DeSantis blames lack of media coverage for resurge of COVID cases

From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.
That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?
We've got a bit of a scandal rearing it's ugly head down here in Florida about testing and testing results, Slade! A testing center reporting positive tests of 9.84% was counted in the State totals as 98.4%. Several other testing sites showed 100% positive tests...a statistically improbable result! Our local hospital is so empty that 3 floors remain closed. I know the main stream media WANTS the rest of the world to think that Florida is overwhelmed by Covid 19 but the truth is far from that! They have managed to scare the shit out of people again...something that will result in thousands more businesses probably not making it through this pandemic! But that's what you liberals have wanted since this started...isn't it, Slade?

Yup and they have only had 4,520 deaths here in Florida which is my home state.

I doubt the morgues are overflowing.
Freezer trucks are reported to be going to Texas and Arizona morgues... icu with no beds left in Miami and other hospitals getting close to capacity in Florida. 600 nurses being sent in.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Yet you don't post the evidence and link for it.

You talk a lot, but don't back it up when challenged.

You have a gun at your head, preventing you from posting the evidence?
I posted links to reports showing ICU bed shortages in Florida and Freezer trucks being sent to morgues in Texas and Arizona. Proof I wasn’t lying. You may apologize now

Kinda funny they would need freezer trucks for 3,582 dead in Texas. I'd say the press if full of shit.
Why don’t you call a couple morgues in the areas the reports reference and check it out. You’re just making assumptions at this point. And I really don’t understand this effort that people like you are putting into trying to minimize and discredit this thing... people are actually getting sick and dying. Why wouldn’t you take the safer approach in situations like this? Your narratives only promote dangerous actions
Conservatives are making this effort to minimize the severity of the pandemic and discredit factual reporting about the pandemic because they’re afraid Trump’s mismanagement of the pandemic will cost Trump a second term.
We're making an effort to save the US economy before we slip back into another Great Depression! You WANT the economy to crater because you grasp that's probably the only way a senile old idiot like Joe Biden would ever get elected President!
No one wants the economy collapse. Why do you insist on making a public health issue about the election?
With all due respect, Coyote...that's incredibly naive on your part! The only way that Joe Biden has a prayer of being elected President is if the economy stays collapsed until November and the main stream media can continue to blame Trump for that collapse. You may not want to admit that's the case but it doesn't change the fact that it is!
You really think people are that stupid? We know who Trumpnis and we know who Biden is. Trust in media at at an all time low. How many people do you really think the media is influencing?
Trust in the media is at an all time low because the main stream media has no journalistic ethics left whatsoever! The New York Times used to have a great they're regarded as nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democrats. They lie without thinking. The Washington Post? CNN? MSNBC? CBS? PBS? USA Today? They're all as slanted as the Times! 90% of their coverage is negative when it comes to covering this Administration! They are the embodiment of a "the end justifies the means" mentality!

As for us knowing who Joe Biden is? We should! He's been running for President since the Watergate hearings! Joe Biden is a career politician. He's a Washington insider. Part of the problem that's brought us to this point! He's never been a bright man. You don't have to cheat your way through college if you are! He's always had a habit of saying something so incredibly stupid at some point in every election he makes a run in that people laugh and he's done! He'd do it this year too except his handlers are hiding him in his basement so he can't screw up. They know he's senile. I think you do too! We know who Joe Biden is? You're right...we do!
Trump deserves negative coverage as he and his bots have been out there spreading lies non stop. Of course that’s going to lead to negative coverage. Even the Trump friendly Fox has over 50% negative coverage on the guy. He brings it on himself by how he behaves.

You act like Biden’s time in leadership has brought us to this horrible point. A few months ago we had the greatest everything in American history, didn’t we?. I don’t want to spoil the surprise but policies take years and decades to have practical effects on the economy and the state of the Union. The things Trump campaigned scorched earth about are the same things he then took credit for months later after he was elected. It’s all a con and you’re the sucker falling for it.
Nobody deserves negative coverage! What they DESERVE is fair coverage! Donald Trump has never gotten that.
Fox does in fact give Trump negative coverage when they feel it's deserved. That's what a news organization does that respects the truth. CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times...they flat out LIE about what Trump has done and what he's trying to do! They should be ashamed to even claim that they ARE journalists!
Joe Biden's time in office has brought us nothing. His ass has sat in the Senate for so long and done so little that it's a joke that HE is a viable candidate for President! What he has done however is telling! He wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill...legislation that put more black people into prisons than any other law ever passed in this country! Yet he sits there and declares that HE is there for the blacks of this country and Donald Trump is the enemy? Do you remember when Donald Trump challenged blacks in this country to give him a chance? That he'd do right by them? He then gave them the best unemployment numbers they've EVER had! That wasn't idle bullshit on his part! He promised them something and he delivered on that promise!
Trump lies an bully’s people all the time so of course news outlets are going to call out this lies and inflammatory rhetoric. You call that negative but that’s because what Trumpnis saying is negative. Seriously, besides boasting about things that he’s not responsible for listen to his statements. Most of what he says is shit talk, lies and provocation... all negative. Like I said before it comes from the top.

