Denver baker sued for refusing to write anti-gay slogans on cake

That's funny. Wait. Wouldn't a hetero-sexual wedding cake be the anti-homo cake? Whereas the inscription on the cake the asshole wanted was defamatory and the baker had every right to refuse to put that on the cake.
Here's some free speech. I'm not making a cake for a gay wedding. No wait, that's hate speech right? Can't have that. Making someone perform a service that disagree's with homosexuality is H8! But the gays suing for a wedding cake is a-ok. Them homo's are just suing out of love you H8ers!

No, it's not hate speech but it could be against the law in some locations.

So making Woolworth's serve blacks was "hate speech" in your opinion?
Nobody stopped the gays from buying a wedding cake with a bride and groom on it.

Yes, they did....which is why there have been actual discrimination suits filed. (The case highlighted in the OP is not an example of that)

Uh no, that would be true shit.

Colorado Civil Rights Commission rules that Masterpiece Cakeshop discriminated against gay couple - 7NEWS Denver

David Mullins and Charlie Craig went to Masterpiece Cakeshop at 3355 S. Wadsworth Boulevard, with Craig’s mother, in 2012, to order a cake for their upcoming wedding reception.

Store owner Jack Phillips informed them that, because of his religious beliefs, he didn’t sell wedding cakes to same-sex couples.
Baker refuses wedding cake for gay couple = Discrimination.

Baker refuses cake for homophobe = Not discrimination.


There's hope for our country.

The more we shame and embarrass homophobes and bigots, their children may see them for what they are, and have a chance at growing up normal.
The far left hates freedom of speech!

This thread proves that!

Two sides posting their opinions, unrestrained by Government.

How does that prove anything but Free Speech lives?


Some folks, especially right wing parrots, don't understand the concept of free speech. They seem to think it means they get to say whatever they want and if you protest or use YOUR free speech in return, theirs is under "attack".
Wait until some union sign painter refuses to produce Tea Party banners. That's when you'll see liberals change their mind about wedding cakes. Or expose their hypocrisy.

Baker refuses wedding cake for gay couple = Discrimination.

Baker refuses cake for homophobe = Not discrimination.


he didn't deny the homophobe a cake, he refused to include a hateful message in the sale...
Baker refuses wedding cake for gay couple = Discrimination.

Baker refuses cake for homophobe = Not discrimination.


he didn't deny the homophobe a cake, he refused to include a hateful message in the sale...

Exactly. He even offered the homophobe all the materials necessary to write his own message. Free or charge.

The homophobe is unlikely to win this case.
Wait until some union sign painter refuses to produce Tea Party banners. That's when you'll see liberals change their mind about wedding cakes. Or expose their hypocrisy.

Does the tea party pay extra to have all those misspelled signs, or is that just part of the regular price?
Bake the fucking cake and put the words they want on it. It amazes me the pro-homo group that made wedding cakes their hill to die on are now upset when the painfully fucking obvious response to the assholes is happening.

If baking a homo cake is the law then they should be equally forced to bake an anti-homo cake. You assholes wanted the rules so be ready to obey the rules you wanted. If forcing someone to make a homo cake against their will is equality then making a homo bake an anti-homo cake is fair game.

You militant fucks brought this on. Deal with it.

That's funny. Wait. Wouldn't a hetero-sexual wedding cake be the anti-homo cake? Whereas the inscription on the cake the asshole wanted was defamatory and the baker had every right to refuse to put that on the cake.
Here's some free speech. I'm not making a cake for a gay wedding. No wait, that's hate speech right? Can't have that. Making someone perform a service that disagree's with homosexuality is H8! But the gays suing for a wedding cake is a-ok. Them homo's are just suing out of love you H8ers!

If you own a bakery that specializes in wedding cakes and you do business in Co. you must accommodate gay customers. I guess we'll wait and see if that rule applies to inscription of hate as well. I don't think it will, but I could be wrong.

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