Dems want Laws changed after Rittenhouse shootings. Are vigilantes the answer? (Poll)

Do you support vigilantes policing neighborhoods when the police are unavailable?

  • Yes, people have the right to protect their lives and property

    Votes: 66 95.7%
  • No, criminals have every right to burn, steal, and kill.

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
Being in danger is not necessary, only believing you are matters, that is the problem with self-defense. If Gaige shot Kyle and claimed self-defense how could the State prove that he didn't feel threatened?
The videos would show the truth. There are always videos.
In the absence of video, you are correct, unless Gaige shot Kyle in the back or back of the head, or some obviously non-defensive shot. I'm still amazed that the idiots chased a guy armed with an AR, that is soooooo stupid on so many levels. There are some people that you just don't fuck with, and a guy with an AR is high on that list.
The videos would show the truth. There are always videos.
In the absence of video, you are correct, unless Gaige shot Kyle in the back or back of the head, or some obviously non-defensive shot. I'm still amazed that the idiots chased a guy armed with an AR, that is soooooo stupid on so many levels. There are some people that you just don't fuck with, and a guy with an AR is high on that list.

The video showed the truth... a punk with a gun shot three people.

Yes, those people were idiots... how dare they try to stop a maniac from killing more people.

Remember, kiddies when confronted by an active shooter, just hide and hope he doesn't shoot you.

Because now you can't even count on the law to hold him accountable afterwards. This is how deep the gun psychosis has gotten in this country.
To answer your questions in order.
If Louis Vitton hired armed thugs, they'd be paying out millions to the family of people they shoot instead of a few hundred for merch that was stolen (and they get insurance for). So that's why they don't do it.
A pregnant woman (not a mom and a baby) were shot. No one is going to claim that the guy who shot them was a hero or spend millions hiring lawyers with no ethics to defend him. This assumes this was a robbery and not some kind of personal motive.
Of course, sensible people should be concerned about the Rittenhouse verdict because it allows people to commit murder after instigating confrontations. All you have to do is claim you felt "threatened".
Answers in order:
1. Louis Vitton is NOT responsible for what armed guards do protect themselves when a mob breaks into a store. There wouldn't even be gunfire if the armed guards show their weapons. If the mob ignored the warnings and "attacked" then the guards have every right to defend themselves. It has nothing to to with Louis Vitton, its "guards vs mob". (the merch was worth more than a $million that the 80 person mob stole)

2. Why is the MSM ignoring the story? It doesn't fit their "white-supremacist narrative" that's why. The MSM would rather whine about the Rittenhouse self-defense case than show what horrors are happening in democrat controlled cities every day.

3. Wrong. The video evidence shows what is murder and what is self-defense. Sensible people need to defend themselves and their property because the democrats want to defund the police, and allow mob violence with no consequences, no arrests, and no prosecutions. Democrat lies about who "instigated" the Rittenhouse confrontations are blown away by the many videos. Lie all you want, the truth is on the videos.
Actually, if Gaige had shot Kyle, he would have had the affirmative defense that Kyle had already murdered two other people.
Nope. The many videos would have shown the truth.
Ever hear of a dictionary stupid? Duh.




  1. A person who is not a member of law enforcement but who pursues and punishes persons suspected of lawbreaking.
  2. A member of a vigilance committee.
  3. A person who considers it their own responsibility to uphold the law in their neighborhood.
Vigilante justice often describes the actions of a single person or group of people who claim to enforce the law but lack the legal authority to do so. However, the term can also describe a general state of disarray or lawlessness, in which competing groups of people all claim to enforce the law in a given area.

Vigilante justice | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Informati…
A pregnant woman (not a mom and a baby) were shot. No one is going to claim that the guy who shot them was a hero or spend millions hiring lawyers with no ethics to defend him. This assumes this was a robbery and not some kind of personal motive
It appears to be a planned assassination.... When reading the full article....

Maybe the father to be?
The videos would show the truth. There are always videos.
In the absence of video, you are correct, unless Gaige shot Kyle in the back or back of the head, or some obviously non-defensive shot. I'm still amazed that the idiots chased a guy armed with an AR, that is soooooo stupid on so many levels. There are some people that you just don't fuck with, and a guy with an AR is high on that list.
The line between heroic and stupid can be pretty thin sometimes.
Vigilante justice often describes the actions of a single person or group of people who claim to enforce the law but lack the legal authority to do so. However, the term can also describe a general state of disarray or lawlessness, in which competing groups of people all claim to enforce the law in a given area.

