Dems want Laws changed after Rittenhouse shootings. Are vigilantes the answer? (Poll)

Do you support vigilantes policing neighborhoods when the police are unavailable?

  • Yes, people have the right to protect their lives and property

    Votes: 66 95.7%
  • No, criminals have every right to burn, steal, and kill.

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
Correct. Long guns are typically used for hunting, while short guns and pistols are meant to be concealed.
You okay with Kyle defending himself from the child rapist, wife beater, and armed attacker?
I'm still waiting for ANY "news" outlet to put up the story about that pregnant mom in Philadelphia getting shot in the head twice coming home from her baby shower. That doesn't fit their Leftist "narrative".
Kyle didn't know who he was or what crimes he had committed previously in his life, so that is irrelevant, no?
why not? if they want to volunteer. Frankly, i wouldn’t use them if I had enough older volunteers

to be honest i was likely better when a rifle at. 17 then i am now. I had far more time to hunt back then and did it regularly. I haven’t used a gun in years now
we recruit 18 year olds for the military. And that jack monkey asks that question. Shit, dudes sixteen try and sign up. The demofks have no fking clue how humanity works.
Kyle didn't know who he was or what crimes he had committed previously in his life, so that is irrelevant, no?
it doesn't matter, the child rapist attacked kyle, the younger man. For what reason exactly? Jackpot though right?
Anyone else want to sacrifice their lives and freedom to protect some corporate storefront from damage?
In another town, in another state? No......even if mommy drove me there with some nice adult's gun.
If I were the business owner, I wouldn't hire a 17 year old as part if my armed militia....or any unprofessional security force....for fear of lawsuits, if something went South (wrong).
that’s possible for anyone at any age…things go wrong all the time
Kyle didn't know who he was or what crimes he had committed previously in his life, so that is irrelevant, no?
it’s not relevant to what kyle did. It does however show you the type of people that are drawn to the demafascist brownshirt cult, and moreover highlights that he has a history of violence…which supports even more Kyle’s narrative and the facts of the case.

It’s telling despite all that the left continues to defend his attack on kyle
Kyle didn't know who he was or what crimes he had committed previously in his life, so that is irrelevant, no?
Kyle had no priors. He has a clean record.
The guys he shot were very bad, a child rapist, a wife beater, and a guy pointing a gun at him.
The headlines should have been "Choirboy shoots three criminals in self-defense".

Why is Kyle still the focus of democrats when in Philadelphia that pregnant mom was killed coming home from a baby shower? Self-defense shootings aren't as horrific, yet the MSM ignores it and keeps whining about Kyle.

I hope Kyle hits the slander $million jackpot like Sandman did when the MSM posts lies about him, such as him being a white-supremacist, etc.
Your poll is for biased morons and will yield exactly the results you want it to because anyone with half a brain will not vote.
So you admit to either being a biased moron or only having half a brain. I've read your posts and contend that both labels are appropriate.
Kyle had no priors. He has a clean record.
The guys he shot were very bad, a child rapist, a wife beater, and a guy pointing a gun at him.
The headlines should have been "Choirboy shoots three criminals in self-defense".

Why is Kyle still the focus of democrats when in Philadelphia that pregnant mom was killed coming home from a baby shower? Self-defense shootings aren't as horrific, yet the MSM ignores it and keeps whining about Kyle.

I hope Kyle hits the slander $million jackpot like Sandman did when the MSM posts lies about him, such as him being a white-supremacist, etc.
Kyle is the focus of the political right wing too. You know it.

Who these people were shot to death or wounded, and their previous crimes, matters NOT, in the realm of this case or in a court of law. Why do you keep bringing it up, like it mattered in Kyle's verdict?

It didn't!

Nor does the murder of this pregnant woman, have any thing at all, to do with this thread topic....Kyle's case.

That's my bottom line. Start another thread about the Phili woman, it's worthy of its own thread....I believe there is one already....

Staying on topic here.

I've accepted the jury's decision.
If I were the business owner, I wouldn't hire a 17 year old as part if my armed militia....or any unprofessional security force....for fear of lawsuits, if something went South (wrong).
you still haven't provided the reason why rosenbaum attacked rittenhouse. Let's get there first.
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Of course Democrats want to change the laws that allow Americans to defend themselves....

1st they wanted to defund the police, replace them with psychiatrists,nusemaids, and nannies...
- Ane we have all seen how that has failed drastically....multiple cars pull-up, 80peopleclear out a store in 3 minutes.....Chicago setting the all-time shooting / homicide record and they don't bat an eye...

Now they want to eliminate Americans' right to protect them selves.
- a couple gets arrested, their guns taken, for standing on their own property holding their legally owned guns, warning off domestic terrorists who threatened to kill them and burn down their house after trespassing onto their land

- Now criminal dumbasses calling Rittenhouse a 'White supremacist' because they believe all the bullshit and lies the fake news propaganda - pushing devisive libtards have been and are STILL reporting!

At this point Rittenhouse NEEDS TO - almost HAS TO - sue the ever-loving shit out of NBC, CBS, MSNBC, ABC...
Who these people were shot to death or wounded, and their previous crimes, matters NOT, in the realm of this case or in a court of law. Why do you keep bringing it up, like it mattered in Kyle's verdict?
you're correct, that's just gravy. What you need to explain is why rosenbaum attacked rittenhouse? come on tell us?
Of course Democrats want to change the laws that allow Americans to defend themselves....

