Deon Kay shooting: DC police release video of deadly encounter after protests

Responding to a report of a man with a gun? Is this what the NRA wants? The cops called every time someone see's someone carrying?

Caller: I want to report a man with a gun.

911: Is he doing anything illegal? Robbing someone? Threatening someone"?

Caller: Not that I know.

911: Then there is really little we can do.

What am I missing?
Two police officers were shot at in DC shortly before that all went down.

DC Moms are the ones calling for more gun control because they are tired of their children even if those children are adults being shot. It is their cultural issues and they should deal with that first and foremost but instead they want otherse to be limited because they cannot control their out of control adult children.

It is not lawful for an 18 year old to open carry in DC, it requires a license to open carry in DC and for gangs and thug types regardless of their color in crime ridden areas 'yes call the cops if you see something suspicious'.

A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. ... Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

The person in question was an adult and you didn't address my question. Is the idea of open carry for someone to call the police on you every time someone see's you open carry?
I did answer your question. Apparently you did not understand it.
for gangs and thug types regardless of their color in crime ridden areas 'yes call the cops if you see something suspicious'.

The something suspicious here was someone simply carrying. It's not hard to read what you are saying. You support open carry as long as the one carrying is acceptable to you. That's not how our rights work.
So a white supremacist gang in a black neighborhood with a load of weapons being waved around in their cars

We can discuss what we know or you can make things up to discuss. I'm not interested in the latter.
Responding to a report of a man with a gun? Is this what the NRA wants? The cops called every time someone see's someone carrying?

Caller: I want to report a man with a gun.

911: Is he doing anything illegal? Robbing someone? Threatening someone"?

Caller: Not that I know.

911: Then there is really little we can do.

What am I missing?

A brain to think critically?

So you support people calling the cops every time they see someone carrying?
Unlike black men you do not end up dead after being arrested like so many of them do. We now know why Freddie Grey ran even though the police never have stated a reason to chase him.

All the same was a phone call about a man with a gun. That is legal.

I am so sick of this deliberate BULLSHIT about cops killing black people BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK. IT IS BULLSHIT!!!

But, why did said man with a gun put himself in a position to be a CLEAR threat to police??? WHY???? What a fucking idiot.

Not sure what you are claiming. Look at all the cops getting fired over their racist language. Don't try and pretend they do not act upon that language.
Those who open carry never remove their gun to show someone it?
No. Fuck no. A firearm is not a toy or show piece. Keep that shit holstered unless you intend to use it.

I've seen it done quite often.
That is risky behavior.

But, if one does pull his weapon for such a non-threatening showboat session, he should at least comply with police orders to NOT MOVE AND DROP THE WEAPON, should he not? Running away (resisting arrest) while holding that gun is a recipe for getting LAWFULLY smoke by a cop, won't you fucking agree?

This is so fucking ridiculous. I am sick of your motherfuckers IGNORING the dangerous behavior of "black men" which is the sole cause of their deaths.

No. No one should ever be approached by a police officer for showing someone else his gun. Unless he is doing something illegal or legitimately believed to have done something illegal that a police officer can state he should never be approached by a police officer to do anything.
Responding to a report of a man with a gun? Is this what the NRA wants? The cops called every time someone see's someone carrying?

Caller: I want to report a man with a gun.

911: Is he doing anything illegal? Robbing someone? Threatening someone"?

Caller: Not that I know.

911: Then there is really little we can do.

What am I missing?
Two police officers were shot at in DC shortly before that all went down.

DC Moms are the ones calling for more gun control because they are tired of their children even if those children are adults being shot. It is their cultural issues and they should deal with that first and foremost but instead they want otherse to be limited because they cannot control their out of control adult children.

It is not lawful for an 18 year old to open carry in DC, it requires a license to open carry in DC and for gangs and thug types regardless of their color in crime ridden areas 'yes call the cops if you see something suspicious'.