No one cares about the term "vigilante justice". The debate was about the term "VIGILANTE", as compared to a "terrorist". The issue is what happens when the police have been defunded and criminals are raping and pillaging?

VIGILANTE: A person who considers it their own responsibility to uphold the law in their neighborhood.
It appears to be a planned assassination.... When reading the full article....
Maybe the father to be?
Point being that there are major issues to be resolved in the black community.
1. Pregnant mom is one of many, 500 murders in Philadelphia alone, see FBI 2019 stats below:
2. The MSM would rather lie about the Rittenhouse shooting than the black crime rates. Blacks commit more murders and robberies than whites, being only about 12% of the population. Why is that?
3. What kind of animal runs down parade marchers, including kids in Waukeshau?
4. People will buy guns to protect themselves and their families, businesses will probably hire armed guards, or move to safer areas.

The point I'm trying to make is that we need to fund the police to maintain "Law and Order", otherwise we will have chaos.
The video showed the truth... a punk with a gun shot three people.
Yes, those people were idiots... how dare they try to stop a maniac from killing more people.
Remember, kiddies when confronted by an active shooter, just hide and hope he doesn't shoot you.
Because now you can't even count on the law to hold him accountable afterwards. This is how deep the gun psychosis has gotten in this country.
1. Your "a punk with a gun shot three people" is slanted. The first guy Kyle shot chased and attacked him (seen on video) and was going for Kyle's gun, he was also a child rapist, a pedophile, a criminal. The second guy Kyle shot was a wife beater who strangles his girlfriend, another criminal who attacked Kyle, who defended himself, the 3rd guy Kyle shot had a pistol pointed at Kyle's head, so that was another case of self-defense. That's three cases of self defense, according to a jury of his peers.

2. Kyle was NOT a threat to anyone who did not attack him. The jury saw that the prosecutor's claim that Kyle was an "active shooter" was total bullshit. He killed three criminals in self-defense, period.

3. The law did hold him accountable, he defended himself from three criminals, its called "self-defense", the jury said he was NOT GUILTY.
Answers in order:
1. Louis Vitton is NOT responsible for what armed guards do protect themselves when a mob breaks into a store. There wouldn't even be gunfire if the armed guards show their weapons. If the mob ignored the warnings and "attacked" then the guards have every right to defend themselves. It has nothing to to with Louis Vitton, its "guards vs mob". (the merch was worth more than a $million that the 80 person mob stole)

Quite the contrary... a civil trial isn't as strict as a criminal one.

So when the families of those killed by Rittenhouse sue, the used car lot, the City of Kenosha and Rittenhouse himself better be ready to write out big old checks.

Same thing will happen to any store that thinks it's a swell idea to hire wannabe thugs to guard their store and pick a fight with the customer with too much melanin.

2. Why is the MSM ignoring the story? It doesn't fit their "white-supremacist narrative" that's why. The MSM would rather whine about the Rittenhouse self-defense case than show what horrors are happening in democrat controlled cities every day.

Actually, they aren't ignoring it... I found references to it on CNN, ABC and NBC. And if you waited around, you'd have found out that as of today, they discovered it was "Domestic in nature", in short, not an act of crime or robbery, but a family dispute.

3. Wrong. The video evidence shows what is murder and what is self-defense. Sensible people need to defend themselves and their property because the democrats want to defund the police, and allow mob violence with no consequences, no arrests, and no prosecutions. Democrat lies about who "instigated" the Rittenhouse confrontations are blown away by the many videos. Lie all you want, the truth is on the videos.

There's no doubt who 'instigated" it. It was Kyle driving up to Kenosha, getting a gun, and brandishing it in the streets in a tense situation, without the proper training or coordination.
1. Your "a punk with a gun shot three people" is slanted. The first guy Kyle shot chased and attacked him (seen on video) and was going for Kyle's gun, he was also a child rapist, a pedophile, a criminal.

And how did Kyle know any of that? Oh, that's right, he didn't.

So if I can find the worst thing you ever did in your life, would that make it okay for someone to off you?

The second guy Kyle shot was a wife beater who strangles his girlfriend, another criminal who attacked Kyle, who defended himself,

Same question... how did he know that? The second guy went after him because he shot the first guy.

the 3rd guy Kyle shot had a pistol pointed at Kyle's head, so that was another case of self-defense. That's three cases of self defense, according to a jury of his peers.

