Dennis Prager defines the left, vs. liberals.....a really good explanation.....

Every time you idiots try to tell leftists what they think and why they think, you get it absolutely wrong.

Instead of telling leftists who they are why don’t you ask them?

Funny....I bellieve the exact same things.......the problem is you guys miss it......

LGBTQ rights?

Yes....the same as everyone just don't get to use girls bathrooms, lockerrooms, compete against them in womens sports...


All lives matter......every single one........and you don't show they matter by being color does not guys don't believe that.

Everyone deserves healthcare.......but you get there by allowing people to be free...not by giving control of it to the most oppressive institution known to man...government......The way you guys want to do collapsing all over the world, since you incentivize mediocrity, and punish achievement.......

The world is bigger than America, but America has been one of the most special countries in the world, and has done amazing things for the world......we have become more powerful in a shorter period of time than other countries and abused that power less than the other world don't see that, you don't understand that.

You think the other countries should dictate to us how we live, and how the world should live.......even though they gave us all the worst forms of government, violence, racism and don't understand that......

Some things are made better by diversity, some things are color is not diversity, it is racism. Diversity is how people think, not their skin color......and some ideas are better than others.....and the ideas of hate, racism and misogyny that come from the left are not better.....they do not work.

It was totalitarian leftists who murdered close to 200 million innocent men, women and children trying to create utopia...because they did not believe in guard rails...the same way you guys dismiss any guard rails in our society.......things that protect the ideas that allow us to do all the things you want........but safely and without murder and mass graves to get there....
Every time you idiots try to tell leftists what they think and why they think, you get it absolutely wrong.

Instead of telling leftists who they are why don’t you ask them?

And Dennis Prager is guys simply want to uproot everything no matter whether it is good or bad...simply because you didn't create it....
Every time you idiots try to tell leftists what they think and why they think, you get it absolutely wrong.

Instead of telling leftists who they are why don’t you ask them?

Hey....let's test your beliefs....

Do you think that men who dress as women should use women's bathrooms and locker rooms?

What age do you think children should be allowed to consent, without parents, to cut off their breasts or penis, and use hormone blocking chemicals to sterlize themselves? brave....

Do all lives matter?

Is diversity simply a matter of skin color?

Who pays for free healthcare?

When you can honestly answer these questions, then you will be taken seriously....

Because that cute meme you posted isn't the answer to these questions.....those statements are simply words you use to silence anyone who questions what you actually believe.....
Hey....let's test your beliefs....

Do you think that men who dress as women should use women's bathrooms and locker rooms?

What age do you think children should be allowed to consent, without parents, to cut off their breasts or penis, and use hormone blocking chemicals to sterlize themselves? brave....

Do all lives matter?

Is diversity simply a matter of skin color?

Who pays for free healthcare?

When you can honestly answer these questions, then you will be taken seriously....

Because that cute meme you posted isn't the answer to these questions.....those statements are simply words you use to silence anyone who questions what you actually believe.....

You don’t get to define what beliefs matter.

Why are members of the Trump Cult obsessed with gay sex and the false idea that children are being mutilated and harmed????

Why do I have to buy into your conspiracy theories and delusions by responding to your questions about shit that isn’t happening.

You have a genuine crisis of child sexual abuse against women and girls in the USA which you’re ignoring in favour of legislating against treatment for trans children.

There is no such thing as “free healthcare”. Your failure to provide universal health care to all citizens costs your economy more money than a single payer health care system.

You have the highest rate of maternal death in pregnancy in the free world, and since Roe v Wade was struck down there has been a 62% increase in maternal deaths in pregnancy in states where abortions are restricted.

Every time you idiots try to tell leftists what they think and why they think, you get it absolutely wrong.

Instead of telling leftists who they are why don’t you ask them?
Ask a Leftist!
You don’t get to define what beliefs matter.

Why are members of the Trump Cult obsessed with gay sex and the false idea that children are being mutilated and harmed????

Why do I have to buy into your conspiracy theories and delusions by responding to your questions about shit that isn’t happening.

You have a genuine crisis of child sexual abuse against women and girls in the USA which you’re ignoring in favour of legislating against treatment for trans children.

There is no such thing as “free healthcare”. Your failure to provide universal health care to all citizens costs your economy more money than a single payer health care system.

