Dems want Laws changed after Rittenhouse shootings. Are vigilantes the answer? (Poll)

Do you support vigilantes policing neighborhoods when the police are unavailable?

  • Yes, people have the right to protect their lives and property

    Votes: 66 95.7%
  • No, criminals have every right to burn, steal, and kill.

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
It matters if you believe in karma.
Karma would be a double edged sword, were that the the case

I'd agree the concept of karma has some ironic implications, but I'm not a believer. But I do believe that our values, and how we treat others and expect to be treated in return, does affect our own lives .... although random acts of evil and grace have affects as well.
Karma would be a double edged sword, were that the the case

I'd agree the concept of karma has some ironic implications, but I'm not a believer. But I do believe that our values, and how we treat others and expect to be treated in return, does affect our own lives .... although random acts of evil and grace have affects as well.
kyle bothered no one and got attacked. answer that before moving to any other discussion on this subject.
The government is not protecting the citizens----fight back or die. Dead criminals don't attack others.
That's pretty much the entire rationale the Klan used to justify their vigilante shit. If you no longer believe in law and order then you have finally abandoned the last thing that made "conservatives" actually conservative.
Is it acceptable to just think all forms of intimidation are wrong? LOL And yes I think Kyle was motivated by a desire to "intimidate back" against the riots.
But I'm in favor of being able to keep a pistol in my car. Given the propensity of car jackings and getting robbed after dark down here. Of course, I'm very seldom out after 7pm. Nor is my pistol. LOL
And I'm not sure what the philly shooting has to do with that.
I'm not sure if the OP is not motivated by approval of Kyle's motive in "intimidating back."
1. Several of the rioters were armed. Kyle had an AR. His armed "buddy" bailed on him, nice guy?! I think they were just trying to reduce property damage by showing their guns, like the McClosky's in St. Louis.

2. Here is a sure fire way to stop car jackings. The ".40 Glock Horn". It'll give you a few seconds to get you pistol ready. Click on attached file, play it loud <g>.

3. The OP is all about democrats whining about self-defense laws, while the cities they run are kill-zones. We need to keep the "stand-your-ground" laws, the 2nd Amendment, and the right to protect lives and property. Its about the right to shoot, not the right to intimidate.


  • 40 glock car horn.mp4
    5.6 MB
California Gov. Gavin Newsom worried about the precedent set by the Rittenhouse case.
“America today: you can break the law, carry around weapons built for a military, shoot and kill people, and get away with it,” the Democrat tweeted. “That’s the message we’ve just sent to armed vigilantes across the nation.”
This is just another example of how liberals are forced to lie to make a point.
Virtually every leftist complaining about the Rittemhouse verdict intentionally twists or removes facts to allow him to oppose the verdict.
That is, he has to lie to himself before he can lie to you.
That's pretty much the entire rationale the Klan used to justify their vigilante shit. If you no longer believe in law and order then you have finally abandoned the last thing that made "conservatives" actually conservative.
Your term (democrat's & Leftists term) for "Law and Order" is nothing like what Republicans and Independents mean by "Law and Order". Democrats want to "defund the police", not arrest criminals, and not prosecute criminals. Democrats are for lawlessness. Republicans aren't abandoning anything, just enhancing options when attacked by criminals. If democrats police the streets, we're back to normal, if not, lock & load.
Democrats on the Sunday morning shows, as well as many others want laws changed so that law abiding citizens can't defend themselves from criminals.
In SF gangs of looters emptied Louis Vitton and other high-end stores. What if Louis hired a few armed vigilantes?
In Philadelphia, a mom and baby were killed coming home from a baby shower,

NYC Mayor DeBlasio said the Rittenhouse verdict "sends a horrible message"...
De Blasio joins NY’s left in raging over Kyle Rittenhouse — as NYPD on alert for potential unrest
“This verdict is disgusting and it sends a horrible message to this country. Where is the justice in this,” de Blasio tweeted after the 18-year-old defendant was cleared of all charges in the deaths of two men and the wounding of a third during racially charged violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 2020."

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) tweeted, “It’s time to dismantle systemic racism & fundamentally transform our broken justice system.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom worried about the precedent set by the Rittenhouse case.
“America today: you can break the law, carry around weapons built for a military, shoot and kill people, and get away with it,” the Democrat tweeted. “That’s the message we’ve just sent to armed vigilantes across the nation.”

What if neighborhoods organized vigilantes to shoot criminals in their neighborhoods, today's version of a "well regulated militia"? Would urban gang shootings stop?

Lets take a poll on what should happen when pols and DAs stop police from arresting and prosecuting violent criminals.

Should vigilantes fill the gap and protect neighborhoods from criminals?

[The OP and thread title are now better aligned, sorry for the closure of the first thread discussion]
Dems can go F themselves, clear?
Your term (democrat's & Leftists term) for "Law and Order" is nothing like what Republicans and Independents mean by "Law and Order". Democrats want to "defund the police", not arrest criminals, and not prosecute criminals. Democrats are for lawlessness. Republicans aren't abandoning anything, just enhancing options when attacked by criminals. If democrats police the streets, we're back to normal, if not, lock & load.
Vigilantes are terrorists you dumb shit.
That's pretty much the entire rationale the Klan used to justify their vigilante shit. If you no longer believe in law and order then you have finally abandoned the last thing that made "conservatives" actually conservative.
naw, you don't get to insist any such thing. self defense is self defense. wasn't anywhere near what your demofk kkkers did. thanks.

you still haven't answered why rosenbaum attacked rittenhouse.
Vigilantes are terrorists you dumb shit.
Ever hear of a dictionary stupid? Duh.




  1. A person who is not a member of law enforcement but who pursues and punishes persons suspected of lawbreaking.
  2. A member of a vigilance committee.
  3. A person who considers it their own responsibility to uphold the law in their neighborhood.
Ever hear of a dictionary stupid? Duh.




  1. A person who is not a member of law enforcement but who pursues and punishes persons suspected of lawbreaking.
  2. A member of a vigilance committee.
  3. A person who considers it their own responsibility to uphold the law in their neighborhood.
Nope. The political motive makes it terror. The Taliban decided they would be the law but they do not consider themselves bound by it. Just like that. When you are judge. jury and executioner the law is what you say it is. When you consider yourself above the law you are not upholding anything other than your self-righteous hatred.
stop looting and burning and that would solve the whole problem .
What Part of "The Security of a Free State" Don't the Appeasers Understand?

Only a regiment of Rittenhouses can stop the politically correct lootfests. And it only has to be done once and this jungle nightmare is over.
Having their insurance up to date is all any property owner needs to do. Hiring a goon squad has far more potential liability than most sensible business owners are willing to risk.
Appease Porridge Needs to Be Poured Down the Drain

Then the insurance companies need armed protection if they're the one who will have to pay for the gangsta greed of jungle savages pretending to be self-righteously angry.
Nope. The political motive makes it terror. The Taliban decided they would be the law but they do not consider themselves bound by it. Just like that. When you are judge. jury and executioner the law is what you say it is. When you consider yourself above the law you are not upholding anything other than your self-righteous hatred.
Link to that definition of "vigilante" please, otherwise you are lying. Got one? No?

Thanks for playing. Next time look up words you don't know, duh, otherwise you just look uneducated/stupid.

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