Any media show or journalist who actually lies should be called out, exposed and punished. It does happen, but not nearly as much as you try and paint.
You act like the main stream media HASN'T been called out or exposed...and yet they HAVE time after time! The entire "Russian Collusion" story was nothing but lies right from the start and even when the main stream media KNEW that was the case they still pushed the narrative! Trump isn't a "bully"...he simply won't take what they're putting out without a fight!
Of course they have and they should continue to get called out when wrong or dishonest about a story. This isn’t a new thing. Of course Trump is a bully. He is the definition of a bully. What are you talking about?!

So how SHOULD one respond when someone else tells deliberate lies about you? In a nice way? Do you really think for one second that this media would in any way back off to a nice response? Jim Acosta? Do you really think Jim Acosta is at those White House press briefings to "make nice"? Acosta flat out lies about what Kayleigh states and when he does so she calls him out on it! That's not being a "bully"...that's being a good Press Secretary!
Well first off you can ignore the trolls not lead by trolling... I have no problem with being tough in pushing back about falsehoods. I have no problem with being tough on liars. The problem is Trump doesn’t fight with the truth. He tells lies and the fights with more lies and smears. He name calls and plays petty mud flinging games. That’s not standing up for yourself, that’s acting like a child bully.
He is right about that. That is what makes i credibly hard to respect Trump
My gosh the look of surprise I know wear after reading you dog Trump.
From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.
That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?
We've got a bit of a scandal rearing it's ugly head down here in Florida about testing and testing results, Slade! A testing center reporting positive tests of 9.84% was counted in the State totals as 98.4%. Several other testing sites showed 100% positive tests...a statistically improbable result! Our local hospital is so empty that 3 floors remain closed. I know the main stream media WANTS the rest of the world to think that Florida is overwhelmed by Covid 19 but the truth is far from that! They have managed to scare the shit out of people again...something that will result in thousands more businesses probably not making it through this pandemic! But that's what you liberals have wanted since this started...isn't it, Slade?

Yup and they have only had 4,520 deaths here in Florida which is my home state.

I doubt the morgues are overflowing.
Freezer trucks are reported to be going to Texas and Arizona morgues... icu with no beds left in Miami and other hospitals getting close to capacity in Florida. 600 nurses being sent in.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Yet you don't post the evidence and link for it.

You talk a lot, but don't back it up when challenged.

You have a gun at your head, preventing you from posting the evidence?
I posted links to reports showing ICU bed shortages in Florida and Freezer trucks being sent to morgues in Texas and Arizona. Proof I wasn’t lying. You may apologize now

Kinda funny they would need freezer trucks for 3,582 dead in Texas. I'd say the press if full of shit.
Why don’t you call a couple morgues in the areas the reports reference and check it out. You’re just making assumptions at this point. And I really don’t understand this effort that people like you are putting into trying to minimize and discredit this thing... people are actually getting sick and dying. Why wouldn’t you take the safer approach in situations like this? Your narratives only promote dangerous actions
Conservatives are making this effort to minimize the severity of the pandemic and discredit factual reporting about the pandemic because they’re afraid Trump’s mismanagement of the pandemic will cost Trump a second term.
We're making an effort to save the US economy before we slip back into another Great Depression! You WANT the economy to crater because you grasp that's probably the only way a senile old idiot like Joe Biden would ever get elected President!
No one wants the economy collapse. Why do you insist on making a public health issue about the election?
With all due respect, Coyote...that's incredibly naive on your part! The only way that Joe Biden has a prayer of being elected President is if the economy stays collapsed until November and the main stream media can continue to blame Trump for that collapse. You may not want to admit that's the case but it doesn't change the fact that it is!
You really think people are that stupid? We know who Trumpnis and we know who Biden is. Trust in media at at an all time low. How many people do you really think the media is influencing?
Trust in the media is at an all time low because the main stream media has no journalistic ethics left whatsoever! The New York Times used to have a great they're regarded as nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democrats. They lie without thinking. The Washington Post? CNN? MSNBC? CBS? PBS? USA Today? They're all as slanted as the Times! 90% of their coverage is negative when it comes to covering this Administration! They are the embodiment of a "the end justifies the means" mentality!

As for us knowing who Joe Biden is? We should! He's been running for President since the Watergate hearings! Joe Biden is a career politician. He's a Washington insider. Part of the problem that's brought us to this point! He's never been a bright man. You don't have to cheat your way through college if you are! He's always had a habit of saying something so incredibly stupid at some point in every election he makes a run in that people laugh and he's done! He'd do it this year too except his handlers are hiding him in his basement so he can't screw up. They know he's senile. I think you do too! We know who Joe Biden is? You're right...we do!
Trump deserves negative coverage as he and his bots have been out there spreading lies non stop. Of course that’s going to lead to negative coverage. Even the Trump friendly Fox has over 50% negative coverage on the guy. He brings it on himself by how he behaves.

