liberal Democrat media will lie, cheat and steal for their bonehead "F" America politicians and at every opportunity gladly take a knee for China..

I just figured it was about time they all all learn their new national anthem and even stand with their hands over their hearts for their beloved China.


Can't believe this country has at least 50 million Chinese communist sympathizing libturds in this country.

But we must ask them. How would you feel if they said we're taking your kidneys whether you like it or not.
In a world where traitor tech. suppresses news and freedom loving Americans their free speech rights.

A world where the Democratic Party leadership bend a knee and suck-hole the leadership of the communist party in China.

A place where sports hero's take a knee for whatever anti-American protest that the Chinese propagandists and Democrat liberal media come up with..

.. and the (I have special free speech rights and I abuse them relentlessly) liberal Democrat media will lie, cheat and steal for their bonehead "F" America politicians and at every opportunity gladly take a knee for China..

I just figured it was about time they all all learn their new national anthem and stand with their hands over their hearts for their beloved China.


I am absolutely positive the sheer irony of your posting the Chinese national anthem completely escapes you.
Build that wall!

I do love irony and no doubt there's plenty in this OP. ;)
In a world where traitor tech. suppresses news and freedom loving Americans their free speech rights.

A world where the Democratic Party leadership bend a knee and suck-hole the leadership of the communist party in China.

A place where sports hero's take a knee for whatever anti-American protest that the Chinese propagandists and Democrat liberal media come up with..

.. and the (I have special free speech rights and I abuse them relentlessly) liberal Democrat media will lie, cheat and steal for their bonehead "F" America politicians and at every opportunity gladly take a knee for China..

I just figured it was about time they all all learn their new national anthem and even stand with their hands over their hearts for their beloved China.


Can't believe this country has at least 50 million Chinese communist sympathizing libturds in this country.

But we must ask them. How would you feel if they said we're taking your kidneys whether you like it or not.

Well there's likely far more (in my opinion) but it depends on who is manipulating the votes.
In a world where traitor tech. suppresses news and freedom loving Americans their free speech rights.

A world where the Democratic Party leadership bend a knee and suck-hole the leadership of the communist party in China.

A place where sports hero's take a knee for whatever anti-American protest that the Chinese propagandists and Democrat liberal media come up with..

.. and the (I have special free speech rights and I abuse them relentlessly) liberal Democrat media will lie, cheat and steal for their bonehead "F" America politicians and at every opportunity gladly take a knee for China..

I just figured it was about time they all all learn their new national anthem and even stand with their hands over their hearts for their beloved China.


Can't believe this country has at least 50 million Chinese communist sympathizing libturds in this country.

But we must ask them. How would you feel if they said we're taking your kidneys whether you like it or not.

These CCP sympathizers are the chosen ones, they should take their heart and lungs first.
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