Dems wasteful spending

Let me see if I have your argument right. If a Republican says no to gays and later might be gay, FRY his ass for lying. If A Democrat says no to pork barrel spending and then ignores all the promises, we should just accept that is the way it goes. I got that right?

There is a word for you.

What the fuck are you talking about RGS? Where have I ever shown hypocrisy in regards to political parties? And when do I ever give the democrats a free pass on anything?

Help me also figure out why you chose to use homosexuality as an example. I don't give a fuck who you like to fuck, personally. It's none of my business, and I don't give a horse's DICK what politicians say publicly about it. It ought to be kept out of politics COMPLETELY, as far as I'm concerned.

Move along, or make a better fucking point.
2. With a one person majority and Bush as president you think free healthcare is possible?
You think it is ever possible. This so called free health care will come at the cost of the biggest increase of taxes in our history, Not to mention long waits for care, and eventually a collapse of the system under the strain of mounting costs that will only continue to go up. I suggest you read about the Massachusetts "near universal health care" system that Romney signed into law. They are all ready struggling to fund it, and wondering how they will ever keep up with a 10% increase in the cost of it every year.

3. We got tax cuts, economic stimulous package.
A one time pay out is not a tax cut. Obama will raise the SS, and Medicare taxes, as well as raise the capital gains tax. All of which will hurt all Americans.

4. No one said no more pork. Pelosi said paygo. And the GOP, even though not in power, still spent more pork last year. You can't get anything done unless you give em their pork.
Yeah like multi million dollar bridges to no where right.

5. A border bill was passed. It was a horrible bill, but something was done. And you can blame the GOP for that too because it is an illegal employer problem. If corporations (ie republicans) would stop hiring illegals, they'd go home.
Yeah sure they would. If they have no work there, and no work here, why would they go home?

6. Using obstructionism to defeat or delay an opponent's agenda is nothing new in Washington. Over the past five years, there have been more than 260 threats of a legislative filibuster in the Senate. But the numbers suggest that with Democrats now in power, such tactics are dramatically on the rise.
Care to back up that claim with facts, or are you just talking out your ass again.
What the fuck are you talking about RGS? Where have I ever shown hypocrisy in regards to political parties? And when do I ever give the democrats a free pass on anything?

Help me also figure out why you chose to use homosexuality as an example. I don't give a fuck who you like to fuck, personally. It's none of my business, and I don't give a horse's DICK what politicians say publicly about it. It ought to be kept out of politics COMPLETELY, as far as I'm concerned.

Move along, or make a better fucking point.

Ya cause in the threads we have had about the recent repubs you have stayed silent right?
you Think It Is Ever Possible. This So Called Free Health Care Will Come At The Cost Of The Biggest Increase Of Taxes In Our History, Not To Mention Long Waits For Care, And Eventually A Collapse Of The System Under The Strain Of Mounting Costs That Will Only Continue To Go Up. I Suggest You Read About The Massachusetts "near Universal Health Care" System That Romney Signed Into Law. They Are All Ready Struggling To Fund It, And Wondering How They Will Ever Keep Up With A 10% Increase In The Cost Of It Every Year.

Wrong. The Way Health Care Is Now Is Costing Us More. It May Cost You In The Short But Will Save Us All In The Long.

A One Time Pay Out Is Not A Tax Cut. Obama Will Raise The Ss, And Medicare Taxes, As Well As Raise The Capital Gains Tax. All Of Which Will Hurt All Americans.

Bush Tried To Say Capital Gains Will Hurt 401k's. No, We Don't Pay Capital Gains.

Yeah Like Multi Million Dollar Bridges To No Where Right.

That Was An Alaskan Gop You Dumb Mother Fucker, And Republican.

Yeah Sure They Would. If They Have No Work There, And No Work Here, Why Would They Go Home?

Care To Back Up That Claim With Facts, Or Are You Just Talking Out Your Ass Again.
Fuck You Racist Bob Barr Backer. He Probably Hates Half Of You Too. Stupid.
Ya cause in the threads we have had about the recent repubs you have stayed silent right?