You act like Biden’s time in leadership has brought us to this horrible point. A few months ago we had the greatest everything in American history, didn’t we?. I don’t want to spoil the surprise but policies take years and decades to have practical effects on the economy and the state of the Union. The things Trump campaigned scorched earth about are the same things he then took credit for months later after he was elected. It’s all a con and you’re the sucker falling for it.
Nobody deserves negative coverage! What they DESERVE is fair coverage! Donald Trump has never gotten that.
Fox does in fact give Trump negative coverage when they feel it's deserved. That's what a news organization does that respects the truth. CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times...they flat out LIE about what Trump has done and what he's trying to do! They should be ashamed to even claim that they ARE journalists!
Joe Biden's time in office has brought us nothing. His ass has sat in the Senate for so long and done so little that it's a joke that HE is a viable candidate for President! What he has done however is telling! He wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill...legislation that put more black people into prisons than any other law ever passed in this country! Yet he sits there and declares that HE is there for the blacks of this country and Donald Trump is the enemy? Do you remember when Donald Trump challenged blacks in this country to give him a chance? That he'd do right by them? He then gave them the best unemployment numbers they've EVER had! That wasn't idle bullshit on his part! He promised them something and he delivered on that promise!
Trump lies an bully’s people all the time so of course news outlets are going to call out this lies and inflammatory rhetoric. You call that negative but that’s because what Trumpnis saying is negative. Seriously, besides boasting about things that he’s not responsible for listen to his statements. Most of what he says is shit talk, lies and provocation... all negative. Like I said before it comes from the top.

Any media show or journalist who actually lies should be called out, exposed and punished. It does happen, but not nearly as much as you try and paint.
You act like the main stream media HASN'T been called out or exposed...and yet they HAVE time after time! The entire "Russian Collusion" story was nothing but lies right from the start and even when the main stream media KNEW that was the case they still pushed the narrative! Trump isn't a "bully"...he simply won't take what they're putting out without a fight!
Of course they have and they should continue to get called out when wrong or dishonest about a story. This isn’t a new thing. Of course Trump is a bully. He is the definition of a bully. What are you talking about?!

So how SHOULD one respond when someone else tells deliberate lies about you? In a nice way? Do you really think for one second that this media would in any way back off to a nice response? Jim Acosta? Do you really think Jim Acosta is at those White House press briefings to "make nice"? Acosta flat out lies about what Kayleigh states and when he does so she calls him out on it! That's not being a "bully"...that's being a good Press Secretary!
Well first off you can ignore the trolls not lead by trolling... I have no problem with being tough in pushing back about falsehoods. I have no problem with being tough on liars. The problem is Trump doesn’t fight with the truth. He tells lies and the fights with more lies and smears. He name calls and plays petty mud flinging games. That’s not standing up for yourself, that’s acting like a child bully.
He is right about that. That is what makes i credibly hard to respect Trump
With all due respect, Coyote? I think you're dead wrong in that appraisal of Trump! George W. Bush ignored the media when they attacked him with false narratives. Did that ever make them attack him less? Or did it embolden them to attack him more? Someone like a Jim Acosta isn't going to play nice if you ignore him. He's going to see it as a sign of weakness. As it stands now his name has become synonymous with biased reporting of the news. Like him or dislike's hard to view him as a journalist at this point. He's a bomb thrower...pure and simple!
Yes actually the way Bush conducted himself resulted in less attacks from the media than Trump gets... isnt that obvious?
Act like an adult, be honest, be respectful and set an example... that’s what an American president should do.
Less attacks? Since Donald Trump has been attacked by the Main Stream Media at unprecedented levels ever since he won the Republican nomination...Bush being attacked "less" is hardly shocking! W. Didn't beat the liberals darling Hillary either! Plus he got that honeymoon period following 9/11 when the media was afraid to attack him. Yet the main stream media DID attack him savagely!

Contrast how the media has treated the last three's telling!
Just as Fox and conservative media attacked Obama nonstop. That’s what happens. But how leaders react dictate the narratives. Obama and Bush were much better and keeping the conversation at a higher level. Trump likes to dive into the mud and act like a child.
From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.
That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?
We've got a bit of a scandal rearing it's ugly head down here in Florida about testing and testing results, Slade! A testing center reporting positive tests of 9.84% was counted in the State totals as 98.4%. Several other testing sites showed 100% positive tests...a statistically improbable result! Our local hospital is so empty that 3 floors remain closed. I know the main stream media WANTS the rest of the world to think that Florida is overwhelmed by Covid 19 but the truth is far from that! They have managed to scare the shit out of people again...something that will result in thousands more businesses probably not making it through this pandemic! But that's what you liberals have wanted since this started...isn't it, Slade?

Yup and they have only had 4,520 deaths here in Florida which is my home state.

I doubt the morgues are overflowing.
Freezer trucks are reported to be going to Texas and Arizona morgues... icu with no beds left in Miami and other hospitals getting close to capacity in Florida. 600 nurses being sent in.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Yet you don't post the evidence and link for it.