A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. ... Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

The person in question was an adult and you didn't address my question. Is the idea of open carry for someone to call the police on you every time someone see's you open carry?
You don't understand what "Open Carry" means. It means the weapon is HOLSTERED and not concealed. It does not mean openly waving it around in your hand. That is a good indication something bad is going to happen and certainly worthy of calling in the police.
Responding to a report of a man with a gun? Is this what the NRA wants? The cops called every time someone see's someone carrying?

Caller: I want to report a man with a gun.

911: Is he doing anything illegal? Robbing someone? Threatening someone"?

Caller: Not that I know.

911: Then there is really little we can do.

What am I missing?
Two police officers were shot at in DC shortly before that all went down.

DC Moms are the ones calling for more gun control because they are tired of their children even if those children are adults being shot. It is their cultural issues and they should deal with that first and foremost but instead they want otherse to be limited because they cannot control their out of control adult children.

It is not lawful for an 18 year old to open carry in DC, it requires a license to open carry in DC and for gangs and thug types regardless of their color in crime ridden areas 'yes call the cops if you see something suspicious'.

A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. ... Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

The person in question was an adult and you didn't address my question. Is the idea of open carry for someone to call the police on you every time someone see's you open carry?
You don't understand what "Open Carry" means. It means the weapon is HOLSTERED and not concealed. It does not mean openly waving it around in your hand. That is a good indication something bad is going to happen and certainly worthy of calling in the police.

The call was over a man with a gun. There is no indication it was over a man waving a gun around. A man threatening others. etc.

Caller: I'd like to report a man with a gun.

911: is he doing anything illegal with it? Is he threatening anyone? Is he committing a crime with it?

Caller: No, not that I've seen

911: then there is little we can do. Having a gun is a Constitutionally protected right.
Responding to a report of a man with a gun? Is this what the NRA wants? The cops called every time someone see's someone carrying?

Caller: I want to report a man with a gun.

911: Is he doing anything illegal? Robbing someone? Threatening someone"?

Caller: Not that I know.

911: Then there is really little we can do.

What am I missing?
Two police officers were shot at in DC shortly before that all went down.

DC Moms are the ones calling for more gun control because they are tired of their children even if those children are adults being shot. It is their cultural issues and they should deal with that first and foremost but instead they want otherse to be limited because they cannot control their out of control adult children.

It is not lawful for an 18 year old to open carry in DC, it requires a license to open carry in DC and for gangs and thug types regardless of their color in crime ridden areas 'yes call the cops if you see something suspicious'.

A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. ... Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

The person in question was an adult and you didn't address my question. Is the idea of open carry for someone to call the police on you every time someone see's you open carry?
No. If a state allows for open carry and the firearm is in its holster and the person isn't acting irrationally, that is acceptable. You call the police when you see someone actually brandishing the firearm in a threatening manner, otherwise, ignore it. If the state doesn't allow open carry and a person is seen with a firearm, then by all means, call the police. The individual will be relieved of his/her weapon and taken into custody and if he/she resists, the shooting commences. The same is true of large knives, machetes or swords being carried. Call the cops.
A problem states have is regarding the public ignorance of their states existing laws regarding the carrying and use of firearms. They live in urban areas and go about their lives without seeing a firearm, outside of on the hip of a law enforcement officer. You look up the law(s) regarding firearms in your state to educate yourself. It is estimated that there are close to 100 million "law-abiding" citizens owning approximately 300+ million firearms, who aren't out causing mayhem. Most who carry firearms, do so legally via their concealed weapons permit and go about their daily business without you even knowing they are armed. They are the "good guys" in this. The large increase of shootings in the inner-cities are primarily caused by gangs and criminals that have obtained stolen or what they call, "ghost guns," guns made without serial numbers, so they can't be traced. If you know of any gang members in the inner-city that carry weapons, call the cops and they'll check it out. If the guns turn out to have been stolen, they'll be returned to their rightful owner.
Responding to a report of a man with a gun? Is this what the NRA wants? The cops called every time someone see's someone carrying?