You have the highest rate of maternal death in pregnancy in the free world, and since Roe v Wade was struck down there has been a 62% increase in maternal deaths in pregnancy in states where abortions are restricted.

We aren't the ones obsessed with gay sex......we were fine living our guys had gays on t.v., in the movies, you even had gay marriage....

But that wasn't enough.

Then you moved on to men in dresses using women's bathrooms and locker rooms.......and you guys didn't care if they did it when little girls were in there with them.....

then, you moved on to putting boys who think they are girls not only in the girl's locker forced girls to play with them on their teams...where the boys started winning everything.....the girls places on the team, the trophies, and most important, the scholarships and awards .....

Then that wasn't enough....then you had to have men in dresses, and less...... read to little kids, and dance and jiggle in front of little kids....

then that wasn't enough....and you began to secretly put books in school and public libraries showing underage children having sex with adult men...........

Then that wasn't enough, now, you want children who are barely old enough to have the ability to decide to chop off body parts and take chemicals that will render them sterile for the rest of their lives.....

And even that isn't guys are now pushing to change the word what you call MAPS.....Minor attracted that the stigma of having sex with underage children is gone....

We aren't obsessed with morons are the ones pushing are the ones who decided to target our kids.....

John Nolte......

For hundreds of years, no one in America bothered or cared about transsexuals and drag queens. Then THEY chose to wage a political war against us normal people. After nearly two-hundred years of peaceful co-existence, leftist transsexuals and drag queens rose up all at once to target our children for grooming and surgical mutilation; cheat in women’s sports; demand access to our daughter’s bathrooms, and bully us to join their anti-science delusion with their stupid pronouns.
Then, because we want no part of that madness, suddenly, the same people who left transsexuals alone for 250 years are the enemy… We’re transphobes… We’re committing “trans genocide,”—which is a hoax

Nolte: Four Transsexual Mass Shooters in Less than Five Years

Never forget that America had no issue with transsexuals and drag queens until transsexuals and drag queens started targeting our children for grooming and mutilation, ruining women’s sports, using the same locker rooms as our daughters, and demanding we buy into their delusions with the correct pronouns.
We left these people alone. Then they declared war on us, the truth, and our kids.

Looks Like Audrey Hale Launched the ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ Early
You don’t get to define what beliefs matter.

Why are members of the Trump Cult obsessed with gay sex and the false idea that children are being mutilated and harmed????

Why do I have to buy into your conspiracy theories and delusions by responding to your questions about shit that isn’t happening.

You have a genuine crisis of child sexual abuse against women and girls in the USA which you’re ignoring in favour of legislating against treatment for trans children.

There is no such thing as “free healthcare”. Your failure to provide universal health care to all citizens costs your economy more money than a single payer health care system.

You have the highest rate of maternal death in pregnancy in the free world, and since Roe v Wade was struck down there has been a 62% increase in maternal deaths in pregnancy in states where abortions are restricted.

The universal healthcare around the world....controlled by uncaring, incompetent government bureaucrats is bankrupting those countries....and those medical systems are falling apart.......that is why we oppose government controlled can't work.....because the government can't do anything competently.....and when you give government control of healthcare, then the medical miracles that prolong life, and cure diseases ends.........and people have to suffer.......simply because no one has the incentive to create medical miracles, and cures........

I have posted about the medical systems from around the world.....Doctor Shortages, nurse shortages, people waiting months to years for basic care........and running out of money...

You don't see that, you don't understand this........
Dennis Prager is really good at analyzing the left.....and why they are destructive......

What, then, is leftism?

Leftism is the attempt to destroy the past -- every value and every institution, the good as well as what it regards as the bad.

That is why leftists, by definition, hate conservatism. Conservatism seeks to conserve the best from the past. The Left seeks to destroy the past, including the best.

The first of the modern left-wing revolutions, the French Revolution, quite consciously sought to destroy every major institution and value of French society -- not just the monarchy but God, religion, the legal system, traditional notions of good and evil, the calendar, the old way of telling time, the old weights and measures, and even the names of the days of the week. In other words, the past. Just like the Left in contemporary America, the leftists of the French Revolution toppled statues -- in their case, the statues of every king of France.

The next major left-wing revolution, the Russian, did the same. As the Soviet dissident joke went, "In the Soviet Union the future is known; it's the past which is always changing."