You talk a lot, but don't back it up when challenged.

You have a gun at your head, preventing you from posting the evidence?
I posted links to reports showing ICU bed shortages in Florida and Freezer trucks being sent to morgues in Texas and Arizona. Proof I wasn’t lying. You may apologize now

Kinda funny they would need freezer trucks for 3,582 dead in Texas. I'd say the press if full of shit.
Why don’t you call a couple morgues in the areas the reports reference and check it out. You’re just making assumptions at this point. And I really don’t understand this effort that people like you are putting into trying to minimize and discredit this thing... people are actually getting sick and dying. Why wouldn’t you take the safer approach in situations like this? Your narratives only promote dangerous actions
Conservatives are making this effort to minimize the severity of the pandemic and discredit factual reporting about the pandemic because they’re afraid Trump’s mismanagement of the pandemic will cost Trump a second term.
We're making an effort to save the US economy before we slip back into another Great Depression! You WANT the economy to crater because you grasp that's probably the only way a senile old idiot like Joe Biden would ever get elected President!
No one wants the economy collapse. Why do you insist on making a public health issue about the election?
With all due respect, Coyote...that's incredibly naive on your part! The only way that Joe Biden has a prayer of being elected President is if the economy stays collapsed until November and the main stream media can continue to blame Trump for that collapse. You may not want to admit that's the case but it doesn't change the fact that it is!
You really think people are that stupid? We know who Trumpnis and we know who Biden is. Trust in media at at an all time low. How many people do you really think the media is influencing?
Trust in the media is at an all time low because the main stream media has no journalistic ethics left whatsoever! The New York Times used to have a great they're regarded as nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democrats. They lie without thinking. The Washington Post? CNN? MSNBC? CBS? PBS? USA Today? They're all as slanted as the Times! 90% of their coverage is negative when it comes to covering this Administration! They are the embodiment of a "the end justifies the means" mentality!

As for us knowing who Joe Biden is? We should! He's been running for President since the Watergate hearings! Joe Biden is a career politician. He's a Washington insider. Part of the problem that's brought us to this point! He's never been a bright man. You don't have to cheat your way through college if you are! He's always had a habit of saying something so incredibly stupid at some point in every election he makes a run in that people laugh and he's done! He'd do it this year too except his handlers are hiding him in his basement so he can't screw up. They know he's senile. I think you do too! We know who Joe Biden is? You're right...we do!
Trump deserves negative coverage as he and his bots have been out there spreading lies non stop. Of course that’s going to lead to negative coverage. Even the Trump friendly Fox has over 50% negative coverage on the guy. He brings it on himself by how he behaves.

You act like Biden’s time in leadership has brought us to this horrible point. A few months ago we had the greatest everything in American history, didn’t we?. I don’t want to spoil the surprise but policies take years and decades to have practical effects on the economy and the state of the Union. The things Trump campaigned scorched earth about are the same things he then took credit for months later after he was elected. It’s all a con and you’re the sucker falling for it.
Nobody deserves negative coverage! What they DESERVE is fair coverage! Donald Trump has never gotten that.
Fox does in fact give Trump negative coverage when they feel it's deserved. That's what a news organization does that respects the truth. CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times...they flat out LIE about what Trump has done and what he's trying to do! They should be ashamed to even claim that they ARE journalists!
Joe Biden's time in office has brought us nothing. His ass has sat in the Senate for so long and done so little that it's a joke that HE is a viable candidate for President! What he has done however is telling! He wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill...legislation that put more black people into prisons than any other law ever passed in this country! Yet he sits there and declares that HE is there for the blacks of this country and Donald Trump is the enemy? Do you remember when Donald Trump challenged blacks in this country to give him a chance? That he'd do right by them? He then gave them the best unemployment numbers they've EVER had! That wasn't idle bullshit on his part! He promised them something and he delivered on that promise!
Trump lies an bully’s people all the time so of course news outlets are going to call out this lies and inflammatory rhetoric. You call that negative but that’s because what Trumpnis saying is negative. Seriously, besides boasting about things that he’s not responsible for listen to his statements. Most of what he says is shit talk, lies and provocation... all negative. Like I said before it comes from the top.

Any media show or journalist who actually lies should be called out, exposed and punished. It does happen, but not nearly as much as you try and paint.
You act like the main stream media HASN'T been called out or exposed...and yet they HAVE time after time! The entire "Russian Collusion" story was nothing but lies right from the start and even when the main stream media KNEW that was the case they still pushed the narrative! Trump isn't a "bully"...he simply won't take what they're putting out without a fight!
Of course they have and they should continue to get called out when wrong or dishonest about a story. This isn’t a new thing. Of course Trump is a bully. He is the definition of a bully. What are you talking about?!

