DeSantis Calls Biden "American Nero" After His Anti-American Speech

Is he going to meet them behind the gym? That pants shitting incestuous piece of crap was reading a teleprompter and doesn't even remember what he said. Stop trying to pass Biden off as a functioning human being. He isn't.
Wrongwinger is a parrot with an enhanced vocabulary, so it has no idea what a fucking cracker really is, let alone a functioning cognizant human being.
I would say Xiden falls more into the category of Caligula than Nero.
Biden should be impeached.
At least. His entire administration along with just about everyone in DC belongs in prison at this point.

In fact we could build a wall around DC.

Then fill it with water and piranha.

Yep. All of that. Especially the "weaponization of government against political enemies"
a lot of Democrats (the word I use for everyday Democrats) voted for Trump and even more voted for him 2020

Anyone, no matter the party, can see that something is terribly, terribly WRONG

Only poeple who have totally lost their minds could support him now
Bidens speech was Perfect

Protecting our Nation from the scourge of MAGA
Yes, perfectly tyrannical. MAGA represents American patriots who Biden, the Democrats and the left literally hate. After all, MAGA stands for Make America Great Again. They hate that because it flies in the face of 'Build Back Better' which is a Marxist euphemism alluding to their hatred of America and anything American and their fervent wish to tear it down.
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That speech was idiocy, :mm: and you know it.
The idiot is DeSantis. He is just touching on the hot buttons. The border. You know illegal immigration increased under Trump, right? No, you don't know that.

Knee capped the energy industry. Not sure what planet DeSantis is on, but it sure ain't this one. Domestic oil production will exceed even Trump's best year at the end of this year. Natural gas exports are through the roof, if you count exports, we are more "energy independent" today than at anytime during the Trump presidency. I mean I have real roots in the energy industry. My in-laws own oil wells, lots of them, and the royalty checks are coming in like never before. Honestly, it kind of gets on my nerves, the way they throw money away. And my oldest son, he is a research scientist in the energy sector, funding is off the chain, both government and private. His specialty, coal. So DeSantis is a total dumbass.

But the biggest stupid shit he said, inflating the dollar. The dollar is stronger now than it has been in more than two decades. Another thing you probably don't know, Trump increased the trade deficit with China. All his trade war did was show he is a total dumbass. But now, with the dollar exploding in value, that trade deficit starts to shrink as we get Chinese goods cheaper than ever.

Here is the deal. DeSantis went to Harvard. I am pretty sure he sees exactly what I see, concerning the border, the energy sector, and the dollar. But he blows the damn dog whistle, and you stupid mutts come running. And yeah, Biden is exactly right, that kind of stupid is dangerous to a democracy.
He seethed and raged and showed the country that he is a threat to the republic. The globalists pulling his string will not stop until the US is subservient to the new world order.
Those globalist are getting bitch slapped by the value of the dollar. I mean you guys are absolutely clueless. Improve your news sources.
Joe would be drooling on the fiddle but the damage he has done already with that speech is not going away. Saying half of Americans are the enemy is just not very smart.

"He came in and he opened the border, and we've seen what a disaster that's been. He kneecapped American energy. We've seen how that's hurt millions and millions of people across our country. They've inflated the currency. We have one of the worst inflations we've had in over 40 years," said DeSantis.

When asked if Biden's "flip-flopping" following the speech is the result of senility or self-preservation, DeSantis answers that the blame rests on "whoever is feeding his teleprompter." This is because the White House Twitter is tweeting similar "nasty stuff he said last night" about Trump and Republicans.

As such, DeSantis says he believes "the people in control of the White House want to send this message that people who dissent from his message are somehow second-class citizens." Subsequently, "they've been willing to mobilize the administrative apparatus of government to go after people they don't like."

DeSantis points out the two Marines standing at attention behind Biden as symbolically representing this weaponization of government against political enemies, which the host compares, tying into DeSantis' earlier Nero reference, to the Praetorian Guard of ancient Rome.

Actually, Tiberius would have been a better choice.
Those globalist are getting bitch slapped by the value of the dollar. I mean you guys are absolutely clueless. Improve your news sources.
How about an example or two?
Joe would be drooling on the fiddle but the damage he has done already with that speech is not going away. Saying half of Americans are the enemy is just not very smart.

"He came in and he opened the border, and we've seen what a disaster that's been. He kneecapped American energy. We've seen how that's hurt millions and millions of people across our country. They've inflated the currency. We have one of the worst inflations we've had in over 40 years," said DeSantis.

When asked if Biden's "flip-flopping" following the speech is the result of senility or self-preservation, DeSantis answers that the blame rests on "whoever is feeding his teleprompter." This is because the White House Twitter is tweeting similar "nasty stuff he said last night" about Trump and Republicans.

As such, DeSantis says he believes "the people in control of the White House want to send this message that people who dissent from his message are somehow second-class citizens." Subsequently, "they've been willing to mobilize the administrative apparatus of government to go after people they don't like."

DeSantis points out the two Marines standing at attention behind Biden as symbolically representing this weaponization of government against political enemies, which the host compares, tying into DeSantis' earlier Nero reference, to the Praetorian Guard of ancient Rome.

LOL The "drooling" old guy sure knows how to trigger the fascist party! :auiqs.jpg:
Joe would be drooling on the fiddle but the damage he has done already with that speech is not going away. Saying half of Americans are the enemy is just not very smart.

"He came in and he opened the border, and we've seen what a disaster that's been. He kneecapped American energy. We've seen how that's hurt millions and millions of people across our country. They've inflated the currency. We have one of the worst inflations we've had in over 40 years," said DeSantis.

When asked if Biden's "flip-flopping" following the speech is the result of senility or self-preservation, DeSantis answers that the blame rests on "whoever is feeding his teleprompter." This is because the White House Twitter is tweeting similar "nasty stuff he said last night" about Trump and Republicans.

As such, DeSantis says he believes "the people in control of the White House want to send this message that people who dissent from his message are somehow second-class citizens." Subsequently, "they've been willing to mobilize the administrative apparatus of government to go after people they don't like."

DeSantis points out the two Marines standing at attention behind Biden as symbolically representing this weaponization of government against political enemies, which the host compares, tying into DeSantis' earlier Nero reference, to the Praetorian Guard of ancient Rome.

In actuality Biden's speech is closer to Augusta's speech to the Senate when he declared himself a consul of Rome when underage backing the proclamation with soldiers in the senate chamber.

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