DeSantis Is Happy To Receive Emergency Aid That He Callously Voted To Deny Hurricane Sandy Victims

omg. we agree on something.

Every establishment politician is a scumbag.
Once upon a time (2013 to be exact), a nasty little first-term Congressman named Ronald DeSantis decided he wanted to make a big, big statement in order to ingratiate himself with a group of fellow conservatives that called themselves the “Tea Party.“ In a gesture that foreshadowed what would later become his trademark “LOL, let’s own the Libs” strategy, and timely occurring the day after he was sworn into office, DeSantis voted to deny billions in relief to New York and New Jersey residents whose lives had been ravaged by one of this nation’s most destructive national disasters, the “Superstorm” known as Hurricane Sandy.

As reported at the time by Steve Contorno, writing for the Tampa Bay Times:

That will make for an awkward moment in a Presidential debate won't it?
Both New York and New Jersey are fabulously famous for being
loaded to the gills with Hucksters.Hurricane Sandy was an outlier.
Most all Hurricane never reach the state of New York.
Sandy was being used to exploit a State famous for
exploitation.DeSantis was prudent to be hesitant about the
quickie Emergency payout during Sandy.
Conservative propaganda

But it does highlight another Conservative ploy…..offsets
Unless you take money from someone else to pay for it, I will not approve.
That someone else always works out to be some program that helps the poor.

You think there will be “offsets” to pay for the support to Florida?
how come you never spout off about liberal propaganda?

oh. cause that isn't your job.
how come you never spout off about liberal propaganda?

oh. cause that isn't your job.
In Nassau County, a retired member of a club can get their kid fired from a government job by posting against their party.
Just saying.
I remember the Hurricane Sandy relief bill.
The Greedy Corrupt Democrats loaded the the relief bill with unrelated $billion$ in kick-back pork.
It pissed off a lot of people.
They had to redo the bill and clean up their kick-back pork.
The Democrats such crooked scum that they exploit tragedies to line their pockets.
Same thing democrats do with Veterans Bills that get nay votes.
Same thing democrats do with Veterans Bills that get nay votes.
But are the proven scumbags in the White House done toying
and tinkering around with our Veterans.Hardly ... hardy har har ?
Biden went public explaining what new wrinkle he has in store
for Our Vets.He is making plans to use Veterans Hospitals and
Offices for Abortions.And not merely a few.Like dozens.
But are the proven scumbags in the White House done toying
and tinkering around with our Veterans.Hardly ... hardy har har ?
Biden went public explaining what new wrinkle he has in store
for Our Vets.He is making plans to use Veterans Hospitals and
Offices for Abortions.And not merely a few.Like dozens.
He also sent VA doctors down to the Border
Dude, you're an idiot. You have no idea what you're talking about, and there is ample evidence the opposite is true.

Get a clue before you start spouting something entirely wrong.
Considering I'm a veteran and have been using the VA system for about 16 years now I think I'm qualified enough to speak on this. How long have you used the VA?
Goddamn you're dumb.

The White House was quick to deliver aid, as Democrats always do in times of tragedy. Republicans are quick to help red states, but will deny aid to blue states. Republicans suck ass.

No immediate aid was denied any blue state, those funds are setup ahead of time. These bills were for the rebuild and they were 100% filled with goodies that had nothing to do with repairing after the storms in question.
Considering I'm a veteran and have been using the VA system for about 16 years now I think I'm qualified enough to speak on this. How long have you used the VA?
Dat guy obvioulsy has leftover McD's Barbyque sauce where a
moustcahe should be.So quite naturally he's used to both looking
like a slob and also seeming ready for the Seniors home.
No immediate aid was denied any blue state, those funds are setup ahead of time. These bills were for the rebuild and they were 100% filled with goodies that had nothing to do with repairing after the storms in question.
I think that's sounds pretty spot-on.The Sandy Relief was loaded
with added pork.New York was not going to be denied relief
but it shouldn't have been used to overly enrich based on greedy
New York/New Jersey pols.Wasn't tubby Chris Christie sticking his
porky pig 2 cents in.Doing photo-ops.
Considering I'm a veteran and have been using the VA system for about 16 years now I think I'm qualified enough to speak on this. How long have you used the VA?
I'm a veteran too, and you using the VA has absolutely jack shit to do with your comment that Democrats vote NO on bills helping veterans, when it is Democrats who most usually SPONSOR the bills for VA funding, VA improvements, and veteran assistance.

Clearly, you are misinformed. Like a lot of veterans, you have bought into this myth that Democrats don't want to help veterans, when the OPPOSITE is true.

Please get a fucking clue, while you still can.

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