The Differences Between Federal Response To Puerto Rico vs Maui

Yes, I see the problem here. You are talking about things that have NOTHING to do with what happened here. And then making up a scenario to suit your argument, without waiting for the facts to come out.

The chemicals you can no longer use WERE KILLING FIREFIGHTERS, with cancers, auto-immune disorders, and other deadly illnesses. That's why they were banned.

The rest of your fanciful tale is little more than something you pulled out of your ass:

"A destructive combination of factors — including winds from Hurricane Dora, an unusually dry climate and flammable invasive plant species — aligned to make this wildfire uniquely widespread and dangerous, Lakshmi said.

Nonnative shrubs and grass were introduced to Hawaii from other parts of the world over time to help resist droughts, given their ability to survive extreme heat and dryness. This strategy, experts say, has backfired.

“There were a lot of invasive species which took root and came quickly to life after the last fire, and especially survived a drought,” Lakshmi said, referring to wildfires on the islands in 2018.

You don't even know enough about the subject to know that you basically rephrased what I already said.

Maui isn't a desert. Maui used to be a lush tropical paradise.
But when Democrats started pushing their Climate-Change agenda they started screwing up the ecosystem on the island.
They're just making up excuses for what they did to the place.
Matter of fact it rains alot on Maui.
It rained when Biden was there.
The monsoon season starts in October and November.
That's usually when they get the most rain.
But I've been in a rainstorm on Oahu when it would rain warm rain and nobody would go running because it would just dry off 30 mins later.
I was on the summit of Mount Haleakalā and it snowed when I was up there.
You can grow anything on those islands.
The nutrients in the soil and the amount of rainfall is the best place in the world to grow Marijuana.
Most people who use the stuff grow it in their back yards.
Who had provided official guidance at that time on what to do with nursing home patients?

Guidance? Do you need a street sign that tells you not to walk into the street in front of a moving bus or you may be run over?

Lets think about his for a minute. Nursing home residents tend to be older. Older people are more susceptible to a variety of diseases and illnesses. COVID guidance or not, this is a well known fact. We have a virus that is spreading like wildfire with an unknown efficacy and transmission rate so lets move nursing home patients who have have COVID back to the nursing homes where there are people that are more suseptible to diseases. Yeah, ok. I know most Democrats are kind of dim and need perpetual guidance, but this is kind of ridiculous.

"The Trump administration delayed more than $20bn in hurricane relief aid for Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, according to a report by the housing department’s office of the inspector General. The efforts to deliver recovery funding to the island were “unnecessarily delayed by bureaucratic obstacles”, according to the 46-page report. The hurricane, which hit the island in 2017, killed thousands of people and left thousands more without electricity or water for months. One of the main hurdles was the requirement imposed by the Office of Management and Budget, The process, which was never before required for allocating disaster funds.

On Monday, Hud removed restrictions imposed by the Trump administrationon access to $8.2bn in Community Development Block Grant Mitigation. The agency stalled the release of the disaster relief aid in 2019 and imposed additional restrictions on how the island could access the funds."

Furthermore, federal funding was held up for over a month; of the 20bn allocated by Congress, the Trump admin only released less than 4 billion of it....also, despite the loss of 1000's of lives; to be exact, more than 5000 people died in that tragedy....and I guarantee you not a single Trumper knew that before reading this post..and yet, there were no conspiracies of child abductions, nobody claimed Trump wanted to see people die, no attacks against others for "wanting people to die", etc, etc, etc....

On top of that, the iconic meme of Trump throwing paper towels to people - that came 15 days after the hurricane. I don't recall a single Trumper outraged over Trump taking 15 days to go to Puerto Rico. Oh, and how Trumpers mock Biden for issuing $700 to residents in Maui, not a dime was issued to Puerto Rican households, and you won't hear Trumpers complain about that either. Let's contrast that to the Maui response.

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"President Biden has approved a national disaster declaration for Hawaii, unlocking federal resources to help in the massive response efforts to the ongoing wildfires.“I’m going to make sure that the state has everything needs from the federal government to recover,” Biden said, in remarks Thursday morning. “Our prayers are with with the people of Hawaii, but not just our prayers. Every asset we have will be available to them.” Gov. Josh Green said he was notified early Thursday that Biden approved for the declaration.

The state says the approval makes federal funding available to affected individuals in Maui County. The assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and programs to help people recover from the the disaster."

In addition to this, federal funding was available within 6 to 12 hours of the wildfires; there is no effort to try to restrict allocation of federal funding for stupid ass reasons like in the previous administration - for example, when the Trump admin refused to give funding for the California wildfires, just to "own the libs" -- and later had to reverse its decision due to caving in to pressure -- and not a single Trumper complained.

When it comes to disaster relief for AMERICANS no matter if they are from a red state or a blue state -- the shti that matters most is what is being DONE to assist them...not a single presidential photo op or speech has done anything significant in comparison to ACTUAL funding and boots on the ground - and what is clear is, one admin repeated delayed and played games with that funding for political reasons and one didn't. All of that conspiracy bullshit will remain that, bullshit.
What part of the US is Ukraine?

