Dennis Prager defines the left, vs. liberals.....a really good explanation.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Dennis Prager is really good at analyzing the left.....and why they are destructive......

What, then, is leftism?

Leftism is the attempt to destroy the past -- every value and every institution, the good as well as what it regards as the bad.

That is why leftists, by definition, hate conservatism. Conservatism seeks to conserve the best from the past. The Left seeks to destroy the past, including the best.

The first of the modern left-wing revolutions, the French Revolution, quite consciously sought to destroy every major institution and value of French society -- not just the monarchy but God, religion, the legal system, traditional notions of good and evil, the calendar, the old way of telling time, the old weights and measures, and even the names of the days of the week. In other words, the past. Just like the Left in contemporary America, the leftists of the French Revolution toppled statues -- in their case, the statues of every king of France.

The next major left-wing revolution, the Russian, did the same. As the Soviet dissident joke went, "In the Soviet Union the future is known; it's the past which is always changing."


"What is leftism?" is not at all the same as "What is liberalism?" Leftism and liberalism share almost no values. Indeed, perhaps the greatest tragedy of America today is that liberals do not vote their values. Leftists vote their values, and conservatives vote their values. But liberals vote for left-wing values, almost none of which they hold.

To cite but two examples: Liberals do not believe in racial segregation, whereas the left does: all-black dorms, all-black graduation exercises, different standards for blacks, etc. And liberals do not believe that males who say they are females should be allowed to compete in women's sports; only leftists do.
In a very real sense, today's leftism began in the 1960s with the infamous clarion call, "Never trust anyone over 30." That phrase meant nothing less than "value nothing from the past." Precisely what all leftism has been about -- from France under its revolutionaries to Russia under the Bolsheviks to China under Mao to America under the Left.

That is why, as I have said almost every day on my radio show for years, "The Left destroys everything it touches."

Whatever its noble-sounding rhetoric, the Left stands for nothing and therefore builds nothing (other than state power). Aside from state power, it only destroys.

Leftism in music, art, sculpture, and architecture destroyed everything beautiful and noble that had been created over all the preceding centuries.

It is destroying the universities, the high schools, and the elementary schools.

It is destroying science. More and more medical schools, for example, no longer speak of "pregnant women" but of "birthing persons." The American Medical Association has come out in opposition to listing the sex of newborns on their birth certificates; children, the AMA holds, will eventually decide whether they are male or female, neither or both.

Not bad but I'd point out that what really defines leftism is collectivism.
The attempts to destroy everything is just what leftists/collectivists do.
Destruction is at the core of their nature.

In no way are the leftists liberal.
Illiberals would be a more accurate term for them all
What's good that's happened in the USA in the last century happened because of the left. That's one reason the right hates the left, butthurt jealousy over the success of the left.

The left won the culture wars for good reason -- leftist ideals are moral and support freedom, rightie ideals are dogshit and back authoritarianism.

It's not the left that's currently on a censorship and fascism crusade.
What's good that's happened in the USA in the last century happened because of the left. That's one reason the right hates the left, butthurt jealousy over the success of the left.

The left won the culture wars for good reason -- leftist ideals are moral and support freedom, rightie ideals are dogshit and back authoritarianism.

It's not the left that's currently on a censorship and fascism crusade.

Jim crow.....democrats.....lynching...democrats...the democrats and their leftists have destroyed everything they touch.....
Dennis Prager is really good at analyzing the left.....and why they are destructive......

What, then, is leftism?

Leftism is the attempt to destroy the past -- every value and every institution, the good as well as what it regards as the bad.

That is why leftists, by definition, hate conservatism. Conservatism seeks to conserve the best from the past. The Left seeks to destroy the past, including the best.

The first of the modern left-wing revolutions, the French Revolution, quite consciously sought to destroy every major institution and value of French society -- not just the monarchy but God, religion, the legal system, traditional notions of good and evil, the calendar, the old way of telling time, the old weights and measures, and even the names of the days of the week. In other words, the past. Just like the Left in contemporary America, the leftists of the French Revolution toppled statues -- in their case, the statues of every king of France.