So how SHOULD one respond when someone else tells deliberate lies about you? In a nice way? Do you really think for one second that this media would in any way back off to a nice response? Jim Acosta? Do you really think Jim Acosta is at those White House press briefings to "make nice"? Acosta flat out lies about what Kayleigh states and when he does so she calls him out on it! That's not being a "bully"...that's being a good Press Secretary!
Well first off you can ignore the trolls not lead by trolling... I have no problem with being tough in pushing back about falsehoods. I have no problem with being tough on liars. The problem is Trump doesn’t fight with the truth. He tells lies and the fights with more lies and smears. He name calls and plays petty mud flinging games. That’s not standing up for yourself, that’s acting like a child bully.
He is right about that. That is what makes i credibly hard to respect Trump
With all due respect, Coyote? I think you're dead wrong in that appraisal of Trump! George W. Bush ignored the media when they attacked him with false narratives. Did that ever make them attack him less? Or did it embolden them to attack him more? Someone like a Jim Acosta isn't going to play nice if you ignore him. He's going to see it as a sign of weakness. As it stands now his name has become synonymous with biased reporting of the news. Like him or dislike's hard to view him as a journalist at this point. He's a bomb thrower...pure and simple!
Yes actually the way Bush conducted himself resulted in less attacks from the media than Trump gets... isnt that obvious?
Act like an adult, be honest, be respectful and set an example... that’s what an American president should do.
Less attacks? Since Donald Trump has been attacked by the Main Stream Media at unprecedented levels ever since he won the Republican nomination...Bush being attacked "less" is hardly shocking! W. Didn't beat the liberals darling Hillary either! Plus he got that honeymoon period following 9/11 when the media was afraid to attack him. Yet the main stream media DID attack him savagely!

Contrast how the media has treated the last three's telling!
Just as Fox and conservative media attacked Obama nonstop. That’s what happens. But how leaders react dictate the narratives. Obama and Bush were much better and keeping the conversation at a higher level. Trump likes to dive into the mud and act like a child.
Oh shut the fuck up. Obama was trying to shut fox down.
From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.
That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?
We've got a bit of a scandal rearing it's ugly head down here in Florida about testing and testing results, Slade! A testing center reporting positive tests of 9.84% was counted in the State totals as 98.4%. Several other testing sites showed 100% positive tests...a statistically improbable result! Our local hospital is so empty that 3 floors remain closed. I know the main stream media WANTS the rest of the world to think that Florida is overwhelmed by Covid 19 but the truth is far from that! They have managed to scare the shit out of people again...something that will result in thousands more businesses probably not making it through this pandemic! But that's what you liberals have wanted since this started...isn't it, Slade?

Yup and they have only had 4,520 deaths here in Florida which is my home state.

I doubt the morgues are overflowing.
Freezer trucks are reported to be going to Texas and Arizona morgues... icu with no beds left in Miami and other hospitals getting close to capacity in Florida. 600 nurses being sent in.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Yet you don't post the evidence and link for it.

You talk a lot, but don't back it up when challenged.

You have a gun at your head, preventing you from posting the evidence?
I posted links to reports showing ICU bed shortages in Florida and Freezer trucks being sent to morgues in Texas and Arizona. Proof I wasn’t lying. You may apologize now

Kinda funny they would need freezer trucks for 3,582 dead in Texas. I'd say the press if full of shit.
Why don’t you call a couple morgues in the areas the reports reference and check it out. You’re just making assumptions at this point. And I really don’t understand this effort that people like you are putting into trying to minimize and discredit this thing... people are actually getting sick and dying. Why wouldn’t you take the safer approach in situations like this? Your narratives only promote dangerous actions
Conservatives are making this effort to minimize the severity of the pandemic and discredit factual reporting about the pandemic because they’re afraid Trump’s mismanagement of the pandemic will cost Trump a second term.
We're making an effort to save the US economy before we slip back into another Great Depression! You WANT the economy to crater because you grasp that's probably the only way a senile old idiot like Joe Biden would ever get elected President!
No one wants the economy collapse. Why do you insist on making a public health issue about the election?
With all due respect, Coyote...that's incredibly naive on your part! The only way that Joe Biden has a prayer of being elected President is if the economy stays collapsed until November and the main stream media can continue to blame Trump for that collapse. You may not want to admit that's the case but it doesn't change the fact that it is!
You really think people are that stupid? We know who Trumpnis and we know who Biden is. Trust in media at at an all time low. How many people do you really think the media is influencing?
Trust in the media is at an all time low because the main stream media has no journalistic ethics left whatsoever! The New York Times used to have a great they're regarded as nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democrats. They lie without thinking. The Washington Post? CNN? MSNBC? CBS? PBS? USA Today? They're all as slanted as the Times! 90% of their coverage is negative when it comes to covering this Administration! They are the embodiment of a "the end justifies the means" mentality!

As for us knowing who Joe Biden is? We should! He's been running for President since the Watergate hearings! Joe Biden is a career politician. He's a Washington insider. Part of the problem that's brought us to this point! He's never been a bright man. You don't have to cheat your way through college if you are! He's always had a habit of saying something so incredibly stupid at some point in every election he makes a run in that people laugh and he's done! He'd do it this year too except his handlers are hiding him in his basement so he can't screw up. They know he's senile. I think you do too! We know who Joe Biden is? You're right...we do!
Trump deserves negative coverage as he and his bots have been out there spreading lies non stop. Of course that’s going to lead to negative coverage. Even the Trump friendly Fox has over 50% negative coverage on the guy. He brings it on himself by how he behaves.