1st they wanted to defund the police, replace them with psychiatrists,nusemaids, and nannies...
- Ane we have all seen how that has failed drastically....multiple cars pull-up, 80peopleclear out a store in 3 minutes.....Chicago setting the all-time shooting / homicide record and they don't bat an eye...

Now they want to eliminate Americans' right to protect them selves.
- a couple gets arrested, their guns taken, for standing on their own property holding their legally owned guns, warning off domestic terrorists who threatened to kill them and burn down their house after trespassing onto their land

- Now criminal dumbasses calling Rittenhouse a 'White supremacist' because they believe all the bullshit and lies the fake news propaganda - pushing devisive libtards have been and are STILL reporting!

At this point Rittenhouse NEEDS TO - almost HAS TO - sue the ever-loving shit out of NBC, CBS, MSNBC, ABC...
correct, defund the police and remove self defense, then they can force the hop up in the box cars to aushwitz programs. Nazism has been tried, there is a template, one is watching a political group lay out that template.
you still haven't provided the reason by rosenbaum attacked rittenhouse. Let's get there first.

Society has gone off the rails as far as I am concerned. The Lefts governance of "said society" is DOA! Makes no difference if the Left likes it or not, most people in this country can not wait to get rid of them. Defunding police, etc, has broken their political backs, and it is self inflicted.

All of these people who died recently from both sides of the aisle, had no damn idea their country would devolve into this. It was never about the right or wrong side of the law, but rather the gray areas that kept changing, depending upon who was in office.

You would THINK, that both Left and Right would want paid professionals on the scene, so that regular citizens did NOT have to defend their own homes and businesses. It then falls on the police to make the call. But when you legislatively REMOVE them, you end up with what we have.

Far Leftists MIGHT be able to convince police not to shoot them, but they can not, nor WILL they convince a home owner, or business owner, not to shoot!

If I was I was a Leftist, I would want as many police on the any scene of rioting as possible, because you MIGHT be able to cower them, but when you face an armed populace with no police protection defending their homes, businesses, and family, the odds are going to get fired upon! Add to that, when you have a jury pool to choose from that are going through the same thing, the odds of you getting your way are zero, to none!

And Leftists, that is NOT racism, that is logic! Something you might consider using.
Society has gone off the rails as far as I am concerned. The Lefts governance of "said society" is DOA! Makes no difference if the Left likes it or not, most people in this country can not wait to get rid of them. Defunding police, etc, has broken their political backs, and it is self inflicted.

All of these people who died recently from both sides of the aisle, had no damn idea their country would devolve into this. It was never about the right or wrong side of the law, but rather the gray areas that kept changing, depending upon who was in office.

You would THINK, that both Left and Right would want paid professionals on the scene, so that regular citizens did NOT have to defend their own homes and businesses. It then falls on the police to make the call. But when you legislatively REMOVE them, you end up with what we have.

Far Leftists MIGHT be able to convince police not to shoot them, but they can not, nor WILL they convince a home owner, or business owner, not to shoot!

If I was I was a Leftist, I would want as many police on the any scene of rioting as possible, because you MIGHT be able to cower them, but when you face an armed populace with no police protection defending their homes, businesses, and family, the odds are going to get fired upon! Add to that, when you have a jury pool to choose from that are going through the same thing, the odds of you getting your way are zero, to none!

And Leftists, that is NOT racism, that is logic! Something you might consider using.
I've now asked the demofk group in here repeatedly why rosenbaum attacked rittenhouse. Zippola response, avoidance of my posts is all I have. silence, crickets.
Kyle is the focus of the political right wing too. You know it.
Who these people were shot to death or wounded, and their previous crimes, matters NOT, in the realm of this case or in a court of law. Why do you keep bringing it up, like it mattered in Kyle's verdict?
It didn't!
Nor does the murder of this pregnant woman, have any thing at all, to do with this thread topic....Kyle's case.
That's my bottom line. Start another thread about the Phili woman, it's worthy of its own thread....I believe there is one already....
Staying on topic here.
I've accepted the jury's decision.
1. The RW wants Kyle to sue the people and "news" orgs who lied about him, like $andman. Their lying Leftist/BLM "narrative" needs to be made very expensive.

2. Point being that Kyle was being chased and threatened by very bad and dangerous people. Not parents from a school board meeting, if you see what I mean.

3. My point is, how many threads or MSM "news" stories, or "tweets" are whining about the "Laws" that let Kyle walk, while that poor dead mom gets ignored. I have NOT seen one story on TV news, and I channel surf all day, about her.
I wrote the OP to contrast the way "news" is shaped to support the Leftist "narrative" or there is no story published, it's buried.
Like when all we saw was "fake news" about Trump.
Your poll is for biased morons and will yield exactly the results you want it to because anyone with half a brain will not vote.

On the subject of your post, you've just reset the whole definition of self defense. That's gonna have wide ranging and unforeseen consequences.
Is it acceptable to just think all forms of intimidation are wrong? LOL And yes I think Kyle was motivated by a desire to "intimidate back" against the riots.

But I'm in favor of being able to keep a pistol in my car. Given the propensity of car jackings and getting robbed after dark down here. Of course, I'm very seldom out after 7pm. Nor is my pistol. LOL

And I'm not sure what the philly shooting has to do with that.

I'm not sure if the OP is not motivated by approval of Kyle's motive in "intimidating back."
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