Denmark warns Ukrainian refugees they will have to go home after conflict ends


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
A poor news for Sharon aka Litwin.
Ukrainian 'refugees' (mostly from the west parts of the country) must go, sooner or later.
Africans (and Arabs of course) may stay but Khokhols must go to Khuev back
It looks like Europe prefers peoples of color instead of pure white (and Nazi of course) Bandera freaks
Bandera admirers shall go to fight Russians instead of swallowing money of western taxpayers
And this is just the beginning, another EU countries will follow.
Almost 90% of 'refugees' are welfare bandits, the rest are either cleaning personal or (at best) low skilled construction helpers

Denmark has said it is no longer happy to play host to thousands of Ukrainian refugees indefinitely.Once the Ukraine conflict is over, they must return home – that was the message from Minister for Immigration and Integration Kaare Dybvad Bek.A total of 30,278 Ukrainians are currently registered as temporary residents in Denmark under the Danish Special Act — but that is set to expire in March 2025. The law grants them a residence permit, social benefits, access to school, work, health services, a national integration program and temporary accommodation in a Danish municipality — in stark contrast to refugees from other countries.While insisting that Ukrainians were “culturally closer to us than people from the Middle East,” the minister stressed that they behaved in “completely different ways” than Danes. Dybvad also noted that the Kiev regime had said it wants its citizens to return — for conscription into the army, according to some officials. Denmark “will have to respect that,” he said.Some Ukrainians might be able to stay past the March 2025 deadline, Kaare Dybvad added, but only under certain conditions. Anyone able to earn over 375,000 Danish kroner ($55,400) per year could apply for a business permit.“I think they have the opportunity to stay to a reasonable extent, but we are not going to make an independent opening where we say that everyone who comes from Ukraine can stay in Denmark,” the minister said.Dybvad's comments followed a poll conducted by the University of Copenhagen that showed around half of the Ukrainian refugees would like to stay in the country. “I did not expect to see almost half say that they want to stay here. It was a big surprise for us,” the study’s lead author, Karen-Inge Karstoft said.Currently there are nearly 6 million Ukrainian refugees in Europe, according to the UNHCR collation of statistics. The most popular destinations for the migrants have been Germany, the Czech Republic, and the Netherlands. The highest number of Ukrainian refugees per thousand inhabitants is recorded in the Czech Republic (33.7), Estonia (26.3), Poland (26.1), Bulgaria (26.1) and Lithuania (25.8), as per the latest Eurostat data. Many have expressed the desire to stay in these countries. But many European countries that have already felt the blowback from self-harming anti-Russia sanctions over Ukraine are now mulling ways to send the refugees home. The “economic burden” of Ukrainian refugees against the backdrop of soaring inflation, higher global food prices, and other costs, is feeding into the overall "Ukraine fatigue."Germany has also complained that unemployed Ukrainian refugees have become a drain on its finances. Less than 20 percent of the tens of thousands of Ukrainians who moved there have since found a job in their new host country, one local media outlet announced in November, noting that some 700,000 Ukrainian refugees in the country currently receive unemployment benefits.

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The tricking point is 'after the conflict ends'. Denmark may have to allow in even more in the coming months.
A poor news for Sharon aka Litwin.
Nazin Troll Winkle has stopped telling us how the UAF advanced two metres and captured an empty farmhouse in the middle of a field .

The UAF has almost stopped fighting because they are missing bodies , guns , ammunition , artillery and air power. Plus other details .

Clever Kyiv strategy to gain sympathy over Xmas ? The Mad Midget even changed their official Xmas day date from January 6 until today .
Quite sublime .

Russians are walking all over them the full length of the 600 kms front line .
It is now pure comedy if you ignore maimings and deaths .
Well done Nazi Troll Winkle .
I'm sure the Ukrainian government will agrees that all Russian "refugees" who are Russian soldiers fighting against the Ukraine have to go home where they could free Russia by fighting against the Nazi-Putinists there. Side effect: A freedom fight in Russia against Putin and his criminal gang will also end all Ukrainian refugee problems in Europe.
Ukrainian 'refugees'
i work with Ukrainians in EU, 99% of them want go home after the war, they not like you vatniks, who love Moscow Mongol ulus from the distance , why you dont want to go back home ? you hate our democracy , go back to your shitty ulus, we dont need oriental semi - muslim 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 thugs like you

I wonder if Russia lets them in.



The tricking point is 'after the conflict ends'. Denmark may have to allow in even more in the coming months.
Ukraine will be fine once the resident theif-n-chief moves to his villa in Cyprus is it?
A poor news for Sharon aka Litwin.
Ukrainian 'refugees' (mostly from the west parts of the country) must go, sooner or later.
Africans (and Arabs of course) may stay but Khokhols must go to Khuev back
It looks like Europe prefers peoples of color instead of pure white (and Nazi of course) Bandera freaks
Bandera admirers shall go to fight Russians instead of swallowing money of western taxpayers
And this is just the beginning, another EU countries will follow.
Almost 90% of 'refugees' are welfare bandits, the rest are either cleaning personal or (at best) low skilled construction helpers

Ya ain't got much longer man .....

The west gonna way or another

Europe for indigenous Europeans !!!!!

The muzz are doing to Europe what they did to Lebanon....
They flat out admit it ...they use left wing parties to weaken the host...cause white left wingers are complete idiots and they know it ... ....and then bam it's all over ...

Slowly you Russians here overestimate your absolute stupidities. Leave the Ukraine with all of your sodiers.
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There is going to be some epic leg spreading by the women hoping to get a Euro husband.
There is going to be some epic leg spreading by the women hoping to get a Euro husband.
That started day one. They've already been squatting out anchor babies. Many women who fled are already widowed, or have simply abandoned their marriages, in favor of sires from their host countries. Ukraine is gonna have a Hell of a time recouping it's population losses. In short order, whatever remains of Ukraine after this war, is going to be desperate for immigrants to fill the void.
A poor news for Sharon aka Litwin.
Ukrainian 'refugees' (mostly from the west parts of the country) must go, sooner or later.
Africans (and Arabs of course) may stay but Khokhols must go to Khuev back
It looks like Europe prefers peoples of color instead of pure white (and Nazi of course) Bandera freaks
Bandera admirers shall go to fight Russians instead of swallowing money of western taxpayers
And this is just the beginning, another EU countries will follow.
Almost 90% of 'refugees' are welfare bandits, the rest are either cleaning personal or (at best) low skilled construction helpers

Wow! The use of common sense is refreshing.
Ukraine will be fine once the resident theif-n-chief moves to his villa in Cyprus is it?
The term 'fine' is somewhat relative in this case. Ukraine won't be 'fine', no matter what side ultimately wins this war. But Zelensky is not the only one who should move somewhere. You should start with the DC guys in the first turn.
The term 'fine' is somewhat relative in this case. Ukraine won't be 'fine', no matter what side ultimately wins this war. But Zelensky is not the only one who should move somewhere. You should start with the DC guys in the first turn.
Ohhhhhh......AMEN TO THAT!

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