Deport Them! CBO Says Legalizing 'Dreamers Will Cost $26 Billion & Add 80,000 With Chain Migration


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
As I said, these third worlders must be deported. The founders did not create this country for them to be citizens of. If we did DACA, it would eventually fundamentally transform our country into a brown nation, something the founders did not want in their original intent pertaining to what specific citizens they wanted to populate the new nation with. See the Naturalization Act of 1790. No folks, the browning of America must not be allowed anymore. It will cost too much money and it will eventually become a national security issue in the years to come. We must not allow White-Genocide in America. Call your lawmakers and tell them to oppose DACA so 'Dreamers' can be rounded up and reported. They're all criminals and deserve to be since they're here fraudulently and fleecing the American law abiding taxpayers.

Legalizing ‘Dreamers’ would cost $26 billion: CBO

DACA Amnesty Chain Migration Would Exceed Four Years of U.S. Births - Breitbart
Immigrants haven't yet been subjected to the liberal religion of barrenness...feminism, homosexuality, abortion, birth control, divorce. Their opposition to life and family is satanic in origin.
And then they crow "demographics is destiny".
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Immigrants haven't yet been subjected to the liberal religion of barrenness...feminism, homosexuality, abortion, birth control, divorce. Their opposition to life and family is satanic in origin.
And then they crow "demographics is destiny".
But in reality, demographics is diversity. The destiny of diversity is death!
Why has this guy not been banned yet? Is there even any real moderation on these boards, outside of moving threads around ?

I didn't know I was on Stormfront.
Why has this guy not been banned yet? Is there even any real moderation on these boards, outside of moving threads around ?

I didn't know I was on Stormfront.

Cant take the heat? I know the truth hurts but were talking 26 billion dollars here!

Because that's not even really what he's talking about. He's talking about white genocide and all the Stormfront talking points.
Why has this guy not been banned yet? Is there even any real moderation on these boards, outside of moving threads around ?

I didn't know I was on Stormfront.

Cant take the heat? I know the truth hurts but were talking 26 billion dollars here!

Because that's not even really what he's talking about. He's talking about white genocide and all the Stormfront talking points.

Well he does have a point......nobody is more discriminated against than the single working white male. But I think we can all agree 26 billion is crazy. How much would that equal for each? $32,500 each if there are 800,000 dreamers
26 billion over 10 years ...

Meanwhile, 824.6 billion dollar military budget for 2018 alone.

1 is about doing what is fair and humane.

The other is about slaughtering people and creating destruction (not entirely, but that the purpose of our military is to fight in other peoples' countries. When's the last time we've been attacked by an enemy nation? Pearl Harbor?)

Hmm ... better quibble over the 2.8 billion annual rather than talk about the 824.6 billion annual. The Republican way!

Here's the $250 Billion in Hidden Military Spending
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26 billion over 10 years ...

Meanwhile, 824.6 billion dollar military budget for 2018 alone.

1 is about doing what is fair and humane.

The other is about slaughtering people and creating destruction (not entirely, but that the purpose of our military is to fight in other peoples' countries. When's the last time we've been attacked by an enemy nation? Pearl Harbor?)

Hmm ... better quibble over the 2.8 billion annual rather than talk about the 824.6 billion annual. The Republican way!

Here's the $250 Billion in Hidden Military Spending
Deflection! The military has nothing to do with the thread topic. Amnesty to Dreamers and their chain Mexican Wetback/third world illegals is not fair nor humane to law abiding American natural born citizens. Just ask Kate Steinle and the other countless Americans that's been raped, robbed, beaten, and murdered by the criminal brown scum that ignored our immigration laws.
But in reality, demographics is diversity. The destiny of diversity is death!

Diversity and chaos are closely related. But worse than that this, by their own headline, is what they actually mean by “diversity”

Why has this guy not been banned yet? Is there even any real moderation on these boards, outside of moving threads around ?

I didn't know I was on Stormfront.

Cant take the heat? I know the truth hurts but were talking 26 billion dollars here!

Because that's not even really what he's talking about. He's talking about white genocide and all the Stormfront talking points.

Could we save the trouble and have a list of your banned topics and thoughts?
Why has this guy not been banned yet? Is there even any real moderation on these boards, outside of moving threads around ?

I didn't know I was on Stormfront.

Cant take the heat? I know the truth hurts but were talking 26 billion dollars here!

Because that's not even really what he's talking about. He's talking about white genocide and all the Stormfront talking points.

Could we save the trouble and have a list of your banned topics and thoughts?

Nice. Another one.

I only stumbled on Stormfront once (once was enough), but it sure looks different nowadays. They changed their name to USMB? Smart. No one would suspect the US Message Board.
Why has this guy not been banned yet? Is there even any real moderation on these boards, outside of moving threads around ?

I didn't know I was on Stormfront.

Right. Ban anything you don't like to read. Right away lil' Kim. Use the ignore or scroll past.

Nice. Another supporter of racism.
No, he's a supporter of the rule of law, namely our current immigration laws that are ignored by wetbacks and other third world illegals.
Why has this guy not been banned yet? Is there even any real moderation on these boards, outside of moving threads around ?

I didn't know I was on Stormfront.

Right. Ban anything you don't like to read. Right away lil' Kim. Use the ignore or scroll past.

Nice. Another supporter of racism.
No, he's a supporter of the rule of law, namely our current immigration laws.

Yeah, me too. Glad to hear you support Robert Mueller's investigation.
Chain Migration. What a disaster. One wins the immigration lottery and in comes the Aunts and Uncles 100s' more on welfare. Even Terrorist.

This "chain" can go the other way too. Commit a crime, chain them all back out of here. That might slow some of the lower level killers down
Why has this guy not been banned yet? Is there even any real moderation on these boards, outside of moving threads around ?

I didn't know I was on Stormfront.

Right. Ban anything you don't like to read. Right away lil' Kim. Use the ignore or scroll past.

Nice. Another supporter of racism.
No, he's a supporter of the rule of law, namely our current immigration laws.

Yeah, me too. Glad to hear you support Robert Mueller's investigation.
No, I don't. His Investigation is unethical and already compromised with conflicts of interest. Now stay on the thread topic.
Why has this guy not been banned yet? Is there even any real moderation on these boards, outside of moving threads around ?

I didn't know I was on Stormfront.

Right. Ban anything you don't like to read. Right away lil' Kim. Use the ignore or scroll past.

Nice. Another supporter of racism.
No, he's a supporter of the rule of law, namely our current immigration laws.

Yeah, me too. Glad to hear you support Robert Mueller's investigation.
No, I don't. His Investigation is unethical and already compromised with conflicts of interest. Now stay on the thread topic.

I thought you supported rule of law and due process.

Do you think the laws should only apply to people who aren't rich and white, then?
It will cost a lot more than that. Illegals filing fraudulent tax returns claiming child tax credit refund checks (a scam) will cost us $50 billion over the next 10 years.

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