The next major left-wing revolution, the Russian, did the same. As the Soviet dissident joke went, "In the Soviet Union the future is known; it's the past which is always changing."


"What is leftism?" is not at all the same as "What is liberalism?" Leftism and liberalism share almost no values. Indeed, perhaps the greatest tragedy of America today is that liberals do not vote their values. Leftists vote their values, and conservatives vote their values. But liberals vote for left-wing values, almost none of which they hold.

To cite but two examples: Liberals do not believe in racial segregation, whereas the left does: all-black dorms, all-black graduation exercises, different standards for blacks, etc. And liberals do not believe that males who say they are females should be allowed to compete in women's sports; only leftists do.
In a very real sense, today's leftism began in the 1960s with the infamous clarion call, "Never trust anyone over 30." That phrase meant nothing less than "value nothing from the past." Precisely what all leftism has been about -- from France under its revolutionaries to Russia under the Bolsheviks to China under Mao to America under the Left.

That is why, as I have said almost every day on my radio show for years, "The Left destroys everything it touches."

Whatever its noble-sounding rhetoric, the Left stands for nothing and therefore builds nothing (other than state power). Aside from state power, it only destroys.

Leftism in music, art, sculpture, and architecture destroyed everything beautiful and noble that had been created over all the preceding centuries.

It is destroying the universities, the high schools, and the elementary schools.

It is destroying science. More and more medical schools, for example, no longer speak of "pregnant women" but of "birthing persons." The American Medical Association has come out in opposition to listing the sex of newborns on their birth certificates; children, the AMA holds, will eventually decide whether they are male or female, neither or both.

They'll even destroy previous leftist culture like China did with Mao.
What's good that's happened in the USA in the last century happened because of the left. That's one reason the right hates the left, butthurt jealousy over the success of the left.

The left won the culture wars for good reason -- leftist ideals are moral and support freedom, rightie ideals are dogshit and back authoritarianism.

It's not the left that's currently on a censorship and fascism crusade.
Leftists trashed the Constitution during Covid, denying First Amendment rights to publicly assemble, gather together to worship, and censored everyone's freedom of speech when they disagreed with Covid governmental policy, some of which later turned out to be correct criticism. Then the Left tried to mandate getting vaccinated saying those that don't take the jab should not even have the right to medical care. In fact, many were denied medical care for such things as kidney transplants, simply because they did not take the jab. Then when people began dying from the jab and having other health complications, those that complained about them were targeted and ostracized from society.

But that is just a taste. Now the Left is decriminalizing crime around the country, turning former felonies into misdemeanors, and trying to reduce police influence, all the while trying to disarm America by attacking the Second Amendment every chance they get so Americans can't even defend themselves. Then they either ignore or try to explain away why crime rates are exploding across the country.

The Left is the vilest group of individuals history has ever seen and will stop at nothing to continue to dominate and conquer humanity for their own hellish vision for mankind.
Republicans did that also.
Yes they did!

But the only dissent came from other Republicans.

It would be nice to have those in power represent the people, but that never seems to happen, does it.

They are all conveniently on the same team with it comes down to votes, despite the rhetoric.
Leftists trashed the Constitution during Covid,
Just stop, liar. That wasn't leftists. That wasn't anyone. That was just a weird fantasy you created to jusitfy being a violent fascist asswipe.

I do admit, you are good at it, being a violent fascist asswipe. It seems to run in your blood, and you've had training from your cult.

Now, tell us more stories about how you're so justified in attacking liberals. You know you want to. And we all know that's the point of your fantasies. The old Nazis made up stories of how the awful Jews/liberals are destroying civilization, and the new Nazis are doing the same.
Just stop, liar. That wasn't leftists. That wasn't anyone. That was just a weird fantasy you created to jusitfy being a violent fascist asswipe.

I do admit, you are good at it, being a violent fascist asswipe. It seems to run in your blood, and you've had training from your cult.