I'm not sure what you mean. What threads? What "recent repubs", and what does that even mean? Candidates? Or the recent repubs that have joined here?
I'm not sure what you mean. What threads? What "recent repubs", and what does that even mean? Candidates? Or the recent repubs that have joined here?

over the last months there have been several Republican Congressionals that have been attacked , One left office one did not. Several more have had slurs made with NO evidence at all.

I have a long memory this started back in August last year I believe.
over the last months there have been several Republican Congressionals that have been attacked , One left office one did not. Several more have had slurs made with NO evidence at all.

I have a long memory this started back in August last year I believe.

And what does any of this have to do with me? You could always do what normal people do, and link to a post I made.

Then we'll have something to work with.
And what does any of this have to do with me? You could always do what normal people do, and link to a post I made.

Then we'll have something to work with.

So you deny posting in those threads? Lets get it on record. Shall we? You never attacked any of those republicans for hypocrisy?
So you deny posting in those threads? Lets get it on record. Shall we? You never attacked any of those republicans for hypocrisy?

I'm sorry RGS, but before I claim something, I'm going to have to know what it is you're questioning me on. You're being extremely vague about the republicans I've supposedly been hypocritical towards. At least throw me a bone and give me a name or something, SHIT. Like I said, link me to a post.

In the last couple months, I remember giving shit to Spechter, for wanting Congress to intervene in the Patriots videotape scandal. I'm not sure what other republicans I've given shit to, especially in a hypocritical manner. I usually give shit to republicans for not being real conservatives.

I'm all ears though. Please, by all means, put me on blast if you have anything.
I'm sorry RGS, but before I claim something, I'm going to have to know what it is you're questioning me on. You're being extremely vague about the republicans I've supposedly been hypocritical towards. At least throw me a bone and give me a name or something, SHIT. Like I said, link me to a post.

In the last couple months, I remember giving shit to Spechter, for wanting Congress to intervene in the Patriots videotape scandal. I'm not sure what other republicans I've given shit to, especially in a hypocritical manner. I usually give shit to republicans for not being real conservatives.

I'm all ears though. Please, by all means, put me on blast if you have anything.

Craig come to mind? Foley?
Craig come to mind? Foley?

I figured you were probably talking about them. But no, I don't remember being involved in any discussions about them. I may have said sometihng smarmy about how Fox News put a (D) after Foley's name when that scandal was going down, but I can't think of anytihng else I would have even cared to comment on.

I'm completely prepared for a red face, though, if you happen to have anything incriminating.
They've been filed away under "Gotcha", along with most other campaign promises. What's that got to do with you saying only dem pork barrell spending is going to bankrupt us, though?

Is it fun being that partisan?
I'm 100% partisan and reject Obama being President. Those are my civil rights.

Every single person that has ever existed has been partisan (That includes YOU).

I do not care about gotcha politics, I care about America's future and Obama is a threat to America.
I'm 100% partisan and reject Obama being President. Those are my civil rights.

Every single person that has ever existed has been partisan (That includes YOU).

I do not care about gotcha politics, I care about America's future and Obama is a threat to America.

I heard you are a democrat or liberal? We knew we would lose some votes when we ran a black man. Racist? I'll pray for you. :eusa_pray:
I heard you are a democrat or liberal? We knew we would lose some votes when we ran a black man. Racist? I'll pray for you. :eusa_pray:

Once again you can't read, what has been said about WOW is his posts seem so off the wall crazy that one might think he is really a Liberal, or a Democrat, Claiming to be a Conservative Republican just to try to make Republicans and Conservatives look bad with he outrageous and retarded posts.

there goes that reading comprehension problem you have again.
I heard you are a democrat or liberal? We knew we would lose some votes when we ran a black man. Racist? I'll pray for you. :eusa_pray:
I guess in kiddie land not supporting Obama would be considered racism.
Luckily, I do not live in kiddie land.

You have established the fact YOU are a racist.
If you ask me, anyone still willing to vote for Republicans has little right to bitch about wasteful spending anymore. Both parties spend like drunken sailors in some distant Asian port if you ask me.

Vote 3rd party!!

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