DeSantis Calls Biden "American Nero" After His Anti-American Speech

Definite uptick in BDS after President Biden's speech. (which was spot on and overdue.)
I've mentioned elsewhere that I wish he had focused more on the REAL villains here, the craven politicians and MAGA media figures who are pushing and enabling it all. The rubes are just obediently buying what they're selling, as always.
Definite uptick in BDS after President Biden's speech. (which was spot on and overdue.)
It is porbably the media lying about the support Biden has like usual. Naturally, stupid people who hate this country will believe it. You are certainly one of those people.
I've mentioned elsewhere that I wish he had focused more on the REAL villains here, the craven politicians and MAGA media figures who are pushing and enabling it all. The rubes are just obediently buying what they're selling, as always.
Again? What are you buying? Stop projecting.
Biden did not write one word of that speech, you idiot.
But you retards still got triggered? Mission Accomplished.

When your orange douchebag called Dems fascists, did we get triggered? Of course not. Since we know we are not fascists, it didn't bother us. But Biden's words must have hit close to home for you retards. :auiqs.jpg:
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But you retards still got triggered? Mission Accomplished.

When your orange douchebag called Dems fascists, did we get triggered? Of course not. Since we know we are not fascists, it didn't bother us. but Biden's words must have hit close to home for you retards. :auiqs.jpg:
Why would we be triggered. I think your ilk is triggered because Biden came across like a hateful despot. Good luck changing that obvious fact.
No one of any party should be celebrating that speech.
Why not? You retards had fun chanting "Lock Her Up". You don't think that was celebrating a fascist slogan?

How about when your orange douchebag called Dems fascists?

What goes around, comes around. If you guys can dish it out, be prepared to be paid in kind.
Why would we be triggered. I think your ilk is triggered because Biden came across like a hateful despot. Good luck changing that obvious fact.
LOL for retards who are not triggered, you idiots have sure created plenty of threads bemoaning Biden's speech.

Not to mention all the right-wing hosts that are shocked shocked! that Biden dares to say about Repubs that your orange douchebag has said about Dems.

Suck it up, retards. There is more coming your way. :itsok:
LOL for retards who are not triggered, you idiots have sure created plenty of threads bemoaning Biden's speech.

Not to mention all the right-wing hosts that are shocked shocked! that Biden dares to say about Repubs that your orange douchebag has said about Dems.

Suck it up, retards. There is more coming your way. :itsok:
Are they shocked that Trump never jailed one political enemy?
Holy shit, another thread.

The old man put an epic beat down on all the bullies. They can dish it out, but they can't take it.


What a maroon.

In case you haven't noticed, he's being pummeled for it. Even by the leftard press.

If that was a beat down then how come I'm laughing and grinning from ear to ear?

Dude - I can't WAIT to get my hands on some commies. Give me an excuse
Dude - I can't WAIT to get my hands on some commies. Give me an excuse
More empty Trumpster threats. No one is scared.

Why not? You retards had fun chanting "Lock Her Up". You don't think that was celebrating a fascist slogan?

How about when your orange douchebag called Dems fascists?

What goes around, comes around. If you guys can dish it out, be prepared to be paid in kind.
You look like a garden variety idiot.
Actually, it was spot on at the right time.
Only if you want to widen the current divide. It’s disturbing that a US president would actually deliver a speech where he basically declares war on tens of millions of American citizens.

He gave your side the go ahead to perpetrate acts of violence against your political opponents.

Never before has a U.S. president acted so recklessly and irresponsibly. This wasn’t just posting mean tweets.
It is “The Summer of Biden” as his popularity rises and he delivers substantial legislative victories

Now, he is protecting our great nation against the ravages of MAGA
What a fucking moron. ^^^

Check this shit out - the "ravages of MAGA".

We got dozens of CHILDREN being killed every single day from gang violence and drugs, we got steep inflation and steep gas prices, we got 5 million illegal aliens crossing our open borders in less than two years, ...

And MAGA? A bunch of old people with hats? They're the biggest threat?

I think dumbass leftards like this moron who calls himself "rightwinger" are the biggest threat. Prove me wrong.
Suck it up, retards. There is more coming your way. :itsok:
So what do you think should be coming the way of the 74 million past Trump voters whom Biden has labeled a Threat to the Nation? Concentration camps? Being cleared out country road by country road by the military? Lined up and shot in front of a big pit? I've never been called a Threat to the Nation before (along with everyone on this road I live on) -- I wonder what comes now that the government has labeled us like Hitler labeled the Jews and Communists. We know what happened to them: is that what you want for us?
Only if you want to widen the current divide. It’s disturbing that a US president would actually deliver a speech where he basically declares war on tens of millions of American citizens.

He gave your side the go ahead to perpetrate acts of violence against your political opponents.

Never before has a U.S. president acted so recklessly and irresponsibly. This wasn’t just posting mean tweets.
Yeah ----------- I like your thinking; Biden DID try to widen the current divide. I can't quite see how he supposed that would benefit him politically. He realizes we won't change our minds. He is discarding 74 million people, at least, because he can't change us. How does it BENEFIT him and the Dems politically, to discard us as Threats to the Nation? So far, I'm not seeing the why here. Anyone? How would this work to Democrats' benefit?
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