You act like Biden’s time in leadership has brought us to this horrible point. A few months ago we had the greatest everything in American history, didn’t we?. I don’t want to spoil the surprise but policies take years and decades to have practical effects on the economy and the state of the Union. The things Trump campaigned scorched earth about are the same things he then took credit for months later after he was elected. It’s all a con and you’re the sucker falling for it.
Nobody deserves negative coverage! What they DESERVE is fair coverage! Donald Trump has never gotten that.
Fox does in fact give Trump negative coverage when they feel it's deserved. That's what a news organization does that respects the truth. CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times...they flat out LIE about what Trump has done and what he's trying to do! They should be ashamed to even claim that they ARE journalists!
Joe Biden's time in office has brought us nothing. His ass has sat in the Senate for so long and done so little that it's a joke that HE is a viable candidate for President! What he has done however is telling! He wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill...legislation that put more black people into prisons than any other law ever passed in this country! Yet he sits there and declares that HE is there for the blacks of this country and Donald Trump is the enemy? Do you remember when Donald Trump challenged blacks in this country to give him a chance? That he'd do right by them? He then gave them the best unemployment numbers they've EVER had! That wasn't idle bullshit on his part! He promised them something and he delivered on that promise!
Trump lies an bully’s people all the time so of course news outlets are going to call out this lies and inflammatory rhetoric. You call that negative but that’s because what Trumpnis saying is negative. Seriously, besides boasting about things that he’s not responsible for listen to his statements. Most of what he says is shit talk, lies and provocation... all negative. Like I said before it comes from the top.

Any media show or journalist who actually lies should be called out, exposed and punished. It does happen, but not nearly as much as you try and paint.
You act like the main stream media HASN'T been called out or exposed...and yet they HAVE time after time! The entire "Russian Collusion" story was nothing but lies right from the start and even when the main stream media KNEW that was the case they still pushed the narrative! Trump isn't a "bully"...he simply won't take what they're putting out without a fight!
Of course they have and they should continue to get called out when wrong or dishonest about a story. This isn’t a new thing. Of course Trump is a bully. He is the definition of a bully. What are you talking about?!

So how SHOULD one respond when someone else tells deliberate lies about you? In a nice way? Do you really think for one second that this media would in any way back off to a nice response? Jim Acosta? Do you really think Jim Acosta is at those White House press briefings to "make nice"? Acosta flat out lies about what Kayleigh states and when he does so she calls him out on it! That's not being a "bully"...that's being a good Press Secretary!
Well first off you can ignore the trolls not lead by trolling... I have no problem with being tough in pushing back about falsehoods. I have no problem with being tough on liars. The problem is Trump doesn’t fight with the truth. He tells lies and the fights with more lies and smears. He name calls and plays petty mud flinging games. That’s not standing up for yourself, that’s acting like a child bully.
He is right about that. That is what makes i credibly hard to respect Trump
With all due respect, Coyote? I think you're dead wrong in that appraisal of Trump! George W. Bush ignored the media when they attacked him with false narratives. Did that ever make them attack him less? Or did it embolden them to attack him more? Someone like a Jim Acosta isn't going to play nice if you ignore him. He's going to see it as a sign of weakness. As it stands now his name has become synonymous with biased reporting of the news. Like him or dislike's hard to view him as a journalist at this point. He's a bomb thrower...pure and simple!
Yes actually the way Bush conducted himself resulted in less attacks from the media than Trump gets... isnt that obvious?
Act like an adult, be honest, be respectful and set an example... that’s what an American president should do.
Less attacks? Since Donald Trump has been attacked by the Main Stream Media at unprecedented levels ever since he won the Republican nomination...Bush being attacked "less" is hardly shocking! W. Didn't beat the liberals darling Hillary either! Plus he got that honeymoon period following 9/11 when the media was afraid to attack him. Yet the main stream media DID attack him savagely!

Contrast how the media has treated the last three's telling!
Yes let’s contrast the last 3 presidents... and also contrast how the last three presidents have treated the media and their political opponents. All very respectful except for child Trump
From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.
That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?
We've got a bit of a scandal rearing it's ugly head down here in Florida about testing and testing results, Slade! A testing center reporting positive tests of 9.84% was counted in the State totals as 98.4%. Several other testing sites showed 100% positive tests...a statistically improbable result! Our local hospital is so empty that 3 floors remain closed. I know the main stream media WANTS the rest of the world to think that Florida is overwhelmed by Covid 19 but the truth is far from that! They have managed to scare the shit out of people again...something that will result in thousands more businesses probably not making it through this pandemic! But that's what you liberals have wanted since this started...isn't it, Slade?

Yup and they have only had 4,520 deaths here in Florida which is my home state.