Now, tell us more stories about how you're so justified in attacking liberals. You know you want to. And we all know that's the point of your fantasies. The old Nazis made up stories of how the awful Jews/liberals are destroying civilization, and the new Nazis are doing the same.
What violence have I done or advocate?

But you, you supported those who forced the vaccine on the populace. Those that did not take it lost their jobs, and those that did and died from it or had medical complications were left to die and suffer without compensation.

It's not that I'm good at anything other than just presenting the truth.
Dennis Prager is really good at analyzing the left.....and why they are destructive......

What, then, is leftism?

Leftism is the attempt to destroy the past -- every value and every institution, the good as well as what it regards as the bad.

That is why leftists, by definition, hate conservatism. Conservatism seeks to conserve the best from the past. The Left seeks to destroy the past, including the best.

The first of the modern left-wing revolutions, the French Revolution, quite consciously sought to destroy every major institution and value of French society -- not just the monarchy but God, religion, the legal system, traditional notions of good and evil, the calendar, the old way of telling time, the old weights and measures, and even the names of the days of the week. In other words, the past. Just like the Left in contemporary America, the leftists of the French Revolution toppled statues -- in their case, the statues of every king of France.

The next major left-wing revolution, the Russian, did the same. As the Soviet dissident joke went, "In the Soviet Union the future is known; it's the past which is always changing."


"What is leftism?" is not at all the same as "What is liberalism?" Leftism and liberalism share almost no values. Indeed, perhaps the greatest tragedy of America today is that liberals do not vote their values. Leftists vote their values, and conservatives vote their values. But liberals vote for left-wing values, almost none of which they hold.

To cite but two examples: Liberals do not believe in racial segregation, whereas the left does: all-black dorms, all-black graduation exercises, different standards for blacks, etc. And liberals do not believe that males who say they are females should be allowed to compete in women's sports; only leftists do.
In a very real sense, today's leftism began in the 1960s with the infamous clarion call, "Never trust anyone over 30." That phrase meant nothing less than "value nothing from the past." Precisely what all leftism has been about -- from France under its revolutionaries to Russia under the Bolsheviks to China under Mao to America under the Left.

That is why, as I have said almost every day on my radio show for years, "The Left destroys everything it touches."

Whatever its noble-sounding rhetoric, the Left stands for nothing and therefore builds nothing (other than state power). Aside from state power, it only destroys.

Leftism in music, art, sculpture, and architecture destroyed everything beautiful and noble that had been created over all the preceding centuries.

It is destroying the universities, the high schools, and the elementary schools.

It is destroying science. More and more medical schools, for example, no longer speak of "pregnant women" but of "birthing persons." The American Medical Association has come out in opposition to listing the sex of newborns on their birth certificates; children, the AMA holds, will eventually decide whether they are male or female, neither or both.

I have always been of the opinion, that the largest part of the Democratic party are moderate. It is just that the far Left has convinced the moderates that while they may be terrible, the right is far, far, worse; even if a RINO is the Republican nominee.

I am also of the opinion, that the Presidential candidate who would get the most votes in history, would be a moderate Democrat.(ummm, Joe Biden) The problem is, the far Left doesn't want a moderate. Joe was supposed to be that moderate, but the powers that be knew they were going to run the show because of Joe's impairments, and they are. The Left knew that there was no way a Bernie, Warren, or fire breathing Leftist was going to defeat Trump, so they fixed the primary and offered moderates from both party's a Trojan Horse. Nobody with an IQ over 25 believes Biden is actually running the country, but Leftists don't dare acknowledge this, because if they do, they then are forced to answer the question of-------->If Joe isn't, who is?" They would then try and gaslight people into believing, it is all the big corporations, and only they, the Far Left Socialists can fix it, lol!

If you captured a leading Leftist and injected him/her with Truth serum then asked questions, here is what you would discover----->

1. The Far Left wants to hold power, but if they must lose, it must be to a RINO, not Trump or Desantis.


2. Because under a RINO, not much or anything would be reversed. They would go along, to get along. Then, the next time they get one of their people in, they just continue on their merry way as the RINO has not reclaimed any ground, politically speaking.