"What is leftism?" is not at all the same as "What is liberalism?" Leftism and liberalism share almost no values. Indeed, perhaps the greatest tragedy of America today is that liberals do not vote their values. Leftists vote their values, and conservatives vote their values. But liberals vote for left-wing values, almost none of which they hold.

To cite but two examples: Liberals do not believe in racial segregation, whereas the left does: all-black dorms, all-black graduation exercises, different standards for blacks, etc. And liberals do not believe that males who say they are females should be allowed to compete in women's sports; only leftists do.
In a very real sense, today's leftism began in the 1960s with the infamous clarion call, "Never trust anyone over 30." That phrase meant nothing less than "value nothing from the past." Precisely what all leftism has been about -- from France under its revolutionaries to Russia under the Bolsheviks to China under Mao to America under the Left.

That is why, as I have said almost every day on my radio show for years, "The Left destroys everything it touches."

Whatever its noble-sounding rhetoric, the Left stands for nothing and therefore builds nothing (other than state power). Aside from state power, it only destroys.

Leftism in music, art, sculpture, and architecture destroyed everything beautiful and noble that had been created over all the preceding centuries.

It is destroying the universities, the high schools, and the elementary schools.

It is destroying science. More and more medical schools, for example, no longer speak of "pregnant women" but of "birthing persons." The American Medical Association has come out in opposition to listing the sex of newborns on their birth certificates; children, the AMA holds, will eventually decide whether they are male or female, neither or both.

Trying to separate the worst libs from the slightly less bad libs is a waste of time

The worst of the left sets the agenda and all the other libs follow along
You don’t get to define what beliefs matter.

Why are members of the Trump Cult obsessed with gay sex and the false idea that children are being mutilated and harmed????

Why do I have to buy into your conspiracy theories and delusions by responding to your questions about shit that isn’t happening.

You have a genuine crisis of child sexual abuse against women and girls in the USA which you’re ignoring in favour of legislating against treatment for trans children.

There is no such thing as “free healthcare”. Your failure to provide universal health care to all citizens costs your economy more money than a single payer health care system.

You have the highest rate of maternal death in pregnancy in the free world, and since Roe v Wade was struck down there has been a 62% increase in maternal deaths in pregnancy in states where abortions are restricted.

And that maternal death bullshit......

The real cause is not access to dumb ass...

If you want to know the truth....the truth no one wants to look at? Women who are over weight getting pregnant, and then suffering complications due to their excess weight.....

How do I know?

The three leading medical causes of preventable maternal mortality in the United States are blood clots in the lung, hypertension (high blood pressure), and blood loss. But why more women are dying because of them is unclear, according to a panel of experts.

The leading causes of maternal death range broadly, from hemorrhage and cardiovascular conditions to infection and drug overdose.

  • African American women have the highest rates of obesity or being overweight compared to other groups in the United States. About 4 out of 5 African American women are overweight or obese.
  • In 2018, non-Hispanic blacks were 1.3 times more likely to be obese as compared to non-Hispanic whites.
  • In 2018, African American women were 50 percent more likely to be obese than non-Hispanic white women.
  • From 2015-2018, non-Hispanic black females were 2.3 times more likely to be overweight as compared to non-Hispanic white females.
  • People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, high levels of blood fats, diabetes and LDL cholesterol – all risk factors for heart disease and stroke.1

What's good that's happened in the USA in the last century happened because of the left. That's one reason the right hates the left, butthurt jealousy over the success of the left.

The left won the culture wars for good reason -- leftist ideals are moral and support freedom, rightie ideals are dogshit and back authoritarianism.

It's not the left that's currently on a censorship and fascism crusade.
Yes it is the left onsuch a crusade.

The culture wars were not won by the left

They are not over
And that maternal death bullshit......

The real cause is not access to dumb ass...

If you want to know the truth....the truth no one wants to look at? Women who are over weight getting pregnant, and then suffering complications due to their excess weight.....

How do I know?

The three leading medical causes of preventable maternal mortality in the United States are blood clots in the lung, hypertension (high blood pressure), and blood loss. But why more women are dying because of them is unclear, according to a panel of experts.

The leading causes of maternal death range broadly, from hemorrhage and cardiovascular conditions to infection and drug overdose.