Caller: I want to report a man with a gun.

911: Is he doing anything illegal? Robbing someone? Threatening someone"?

Caller: Not that I know.

911: Then there is really little we can do.

What am I missing?
Two police officers were shot at in DC shortly before that all went down.

DC Moms are the ones calling for more gun control because they are tired of their children even if those children are adults being shot. It is their cultural issues and they should deal with that first and foremost but instead they want otherse to be limited because they cannot control their out of control adult children.

It is not lawful for an 18 year old to open carry in DC, it requires a license to open carry in DC and for gangs and thug types regardless of their color in crime ridden areas 'yes call the cops if you see something suspicious'.

A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. ... Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

The person in question was an adult and you didn't address my question. Is the idea of open carry for someone to call the police on you every time someone see's you open carry?
You don't understand what "Open Carry" means. It means the weapon is HOLSTERED and not concealed. It does not mean openly waving it around in your hand. That is a good indication something bad is going to happen and certainly worthy of calling in the police.

The call was over a man with a gun. There is no indication it was over a man waving a gun around. A man threatening others. etc.

Caller: I'd like to report a man with a gun.

911: is he doing anything illegal with it? Is he threatening anyone? Is he committing a crime with it?

Caller: No, not that I've seen

911: then there is little we can do. Having a gun is a Constitutionally protected right.
You are splitting hairs over HOW a caller might report a man with a gun. The Open Carry Law clearly states the gun must be HOLSTERED. If the man has the gun drawn in his hand as in this case, it absolutely warrants a call to the police.
Unlike black men you do not end up dead after being arrested like so many of them do. We now know why Freddie Grey ran even though the police never have stated a reason to chase him.

All the same was a phone call about a man with a gun. That is legal.

I am so sick of this deliberate BULLSHIT about cops killing black people BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK. IT IS BULLSHIT!!!

But, why did said man with a gun put himself in a position to be a CLEAR threat to police??? WHY???? What a fucking idiot.

Not sure what you are claiming. Look at all the cops getting fired over their racist language. Don't try and pretend they do not act upon that language.
Don't try to pretend that the same percentage of white people DON'T get shot by cops. Quit trying to pretend that there is a real problem OTHER THAN black dudes simply acting dangerously unlawful.

"Racist language" is FUCKING IRRELEVANT!!!
Those who open carry never remove their gun to show someone it?
No. Fuck no. A firearm is not a toy or show piece. Keep that shit holstered unless you intend to use it.

I've seen it done quite often.
That is risky behavior.

But, if one does pull his weapon for such a non-threatening showboat session, he should at least comply with police orders to NOT MOVE AND DROP THE WEAPON, should he not? Running away (resisting arrest) while holding that gun is a recipe for getting LAWFULLY smoke by a cop, won't you fucking agree?

This is so fucking ridiculous. I am sick of your motherfuckers IGNORING the dangerous behavior of "black men" which is the sole cause of their deaths.

No. No one should ever be approached by a police officer for showing someone else his gun. Unless he is doing something illegal or legitimately believed to have done something illegal that a police officer can state he should never be approached by a police officer to do anything.
I don't disagree, but a lot of times the situation is unclear and it requires cops gathering information. It sure makes things go a whole lot smother when one doesn't....I don't know....RUN or START PUNCHING police. The last thing one would want to do in that situation is give the cops a reason to feel threatened. They have a right to be safe too, do they not?
Responding to a report of a man with a gun? Is this what the NRA wants? The cops called every time someone see's someone carrying?

Caller: I want to report a man with a gun.

911: Is he doing anything illegal? Robbing someone? Threatening someone"?

Caller: Not that I know.

911: Then there is really little we can do.

What am I missing?
Two police officers were shot at in DC shortly before that all went down.

DC Moms are the ones calling for more gun control because they are tired of their children even if those children are adults being shot. It is their cultural issues and they should deal with that first and foremost but instead they want otherse to be limited because they cannot control their out of control adult children.