I doubt the morgues are overflowing.
Freezer trucks are reported to be going to Texas and Arizona morgues... icu with no beds left in Miami and other hospitals getting close to capacity in Florida. 600 nurses being sent in.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Yet you don't post the evidence and link for it.

You talk a lot, but don't back it up when challenged.

You have a gun at your head, preventing you from posting the evidence?
I posted links to reports showing ICU bed shortages in Florida and Freezer trucks being sent to morgues in Texas and Arizona. Proof I wasn’t lying. You may apologize now

Kinda funny they would need freezer trucks for 3,582 dead in Texas. I'd say the press if full of shit.
Why don’t you call a couple morgues in the areas the reports reference and check it out. You’re just making assumptions at this point. And I really don’t understand this effort that people like you are putting into trying to minimize and discredit this thing... people are actually getting sick and dying. Why wouldn’t you take the safer approach in situations like this? Your narratives only promote dangerous actions
Conservatives are making this effort to minimize the severity of the pandemic and discredit factual reporting about the pandemic because they’re afraid Trump’s mismanagement of the pandemic will cost Trump a second term.
We're making an effort to save the US economy before we slip back into another Great Depression! You WANT the economy to crater because you grasp that's probably the only way a senile old idiot like Joe Biden would ever get elected President!
No one wants the economy collapse. Why do you insist on making a public health issue about the election?
With all due respect, Coyote...that's incredibly naive on your part! The only way that Joe Biden has a prayer of being elected President is if the economy stays collapsed until November and the main stream media can continue to blame Trump for that collapse. You may not want to admit that's the case but it doesn't change the fact that it is!
You really think people are that stupid? We know who Trumpnis and we know who Biden is. Trust in media at at an all time low. How many people do you really think the media is influencing?
Trust in the media is at an all time low because the main stream media has no journalistic ethics left whatsoever! The New York Times used to have a great they're regarded as nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democrats. They lie without thinking. The Washington Post? CNN? MSNBC? CBS? PBS? USA Today? They're all as slanted as the Times! 90% of their coverage is negative when it comes to covering this Administration! They are the embodiment of a "the end justifies the means" mentality!

As for us knowing who Joe Biden is? We should! He's been running for President since the Watergate hearings! Joe Biden is a career politician. He's a Washington insider. Part of the problem that's brought us to this point! He's never been a bright man. You don't have to cheat your way through college if you are! He's always had a habit of saying something so incredibly stupid at some point in every election he makes a run in that people laugh and he's done! He'd do it this year too except his handlers are hiding him in his basement so he can't screw up. They know he's senile. I think you do too! We know who Joe Biden is? You're right...we do!
Trump deserves negative coverage as he and his bots have been out there spreading lies non stop. Of course that’s going to lead to negative coverage. Even the Trump friendly Fox has over 50% negative coverage on the guy. He brings it on himself by how he behaves.

You act like Biden’s time in leadership has brought us to this horrible point. A few months ago we had the greatest everything in American history, didn’t we?. I don’t want to spoil the surprise but policies take years and decades to have practical effects on the economy and the state of the Union. The things Trump campaigned scorched earth about are the same things he then took credit for months later after he was elected. It’s all a con and you’re the sucker falling for it.
Nobody deserves negative coverage! What they DESERVE is fair coverage! Donald Trump has never gotten that.
Fox does in fact give Trump negative coverage when they feel it's deserved. That's what a news organization does that respects the truth. CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times...they flat out LIE about what Trump has done and what he's trying to do! They should be ashamed to even claim that they ARE journalists!
Joe Biden's time in office has brought us nothing. His ass has sat in the Senate for so long and done so little that it's a joke that HE is a viable candidate for President! What he has done however is telling! He wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill...legislation that put more black people into prisons than any other law ever passed in this country! Yet he sits there and declares that HE is there for the blacks of this country and Donald Trump is the enemy? Do you remember when Donald Trump challenged blacks in this country to give him a chance? That he'd do right by them? He then gave them the best unemployment numbers they've EVER had! That wasn't idle bullshit on his part! He promised them something and he delivered on that promise!
Trump lies an bully’s people all the time so of course news outlets are going to call out this lies and inflammatory rhetoric. You call that negative but that’s because what Trumpnis saying is negative. Seriously, besides boasting about things that he’s not responsible for listen to his statements. Most of what he says is shit talk, lies and provocation... all negative. Like I said before it comes from the top.

Any media show or journalist who actually lies should be called out, exposed and punished. It does happen, but not nearly as much as you try and paint.
You act like the main stream media HASN'T been called out or exposed...and yet they HAVE time after time! The entire "Russian Collusion" story was nothing but lies right from the start and even when the main stream media KNEW that was the case they still pushed the narrative! Trump isn't a "bully"...he simply won't take what they're putting out without a fight!
Of course they have and they should continue to get called out when wrong or dishonest about a story. This isn’t a new thing. Of course Trump is a bully. He is the definition of a bully. What are you talking about?!