  • African American women have the highest rates of obesity or being overweight compared to other groups in the United States. About 4 out of 5 African American women are overweight or obese.
  • In 2018, non-Hispanic blacks were 1.3 times more likely to be obese as compared to non-Hispanic whites.
  • In 2018, African American women were 50 percent more likely to be obese than non-Hispanic white women.
  • From 2015-2018, non-Hispanic black females were 2.3 times more likely to be overweight as compared to non-Hispanic white females.
  • People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, high levels of blood fats, diabetes and LDL cholesterol – all risk factors for heart disease and stroke.1

  • I don’t think you’ve ever written a more hateful, biased, and racially disgusting post as this one.

    But I’m accustomed to you being racially, biased and disgusting. Minority women aren’t dying because they’re fat. They’re dying because they lack access to quality healthcare and when they complain to white doctors, their complaints are not taken seriously.

    And you know the rest of us are not being bankrupted by our single-payer, universal healthcare system.

    One third of all personal bankruptcies in the the USA are the result of unpaid medical bills. You don’t see that happening in any other first world country where we have universal healthcare.

    Your per capita, healthcare costs are the highest in the world and yet a large percentage of our population has little to no access to health care at all.
    Yes it is the left onsuch a crusade.

    The culture wars were not won by the left

    They are not over

    The culture wars are over. No culture war can be won on lies and that is all that the right has. Nobody is “grooming”, your children.

    There are only 100,000 in trans people and all the USA and they are not endangering anyone but themselves.

    You can’t take back aesy people’s right to live free of prejudice and discrimination. You can’t take rights away from people and expect them to just say OK.

    You cannot inflict Christian Taliban laws on free people and expect them to bow down to your racism, misogyny and hatred of “others”.

  • I don’t think you’ve ever written a more hateful, biased, and racially disgusting post as this one.

    But I’m accustomed to you being racially, biased and disgusting. Minority women aren’t dying because they’re fat. They’re dying because they lack access to quality healthcare and when they complain to white doctors, their complaints are not taken seriously.

    And you know the rest of us are not being bankrupted by our single-payer, universal healthcare system.

    One third of all personal bankruptcies in the the USA are the result of unpaid medical bills. You don’t see that happening in any other first world country where we have universal healthcare.

    Your per capita, healthcare costs are the highest in the world and yet a large percentage of our population has little to no access to health care at all.

    The culture wars are over. No culture war can be won on lies and that is all that the right has. Nobody is “grooming”, your children.

    There are only 100,000 in trans people and all the USA and they are not endangering anyone but themselves.

    You can’t take back aesy people’s right to live free of prejudice and discrimination. You can’t take rights away from people and expect them to just say OK.

    You cannot inflict Christian Taliban laws on free people and expect them to bow down to your racism, misogyny and hatred of “others”.

Let me translate your post....

"hmmm....I can't deal with the facts, truth or reality.......what am I supposed to post?........I know.....RACISM....."

Translation complete...

  • I don’t think you’ve ever written a more hateful, biased, and racially disgusting post as this one.

    But I’m accustomed to you being racially, biased and disgusting. Minority women aren’t dying because they’re fat. They’re dying because they lack access to quality healthcare and when they complain to white doctors, their complaints are not taken seriously.

    And you know the rest of us are not being bankrupted by our single-payer, universal healthcare system.

    One third of all personal bankruptcies in the the USA are the result of unpaid medical bills. You don’t see that happening in any other first world country where we have universal healthcare.

    Your per capita, healthcare costs are the highest in the world and yet a large percentage of our population has little to no access to health care at all.

    The culture wars are over. No culture war can be won on lies and that is all that the right has. Nobody is “grooming”, your children.

    There are only 100,000 in trans people and all the USA and they are not endangering anyone but themselves.

    You can’t take back aesy people’s right to live free of prejudice and discrimination. You can’t take rights away from people and expect them to just say OK.

    You cannot inflict Christian Taliban laws on free people and expect them to bow down to your racism, misogyny and hatred of “others”.

We left trans people alone....until they started demanding to use bathrooms and locker rooms with young girls......until they started demanding taking the place of girls on sports teams, taking their awards, and scholarships......until they started showing up in libraries and dancing half naked in front of small children......

You are an don't know what you are talking about.....
What's good that's happened in the USA in the last century happened because of the left. That's one reason the right hates the left, butthurt jealousy over the success of the left.

The left won the culture wars for good reason -- leftist ideals are moral and support freedom, rightie ideals are dogshit and back authoritarianism.