It is not lawful for an 18 year old to open carry in DC, it requires a license to open carry in DC and for gangs and thug types regardless of their color in crime ridden areas 'yes call the cops if you see something suspicious'.

A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. ... Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

The person in question was an adult and you didn't address my question. Is the idea of open carry for someone to call the police on you every time someone see's you open carry?
No. If a state allows for open carry and the firearm is in its holster and the person isn't acting irrationally, that is acceptable. You call the police when you see someone actually brandishing the firearm in a threatening manner, otherwise, ignore it. If the state doesn't allow open carry and a person is seen with a firearm, then by all means, call the police. The individual will be relieved of his/her weapon and taken into custody and if he/she resists, the shooting commences. The same is true of large knives, machetes or swords being carried. Call the cops.
A problem states have is regarding the public ignorance of their states existing laws regarding the carrying and use of firearms. They live in urban areas and go about their lives without seeing a firearm, outside of on the hip of a law enforcement officer. You look up the law(s) regarding firearms in your state to educate yourself. It is estimated that there are close to 100 million "law-abiding" citizens owning approximately 300+ million firearms, who aren't out causing mayhem. Most who carry firearms, do so legally via their concealed weapons permit and go about their daily business without you even knowing they are armed. They are the "good guys" in this. The large increase of shootings in the inner-cities are primarily caused by gangs and criminals that have obtained stolen or what they call, "ghost guns," guns made without serial numbers, so they can't be traced. If you know of any gang members in the inner-city that carry weapons, call the cops and they'll check it out. If the guns turn out to have been stolen, they'll be returned to their rightful owner.
The general notion among many is that guns are illegal or "bad" for any purpose. This is brought on by decades of propaganda aimed at getting citizens to give up their self-defense rights so the powerful can rule without opposition. We must go back to ZERO gun laws. ZERO!!! If one feels like that makes his existence in America unsafe....he should MOVE TO FRANCE or arm himself.

In America, we retain those rights and will forever until soy boy pussy shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers calling themselves "men" decide that guns are too scary and defense if another's responsibility.
Responding to a report of a man with a gun? Is this what the NRA wants? The cops called every time someone see's someone carrying?

Caller: I want to report a man with a gun.

911: Is he doing anything illegal? Robbing someone? Threatening someone"?

Caller: Not that I know.

911: Then there is really little we can do.

What am I missing?
Two police officers were shot at in DC shortly before that all went down.

DC Moms are the ones calling for more gun control because they are tired of their children even if those children are adults being shot. It is their cultural issues and they should deal with that first and foremost but instead they want otherse to be limited because they cannot control their out of control adult children.

It is not lawful for an 18 year old to open carry in DC, it requires a license to open carry in DC and for gangs and thug types regardless of their color in crime ridden areas 'yes call the cops if you see something suspicious'.

A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. ... Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

The person in question was an adult and you didn't address my question. Is the idea of open carry for someone to call the police on you every time someone see's you open carry?
You don't understand what "Open Carry" means. It means the weapon is HOLSTERED and not concealed. It does not mean openly waving it around in your hand. That is a good indication something bad is going to happen and certainly worthy of calling in the police.

The call was over a man with a gun. There is no indication it was over a man waving a gun around. A man threatening others. etc.

Caller: I'd like to report a man with a gun.

911: is he doing anything illegal with it? Is he threatening anyone? Is he committing a crime with it?

Caller: No, not that I've seen

911: then there is little we can do. Having a gun is a Constitutionally protected right.
Per what you describe it went down as it should. Are you looking for something to pick at? If I see what appears to be an obvious drunk on the highway that may endanger someone else I can call and report it as someone swerving in traffic and that doesn't mean I know the person is drunk either. It may be they just looked away for a moment, got distracted for a moment or are sleepy. It is up to the dispatcher to determine if there is an emergency.

