Did you know that DeSantis requested federal aid?


Are you functionally retarded?

Um .. no ... you are, exactly as I said. Show where DeSantis is an anarchist, racist idiot. You said he can't accept Federal money for a natural disaster, that's just completely stupid, even for you. Either that's a job for the Federal Government or it's not, that red states can't take the money but blue States can is just so you
It was you making a stink about DeSantis not being on board with an aid bill aimed at hurricane Sandy victims that included boatloads of money for Alaska.

Are you similarly filled with righteous outrage that funding for Maui residents is being tied by Dems / Socialists to more Ukraine cash?
I wasn't outraged about the first bill, why would I be about the second?

I think you've lost the thread. You and Ronda Fascist were outraged, not me.
Um .. no ... you are, exactly as I said. Show where DeSantis is an anarchist, racist idiot. You said he can't accept Federal money for a natural disaster, that's just completely stupid, even for you. Either that's a job for the Federal Government or it's not, that red states can't take the money but blue States can is just so you
why don't you quote me saying any of those things.

I'll wait.

Or, just like bripat9643 , you can admit you're talking outta yer ass.
The juvenile name-calling, yeah, outrage^2.
When it comes to Floriduh I'm not outraged, I'm enraged.

DId you figure out which of us was supposed to be pissed by the hurricane sandy relief bill?
why don't you quote me saying any of those things.

I'll wait.

Or, just like bripat9643 , you can admit you're talking outta yer ass.

Whether your support for them is spoken or silent, it's the same thing. What you don't do is deny it because you can't, racist
When it comes to Floriduh I'm not outraged, I'm enraged.

DId you figure out which of us was supposed to be pissed by the hurricane sandy relief bill?
You were screeching about “Ronda” in “Floriduh”.

Can we figure out if you’re older than 12 years?
When it comes to Floriduh I'm not outraged, I'm enraged.

DId you figure out which of us was supposed to be pissed by the hurricane sandy relief bill?

LOL, you insult the best run State in the country, that's some funny shit. I love living in Florida. How's California working out for you? Or is it New York?
Why do you care where he takes it or with whom? What business is it of yours? Why do right wing Americans, some of the most fucked up and sexually repressed people on the face of the planet, think that they have the right to tell others what and how to believe.

You live in the shithole country of the First World, and you think you have all the answers to life on earth.

It was sound advice.
Why do you care where he takes it or with whom? What business is it of yours? Why do right wing Americans, some of the most fucked up and sexually repressed people on the face of the planet, think that they have the right to tell others what and how to believe.

You live in the shithole country of the First World, and you think you have all the answers to life on earth.

“…fucked up and sexually repressed….”

This from a Dem / Socialist with fetishes connected with ceiling fans, gas stoves, incandescent light bulbs, tranny story time with men dressed as grotesques caricatures of women, men can get pregnant, doping children with dangerous hormones, chemical castration of young boys, and loping the breasts off of teen age girls.
He also voted against aid for hurricane Sandy victims.

That's crazy!
What possible reason could there be to vote against the Hurricane Sandy relief bill?
There were a few republicans who voted against Is federal aid after hurricane sandy. In the end there are so Ingrained in their own partisan politics that they will litereally vote Against sending aid following a natural disaster based on How the state receiving aid leans politically.
There were a few republicans who voted against Is federal aid after hurricane sandy. In the end there are so Ingrained in their own partisan politics that they will litereally vote Against sending aid following a natural disaster based on How the state receiving aid leans politically.

Especially when much of the bill is unrelated to the disaster.
If it was up to me we would do away with FEMA and then return the money that is used to fund it back to the taxpayers.

It is not the Federal government's responsibility to provide for hurricane relief. It is my responsibility and the responsibility of the State to do what is necessary because we live in a hurricane prone area. Why should somebody in Montana be taxed to provide relief when we chose to live in Florida?

However, I lost that argument. We do have Big Government and the people of Florida pay a lot of money in taxes to the Federal filth. So as long as we have that shit then why not get some of the tax money back?
I would be fine with that As long as it applies to All natural disasters.

So that means all the red states that get tornadoes a lot, It would be on their own as well.
He should have requested aid for the lower wage folk and left the high and mighty rich to fend for themselves.
“…fucked up and sexually repressed….”

This from a Dem / Socialist with fetishes connected with ceiling fans, gas stoves, incandescent light bulbs, tranny story time with men dressed as grotesques caricatures of women, men can get pregnant, doping children with dangerous hormones, chemical castration of young boys, and loping the breasts off of teen age girls.

Those aren't leftist fetishes, Hollie. Every single thing in your post is something that Republicans are pitching a fit over, not Democrats. We're the ones defending individual rights, and it's really none of YOUR BUSINESS what other people do with their bodies.

We're not the people who keep bringing up this stuff endlessly and going on and on until they're all worked up into some kind of frenzie at the mere idea of the existence of what other people are doing with their genitals.

We're not all worked up about gas stoves or ceiling fans either. I love my gas stove, but yeah, I grew up with a gas stove and I have asthma. Maybe there is something to it. I'm certainly not going to go batshit crazy if gas stoves get banned.

Nobody is doing any of the things you're fantasizing about except in the fevered brains of Republicans. None of that shit is happening which why we're not the ones talking about itl.

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