3. They are scared to death if Joe can't show mass appeal, for if he can't, then they fear a moderate Democrat will challenge him for the nomination; which means they will have to actually put up a fire breathing Leftist in Joe's place.

4. IF a moderate Democrat gets the nod, that is actually WORSE for them than if a RINO was to win the election!


5. Because they not only lose the reigns of power in the country, but their iron fist in the Democratic party begins to erode. It would actually be a DOUBLE LOSS for the far Left, since they call the shots not only in the country, but also the DNC.

6. The Far Left HATED Bill Clinton. Yes it is true, although they will never admit it!


7. Because Clinton cut deals with the GOP constantly; almost as much as Bush senior cut deals with the Democrats; which is why Bush Senior was the far Lefts favorite RINO, and would probably be considered an honorary Democrat were it not for his excursion in the Middle East. This explains EXACTLY why from an electorate point of view, Clinton was a 2 term President, while Bush senior was 1 and done.

8. The far Left is in a massive quandary on what to do, run Joe, or float trial balloons on Newsome. (hey, is it true he used to be married to Kimberly Guilfoyle?) Seeing how many votes Trump got last time, they need to kneecap him as much as possible, and if they succeed, Desantis will be next if he surges in the polls because of Trump's troubles. They will then contribute to the closest RINO in the pack, for just in case purposes; all the while cutting the legs out of any moderate candidate on the Democratic side, who dares to challenge their preferred candidate for the DNC nomination.

And then, and then, as the truth serum wears off, your captured Leftist will go back to-----------> Joe is in control, Orange Man evil, Clinton is our hero, we are not Socialists and we love moderates, lol!
Dennis Prager is really good at analyzing the left.....and why they are destructive......

What, then, is leftism?

Leftism is the attempt to destroy the past -- every value and every institution, the good as well as what it regards as the bad.

That is why leftists, by definition, hate conservatism. Conservatism seeks to conserve the best from the past. The Left seeks to destroy the past, including the best.

The first of the modern left-wing revolutions, the French Revolution, quite consciously sought to destroy every major institution and value of French society -- not just the monarchy but God, religion, the legal system, traditional notions of good and evil, the calendar, the old way of telling time, the old weights and measures, and even the names of the days of the week. In other words, the past. Just like the Left in contemporary America, the leftists of the French Revolution toppled statues -- in their case, the statues of every king of France.

The next major left-wing revolution, the Russian, did the same. As the Soviet dissident joke went, "In the Soviet Union the future is known; it's the past which is always changing."


"What is leftism?" is not at all the same as "What is liberalism?" Leftism and liberalism share almost no values. Indeed, perhaps the greatest tragedy of America today is that liberals do not vote their values. Leftists vote their values, and conservatives vote their values. But liberals vote for left-wing values, almost none of which they hold.

To cite but two examples: Liberals do not believe in racial segregation, whereas the left does: all-black dorms, all-black graduation exercises, different standards for blacks, etc. And liberals do not believe that males who say they are females should be allowed to compete in women's sports; only leftists do.
In a very real sense, today's leftism began in the 1960s with the infamous clarion call, "Never trust anyone over 30." That phrase meant nothing less than "value nothing from the past." Precisely what all leftism has been about -- from France under its revolutionaries to Russia under the Bolsheviks to China under Mao to America under the Left.

That is why, as I have said almost every day on my radio show for years, "The Left destroys everything it touches."

Whatever its noble-sounding rhetoric, the Left stands for nothing and therefore builds nothing (other than state power). Aside from state power, it only destroys.

Leftism in music, art, sculpture, and architecture destroyed everything beautiful and noble that had been created over all the preceding centuries.

It is destroying the universities, the high schools, and the elementary schools.

It is destroying science. More and more medical schools, for example, no longer speak of "pregnant women" but of "birthing persons." The American Medical Association has come out in opposition to listing the sex of newborns on their birth certificates; children, the AMA holds, will eventually decide whether they are male or female, neither or both.

Every time you idiots try to tell leftists what they think and why they think, you get it absolutely wrong.

Instead of telling leftists who they are why don’t you ask them?


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