So how SHOULD one respond when someone else tells deliberate lies about you? In a nice way? Do you really think for one second that this media would in any way back off to a nice response? Jim Acosta? Do you really think Jim Acosta is at those White House press briefings to "make nice"? Acosta flat out lies about what Kayleigh states and when he does so she calls him out on it! That's not being a "bully"...that's being a good Press Secretary!
Well first off you can ignore the trolls not lead by trolling... I have no problem with being tough in pushing back about falsehoods. I have no problem with being tough on liars. The problem is Trump doesn’t fight with the truth. He tells lies and the fights with more lies and smears. He name calls and plays petty mud flinging games. That’s not standing up for yourself, that’s acting like a child bully.
He is right about that. That is what makes i credibly hard to respect Trump
With all due respect, Coyote? I think you're dead wrong in that appraisal of Trump! George W. Bush ignored the media when they attacked him with false narratives. Did that ever make them attack him less? Or did it embolden them to attack him more? Someone like a Jim Acosta isn't going to play nice if you ignore him. He's going to see it as a sign of weakness. As it stands now his name has become synonymous with biased reporting of the news. Like him or dislike's hard to view him as a journalist at this point. He's a bomb thrower...pure and simple!
Yes actually the way Bush conducted himself resulted in less attacks from the media than Trump gets... isnt that obvious?
Act like an adult, be honest, be respectful and set an example... that’s what an American president should do.
Less attacks? Since Donald Trump has been attacked by the Main Stream Media at unprecedented levels ever since he won the Republican nomination...Bush being attacked "less" is hardly shocking! W. Didn't beat the liberals darling Hillary either! Plus he got that honeymoon period following 9/11 when the media was afraid to attack him. Yet the main stream media DID attack him savagely!

Contrast how the media has treated the last three's telling!
Yes let’s contrast the last 3 presidents... and also contrast how the last three presidents have treated the media and their political opponents. All very respectful except for child Trump
Obama respectful to media?

God damn you are fucked in the head.
We've wandered far from the topic, in fact, I am guilty too, I forgot what the topic actually is - let's wander back to it: DeSantis, Covid, blaming the media.
DeSantis gets the same treatment as Trump because he supports the President. is because he espouses the same conflicting and anti-science positions that Trump does when it comes to covid.
DeSantis gets the same treatment as Trump because he supports the President. is because he espouses the same conflicting and anti-science positions that Trump does when it comes to covid.

Have you found some who doesn't?

The Media, both parties, Fauci and more, are proven not to be a reliable source of medical information on the china virus.
DeSantis gets the same treatment as Trump because he supports the President. is because he espouses the same conflicting and anti-science positions that Trump does when it comes to covid.

Have you found some who doesn't?

The Media, both parties, Fauci and more, are proven not to be a reliable source of medical information on the china virus.
Actually Fauci is very reliable.

The problem with his critics is they have no clue how science works. His recommendations are based on the BEST AVAILABLE EVIDENCE AT THAT TIME. As we learn more, recommendations, theories, predictions change. That is what is supposed to happen. Instead, the using what he said, out of its temporal context, and claiming he was wrong.

He wasn't unreliable, we just have more info now. Unfortunately the anti-science politics so prevalent on the right, as represented in Desantis' policies, Trumps real science, and public health.
DeSantis gets the same treatment as Trump because he supports the President. is because he espouses the same conflicting and anti-science positions that Trump does when it comes to covid.

Have you found some who doesn't?

The Media, both parties, Fauci and more, are proven not to be a reliable source of medical information on the china virus.
Actually Fauci is very reliable.

The problem with his critics is they have no clue how science works. His recommendations are based on the BEST AVAILABLE EVIDENCE AT THAT TIME. As we learn more, recommendations, theories, predictions change. That is what is supposed to happen. Instead, the using what he said, out of its temporal context, and claiming he was wrong.

He wasn't unreliable, we just have more info now. Unfortunately the anti-science politics so prevalent on the right, as represented in Desantis' policies, Trumps real science, and public health.

No he isn't I posted a long list of his whopping errors, showing he isn't reliable at all, you have forgotten some of his absurd statements already.


UPDATE– THE LIST — Dr. Fauci’s 15 Deadly Mistakes and Contradictions — Including the Devastation of the US Economy Based on a Garbage Model
By Jim Hoft
Published May 12, 2020


It’s hard to believe but America’s top Infectious Disease Doctor Anthony Fauci has been wrong on the coronavirus pandemic — Almost every step of the way!
Here is a list of several errors, contradictory statements and dangerous gaffes by NIAID Director Dr. Tony Fauci:

1.) Dr. Fauci says he warned Trump in January that the US was in real trouble but that is not what he said publicly.

In January Dr. Anthony Fauci told Newsmax TV that the United States “did not have to worry” about the coronavirus and that it was “not a major threat.”

2.) Dr. Fauci warned of an apocalyptic coronavirus pandemic — then just weeks later he compared the coronavirus to a bad flu.

3.) Dr. Fauci based all of his predictions on the garbage IHME models that were OFF BY MILLIONS and then later told reporters, “You can’t really rely on models.”


He is all over the map in what he says.

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