If I see someone with out of state plates and what appears to be all the makings for a Molotov cocktail getting gas cans filled and there are riots nearby I would also consider that suspicious too.
Unlike black men you do not end up dead after being arrested like so many of them do. We now know why Freddie Grey ran even though the police never have stated a reason to chase him.

All the same was a phone call about a man with a gun. That is legal.

I am so sick of this deliberate BULLSHIT about cops killing black people BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK. IT IS BULLSHIT!!!

But, why did said man with a gun put himself in a position to be a CLEAR threat to police??? WHY???? What a fucking idiot.

Not sure what you are claiming. Look at all the cops getting fired over their racist language. Don't try and pretend they do not act upon that language.
Don't try to pretend that the same percentage of white people DON'T get shot by cops. Quit trying to pretend that there is a real problem OTHER THAN black dudes simply acting dangerously unlawful.

"Racist language" is FUCKING IRRELEVANT!!!
I believe in some cases there is an element of racism but the vast majority of these police shootings is based on the dangerous behavior of the person.
Responding to a report of a man with a gun? Is this what the NRA wants? The cops called every time someone see's someone carrying?

Caller: I want to report a man with a gun.

911: Is he doing anything illegal? Robbing someone? Threatening someone"?

Caller: Not that I know.

911: Then there is really little we can do.

What am I missing?
Two police officers were shot at in DC shortly before that all went down.

DC Moms are the ones calling for more gun control because they are tired of their children even if those children are adults being shot. It is their cultural issues and they should deal with that first and foremost but instead they want otherse to be limited because they cannot control their out of control adult children.

It is not lawful for an 18 year old to open carry in DC, it requires a license to open carry in DC and for gangs and thug types regardless of their color in crime ridden areas 'yes call the cops if you see something suspicious'.

A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. ... Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

The person in question was an adult and you didn't address my question. Is the idea of open carry for someone to call the police on you every time someone see's you open carry?
No. If a state allows for open carry and the firearm is in its holster and the person isn't acting irrationally, that is acceptable. You call the police when you see someone actually brandishing the firearm in a threatening manner, otherwise, ignore it. If the state doesn't allow open carry and a person is seen with a firearm, then by all means, call the police. The individual will be relieved of his/her weapon and taken into custody and if he/she resists, the shooting commences. The same is true of large knives, machetes or swords being carried. Call the cops.
A problem states have is regarding the public ignorance of their states existing laws regarding the carrying and use of firearms. They live in urban areas and go about their lives without seeing a firearm, outside of on the hip of a law enforcement officer. You look up the law(s) regarding firearms in your state to educate yourself. It is estimated that there are close to 100 million "law-abiding" citizens owning approximately 300+ million firearms, who aren't out causing mayhem. Most who carry firearms, do so legally via their concealed weapons permit and go about their daily business without you even knowing they are armed. They are the "good guys" in this. The large increase of shootings in the inner-cities are primarily caused by gangs and criminals that have obtained stolen or what they call, "ghost guns," guns made without serial numbers, so they can't be traced. If you know of any gang members in the inner-city that carry weapons, call the cops and they'll check it out. If the guns turn out to have been stolen, they'll be returned to their rightful owner.

I can read between the lines here. "gang members" unless removed through the legal system have the same rights as anyone else.
Responding to a report of a man with a gun? Is this what the NRA wants? The cops called every time someone see's someone carrying?

Caller: I want to report a man with a gun.

911: Is he doing anything illegal? Robbing someone? Threatening someone"?

Caller: Not that I know.

911: Then there is really little we can do.

What am I missing?
Two police officers were shot at in DC shortly before that all went down.

DC Moms are the ones calling for more gun control because they are tired of their children even if those children are adults being shot. It is their cultural issues and they should deal with that first and foremost but instead they want otherse to be limited because they cannot control their out of control adult children.

It is not lawful for an 18 year old to open carry in DC, it requires a license to open carry in DC and for gangs and thug types regardless of their color in crime ridden areas 'yes call the cops if you see something suspicious'.

