Denver cutting some city employees’ hours down to zero in order to support migrants


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
Im addition to an earlier announcement of cuts to City services, some city employees may have their hours cut to zero. The flood of illegals has obvious consequences and among those consequences are a big "eff you" to US citizens.

Don't call it a layoff, call it, "a readjustment of expenditures to serve an anticipated, reliable voter"

DENVER (TND) — Denver officials are weighing reducing some city employees’ hours to account for arriving migrants

The city told the outlet Monday hourly recreation center workers like lifeguards, front desk staff and coaches could all have their hours reduced to zero. Such worker are reportedly being considered "on-call employees."

Damn, virtue-signaling has consequences....Who knew?
It's highly likely most of those city employees voted for this, so they are simply getting what they voted for.
I sincerely hope the employees getting the pay cut are Democrats.
They will suffer the consequences of their actions at the voting booth.
Vote democrat and this is what happens... wake up before its too late.... maybe its already too late...
I hope those voters who made the decision to endorse their sanctuary city status will have a sense of humor about being pushed aside in favor of illegals.

Maybe they can all wear tee shirts with the words "kick me" on the back.
55.4% did.....A whopping 80% in Denver voted for FJB.

Less than 41% of their state population is native born now so it won't get any better.

Living in California, I've often wondered how much liberal insanity the locals could take before they threw the bums out of office.
They are getting closer every year.
Living in California, I've often wondered how much liberal insanity the locals could take before they threw the bums out of office.
They are getting closer every year.
Trouble is that the liberal insanity of CA moved to CO.

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