According to 12 people too stupid to get out of jury duty, you mean... Of course, if the third guy had shot Kyle, he's have walked by the same logic, and probably would have had a better case.

3. The law did hold him accountable, he defended himself from three criminals, its called "self-defense", the jury said he was NOT GUILTY.

I'll wait for the civil trial, thanks. I would also love to see the Department of Justice bring federal charges against this little punk.
Quite the contrary... a civil trial isn't as strict as a criminal one.
So when the families of those killed by Rittenhouse sue, the used car lot, the City of Kenosha and Rittenhouse himself better be ready to write out big old checks.
Same thing will happen to any store that thinks it's a swell idea to hire wannabe thugs to guard their store and pick a fight with the customer with too much melanin.

Actually, they aren't ignoring it... I found references to it on CNN, ABC and NBC. And if you waited around, you'd have found out that as of today, they discovered it was "Domestic in nature", in short, not an act of crime or robbery, but a family dispute.

There's no doubt who 'instigated" it. It was Kyle driving up to Kenosha, getting a gun, and brandishing it in the streets in a tense situation, without the proper training or coordination.
1. The only one going to make any money in civil court is Kyle Rittenhouse. He will become another "Sandman" millionaire from all of the fake news and libel published about him. Even Xiden owes Kyle some cash for calling him a "white-supremacist". The dead guys attacked Kyle. What part of "self-defense" don't you get?

2. Thanks for the update on the pregnant mom. Its not good, but at least its solved, animals do what animals do.

3. Kyle was in Kenosha, his dad lives there. Kyle and his gun are/were perfectly LEGAL. The many videos clearly show who instigated it, just ask the jurors. No crime, no time, period.
And how did Kyle know any of that? Oh, that's right, he didn't.
So if I can find the worst thing you ever did in your life, would that make it okay for someone to off you?
Same question... how did he know that? The second guy went after him because he shot the first guy.
According to 12 people too stupid to get out of jury duty, you mean... Of course, if the third guy had shot Kyle, he's have walked by the same logic, and probably would have had a better case.

I'll wait for the civil trial, thanks. I would also love to see the Department of Justice bring federal charges against this little punk.
1. The attacker's rap sheet was not admissible in court, so Kyle didn't know that until the trial. Their priors doesn't make killing them legal, but their records and many videos show that they were very angry and very aggressive and told Kyle that they will kill him, and then attacked Kyle, they were in-fact "violent criminals". Bad guys do bad things, and thankfully they attacked the wrong guy.

2. A civil trial won't prove anything, Kyle did nothing wrong, his actions are well within the LAW.
If the DOJ brings Federal Charges, they would all be thrown out upon appeal. Kyle did nothing wrong, his actions are well within the LAW.

3. What laws do you think Kyle broke? Lets start there. You have zero, nada, nil, zilch, zippo, on Kyle.
1. The only one going to make any money in civil court is Kyle Rittenhouse. He will become another "Sandman" millionaire from all of the fake news and libel published about him. Even Xiden owes Kyle some cash for calling him a "white-supremacist". The dead guys attacked Kyle. What part of "self-defense" don't you get?
Nope. Not going to happen.

"NBC said I was a murderer".
"Um, yeah, here you are on tape murdering people!"

Smirky McBitchslap probably didn't get any money beyond "Go away" money for his lawyers...

And, yes, Kyle can claim now he supports BLM, but here he is hanging out with the Racist Proud Boys.


2. Thanks for the update on the pregnant mom. Its not good, but at least its solved, animals do what animals do.

I agree, it isn't good, but it's not like we are going to pass gun control laws or anything. But if this was domestic, not sure where you get "animals" (racist code for people of color). It was obviously someone who was already in her life.

3. Kyle was in Kenosha, his dad lives there. Kyle and his gun are/were perfectly LEGAL. The many videos clearly show who instigated it, just ask the jurors. No crime, no time, period.

The jurors after the judge did everything he could to sabotage the prosecution's case, you mean?

2. A civil trial won't prove anything, Kyle did nothing wrong, his actions are well within the LAW.
If the DOJ brings Federal Charges, they would all be thrown out upon appeal. Kyle did nothing wrong, his actions are well within the LAW.

I doubt the feds will bring charges, because they never do. They should in these cases where local authorities don't do their jobs.

That said. the problem with a criminal trial is that you have to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The fact deliberations went on for three days tell me there was lots of doubt.

Civil Trial, the standard is much, much lower. They only have to show Kyle's conduct was reckless.

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