A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. ... Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

The person in question was an adult and you didn't address my question. Is the idea of open carry for someone to call the police on you every time someone see's you open carry?
You don't understand what "Open Carry" means. It means the weapon is HOLSTERED and not concealed. It does not mean openly waving it around in your hand. That is a good indication something bad is going to happen and certainly worthy of calling in the police.

The call was over a man with a gun. There is no indication it was over a man waving a gun around. A man threatening others. etc.

Caller: I'd like to report a man with a gun.

911: is he doing anything illegal with it? Is he threatening anyone? Is he committing a crime with it?

Caller: No, not that I've seen

911: then there is little we can do. Having a gun is a Constitutionally protected right.
You are splitting hairs over HOW a caller might report a man with a gun. The Open Carry Law clearly states the gun must be HOLSTERED. If the man has the gun drawn in his hand as in this case, it absolutely warrants a call to the police.

No it does not. A person can legally show his weapon to someone that wants to see it.
Responding to a report of a man with a gun? Is this what the NRA wants? The cops called every time someone see's someone carrying?

Caller: I want to report a man with a gun.

911: Is he doing anything illegal? Robbing someone? Threatening someone"?

Caller: Not that I know.

911: Then there is really little we can do.

What am I missing?
Two police officers were shot at in DC shortly before that all went down.

DC Moms are the ones calling for more gun control because they are tired of their children even if those children are adults being shot. It is their cultural issues and they should deal with that first and foremost but instead they want otherse to be limited because they cannot control their out of control adult children.

It is not lawful for an 18 year old to open carry in DC, it requires a license to open carry in DC and for gangs and thug types regardless of their color in crime ridden areas 'yes call the cops if you see something suspicious'.

A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. ... Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

The person in question was an adult and you didn't address my question. Is the idea of open carry for someone to call the police on you every time someone see's you open carry?
You don't understand what "Open Carry" means. It means the weapon is HOLSTERED and not concealed. It does not mean openly waving it around in your hand. That is a good indication something bad is going to happen and certainly worthy of calling in the police.

The call was over a man with a gun. There is no indication it was over a man waving a gun around. A man threatening others. etc.

Caller: I'd like to report a man with a gun.

911: is he doing anything illegal with it? Is he threatening anyone? Is he committing a crime with it?

Caller: No, not that I've seen

911: then there is little we can do. Having a gun is a Constitutionally protected right.
Per what you describe it went down as it should. Are you looking for something to pick at? If I see what appears to be an obvious drunk on the highway that may endanger someone else I can call and report it as someone swerving in traffic and that doesn't mean I know the person is drunk either. It may be they just looked away for a moment, got distracted for a moment or are sleepy. It is up to the dispatcher to determine if there is an emergency.

If I see someone with out of state plates and what appears to be all the makings for a Molotov cocktail getting gas cans filled and there are riots nearby I would also consider that suspicious too.

If you see someone obviously breaking the law you can call that in. I covered that.
Those who open carry never remove their gun to show someone it?
No. Fuck no. A firearm is not a toy or show piece. Keep that shit holstered unless you intend to use it.

I've seen it done quite often.
That is risky behavior.

But, if one does pull his weapon for such a non-threatening showboat session, he should at least comply with police orders to NOT MOVE AND DROP THE WEAPON, should he not? Running away (resisting arrest) while holding that gun is a recipe for getting LAWFULLY smoke by a cop, won't you fucking agree?

This is so fucking ridiculous. I am sick of your motherfuckers IGNORING the dangerous behavior of "black men" which is the sole cause of their deaths.

No. No one should ever be approached by a police officer for showing someone else his gun. Unless he is doing something illegal or legitimately believed to have done something illegal that a police officer can state he should never be approached by a police officer to do anything.
I don't disagree, but a lot of times the situation is unclear and it requires cops gathering information. It sure makes things go a whole lot smother when one doesn't....I don't know....RUN or START PUNCHING police. The last thing one would want to do in that situation is give the cops a reason to feel threatened. They have a right to be safe too, do they not?