It's not the left that's currently on a censorship and fascism crusade.
Yep, you idiots have all the morals....dumbass.

We left trans people alone....until they started demanding to use bathrooms and locker rooms with young girls......until they started demanding taking the place of girls on sports teams, taking their awards, and scholarships......until they started showing up in libraries and dancing half naked in front of small children......

You are an don't know what you are talking about.....

You didn’t leave trans people alone and they didn’t ask me allowe to use the bathrooms. They’ve been using the bathrooms since I was a child.

What happened is a scam Republican outfit discovered how much money they could make by frightening fools like you into believing this shit. And they’ve become millionaires selling you on the idea of grooming and paedophilia amongst teachers, and anyone who even acts like they might be gay.

Added to which, passing laws allows Republican men to pretend they’re doing something to “protect women and children”, without doing anything whatsoever.

Look at their big whoop, celebration, over passing a law to protect female athletes in college from the 100 trans athletes in all of America, while ignoring the epidemic of sexual assault of young women while in college.

One in four American girls/women reports being sexually assaulted before leaving college. Fewer than one in 1000 rapists are prosecuted or jailed for these assaults. And Republicans pretend they’re protecting young women by passing anti-trans laws.

Just like Republicans pretend they’re protecting children by passing antiabortion laws. 62% increase in maternal deaths in states with restrictive abortion, laws,

Campaign “life”, your name’s a lie. You don’t care if women die.
You didn’t leave trans people alone and they didn’t ask me allowe to use the bathrooms. They’ve been using the bathrooms since I was a child.

What happened is a scam Republican outfit discovered how much money they could make by frightening fools like you into believing this shit. And they’ve become millionaires selling you on the idea of grooming and paedophilia amongst teachers, and anyone who even acts like they might be gay.

Added to which, passing laws allows Republican men to pretend they’re doing something to “protect women and children”, without doing anything whatsoever.

Look at their big whoop, celebration, over passing a law to protect female athletes in college from the 100 trans athletes in all of America, while ignoring the epidemic of sexual assault of young women while in college.

One in four American girls/women reports being sexually assaulted before leaving college. Fewer than one in 1000 rapists are prosecuted or jailed for these assaults. And Republicans pretend they’re protecting young women by passing anti-trans laws.

Just like Republicans pretend they’re protecting children by passing antiabortion laws. 62% increase in maternal deaths in states with restrictive abortion, laws,

Campaign “life”, your name’s a lie. You don’t care if women die.

There is no epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses......if there was there would be a lot fewer women willing to go to college...considering there are now more women in colleg than men. Women need to take care not to get drunk in strange places when they are in college....

If you want rapists to be prosecuted and jailed....stop voting for democrats...the ones letting them go.....

And if you had read the quotes, the majority of maternal deaths are not from botched abortions, you twit...they are from heart attacks, high blood pressure, strokes, and bleeding......all symptoms of excessive weight of the mother at the time of birth.....nothing to do with lack of baby doofus...

  • I don’t think you’ve ever written a more hateful, biased, and racially disgusting post as this one.

    But I’m accustomed to you being racially, biased and disgusting. Minority women aren’t dying because they’re fat. They’re dying because they lack access to quality healthcare and when they complain to white doctors, their complaints are not taken seriously.

    And you know the rest of us are not being bankrupted by our single-payer, universal healthcare system.

    One third of all personal bankruptcies in the the USA are the result of unpaid medical bills. You don’t see that happening in any other first world country where we have universal healthcare.

    Your per capita, healthcare costs are the highest in the world and yet a large percentage of our population has little to no access to health care at all.

    The culture wars are over. No culture war can be won on lies and that is all that the right has. Nobody is “grooming”, your children.

    There are only 100,000 in trans people and all the USA and they are not endangering anyone but themselves.

    You can’t take back aesy people’s right to live free of prejudice and discrimination. You can’t take rights away from people and expect them to just say OK.

    You cannot inflict Christian Taliban laws on free people and expect them to bow down to your racism, misogyny and hatred of “others”.
There was no racism or anything racist in the other guys post that you cited.

The culture wars are far from over if they were over no one woyuld be fighting to silence people like Jordan Peterson,

Sorry but those wars are only escelating and your side is doomed to lose.
Fascists need their scapegoats.

The old Nazis used the jews, the new Nazis use trans people.

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