That right does not negate the rights of others. Running doesn't give the police the right to shoot anyone. If they are running they are not a threat to the officer.

Punching? It depends on the situation. A citizen has as much of a right to protect themselves as a police officer does.

Texas prosecutors drop charges against Black man arrested while jogging

This man was arrested because the cops say he kicked them. The prosecutor dismissed all charges. They had NO reason to touch him.

Watch the news. More and more police forces are noting how they are going to change the way officers are trained. "Because I say so" is no longer going to be enough.

"Because I say so" does NOT give an officer the right to violate someone's rights.
Unlike black men you do not end up dead after being arrested like so many of them do. We now know why Freddie Grey ran even though the police never have stated a reason to chase him.

All the same was a phone call about a man with a gun. That is legal.

I am so sick of this deliberate BULLSHIT about cops killing black people BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK. IT IS BULLSHIT!!!

But, why did said man with a gun put himself in a position to be a CLEAR threat to police??? WHY???? What a fucking idiot.

Not sure what you are claiming. Look at all the cops getting fired over their racist language. Don't try and pretend they do not act upon that language.
Don't try to pretend that the same percentage of white people DON'T get shot by cops. Quit trying to pretend that there is a real problem OTHER THAN black dudes simply acting dangerously unlawful.

"Racist language" is FUCKING IRRELEVANT!!!
I believe in some cases there is an element of racism but the vast majority of these police shootings is based on the dangerous behavior of the person.

That element needs dealt with.
Responding to a report of a man with a gun? Is this what the NRA wants? The cops called every time someone see's someone carrying?

Caller: I want to report a man with a gun.

911: Is he doing anything illegal? Robbing someone? Threatening someone"?

Caller: Not that I know.

911: Then there is really little we can do.

What am I missing?
Two police officers were shot at in DC shortly before that all went down.

DC Moms are the ones calling for more gun control because they are tired of their children even if those children are adults being shot. It is their cultural issues and they should deal with that first and foremost but instead they want otherse to be limited because they cannot control their out of control adult children.

It is not lawful for an 18 year old to open carry in DC, it requires a license to open carry in DC and for gangs and thug types regardless of their color in crime ridden areas 'yes call the cops if you see something suspicious'.

A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. ... Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

The person in question was an adult and you didn't address my question. Is the idea of open carry for someone to call the police on you every time someone see's you open carry?
No. If a state allows for open carry and the firearm is in its holster and the person isn't acting irrationally, that is acceptable. You call the police when you see someone actually brandishing the firearm in a threatening manner, otherwise, ignore it. If the state doesn't allow open carry and a person is seen with a firearm, then by all means, call the police. The individual will be relieved of his/her weapon and taken into custody and if he/she resists, the shooting commences. The same is true of large knives, machetes or swords being carried. Call the cops.
A problem states have is regarding the public ignorance of their states existing laws regarding the carrying and use of firearms. They live in urban areas and go about their lives without seeing a firearm, outside of on the hip of a law enforcement officer. You look up the law(s) regarding firearms in your state to educate yourself. It is estimated that there are close to 100 million "law-abiding" citizens owning approximately 300+ million firearms, who aren't out causing mayhem. Most who carry firearms, do so legally via their concealed weapons permit and go about their daily business without you even knowing they are armed. They are the "good guys" in this. The large increase of shootings in the inner-cities are primarily caused by gangs and criminals that have obtained stolen or what they call, "ghost guns," guns made without serial numbers, so they can't be traced. If you know of any gang members in the inner-city that carry weapons, call the cops and they'll check it out. If the guns turn out to have been stolen, they'll be returned to their rightful owner.

I can read between the lines here. "gang members" unless removed through the legal system have the same rights as anyone else.
Gang members of known criminal entities lose certain rights when they join those criminal enterprises in many states. What is not legal or will not stand is law enforcement listing people as a criminal gang member when in fact they are not.


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