"The Trump administration delayed more than $20bn in hurricane relief aid for Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, according to a report by the housing department’s office of the inspector General. The efforts to deliver recovery funding to the island were “unnecessarily delayed by bureaucratic obstacles”, according to the 46-page report. The hurricane, which hit the island in 2017, killed thousands of people and left thousands more without electricity or water for months. One of the main hurdles was the requirement imposed by the Office of Management and Budget, The process, which was never before required for allocating disaster funds.

On Monday, Hud removed restrictions imposed by the Trump administrationon access to $8.2bn in Community Development Block Grant Mitigation. The agency stalled the release of the disaster relief aid in 2019 and imposed additional restrictions on how the island could access the funds."

Furthermore, federal funding was held up for over a month; of the 20bn allocated by Congress, the Trump admin only released less than 4 billion of it....also, despite the loss of 1000's of lives; to be exact, more than 5000 people died in that tragedy....and I guarantee you not a single Trumper knew that before reading this post..and yet, there were no conspiracies of child abductions, nobody claimed Trump wanted to see people die, no attacks against others for "wanting people to die", etc, etc, etc....

On top of that, the iconic meme of Trump throwing paper towels to people - that came 15 days after the hurricane. I don't recall a single Trumper outraged over Trump taking 15 days to go to Puerto Rico. Oh, and how Trumpers mock Biden for issuing $700 to residents in Maui, not a dime was issued to Puerto Rican households, and you won't hear Trumpers complain about that either. Let's contrast that to the Maui response.

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"President Biden has approved a national disaster declaration for Hawaii, unlocking federal resources to help in the massive response efforts to the ongoing wildfires.“I’m going to make sure that the state has everything needs from the federal government to recover,” Biden said, in remarks Thursday morning. “Our prayers are with with the people of Hawaii, but not just our prayers. Every asset we have will be available to them.” Gov. Josh Green said he was notified early Thursday that Biden approved for the declaration.

The state says the approval makes federal funding available to affected individuals in Maui County. The assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and programs to help people recover from the the disaster."

In addition to this, federal funding was available within 6 to 12 hours of the wildfires; there is no effort to try to restrict allocation of federal funding for stupid ass reasons like in the previous administration - for example, when the Trump admin refused to give funding for the California wildfires, just to "own the libs" -- and later had to reverse its decision due to caving in to pressure -- and not a single Trumper complained.

When it comes to disaster relief for AMERICANS no matter if they are from a red state or a blue state -- the shti that matters most is what is being DONE to assist them...not a single presidential photo op or speech has done anything significant in comparison to ACTUAL funding and boots on the ground - and what is clear is, one admin repeated delayed and played games with that funding for political reasons and one didn't. All of that conspiracy bullshit will remain that, bullshit.
FEMA was onsite Rico day after as they were there before the storm even hit.

More lies and bs from the left
It was difficult to provide aid to Puerto Rico because they are surrounded by water…….”Deep Water, Ocean Water”

Navy was there before the storm. They housed FEMA and were forced out because of the storm.

They came in as soon as the storm left and started rescue operations

You and your pravda agents have selective memory.
Not as much as it used to. Weather patterns are changing and Hawaii has experienced their dries decade in a century.

Yep....and I remember all of the hogwash from the left about how the Western deserts are in a drought.

They've always been in a drought....because they're deserts.

If you're stupid enough to put communists in charge of water management you're going to have a lot of problems.

They're nothing but saboteurs.

"The Trump administration delayed more than $20bn in hurricane relief aid for Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, according to a report by the housing department’s office of the inspector General. The efforts to deliver recovery funding to the island were “unnecessarily delayed by bureaucratic obstacles”, according to the 46-page report. The hurricane, which hit the island in 2017, killed thousands of people and left thousands more without electricity or water for months. One of the main hurdles was the requirement imposed by the Office of Management and Budget, The process, which was never before required for allocating disaster funds.

On Monday, Hud removed restrictions imposed by the Trump administrationon access to $8.2bn in Community Development Block Grant Mitigation. The agency stalled the release of the disaster relief aid in 2019 and imposed additional restrictions on how the island could access the funds."

Furthermore, federal funding was held up for over a month; of the 20bn allocated by Congress, the Trump admin only released less than 4 billion of it....also, despite the loss of 1000's of lives; to be exact, more than 5000 people died in that tragedy....and I guarantee you not a single Trumper knew that before reading this post..and yet, there were no conspiracies of child abductions, nobody claimed Trump wanted to see people die, no attacks against others for "wanting people to die", etc, etc, etc....

On top of that, the iconic meme of Trump throwing paper towels to people - that came 15 days after the hurricane. I don't recall a single Trumper outraged over Trump taking 15 days to go to Puerto Rico. Oh, and how Trumpers mock Biden for issuing $700 to residents in Maui, not a dime was issued to Puerto Rican households, and you won't hear Trumpers complain about that either. Let's contrast that to the Maui response.

View attachment 817857

"President Biden has approved a national disaster declaration for Hawaii, unlocking federal resources to help in the massive response efforts to the ongoing wildfires.“I’m going to make sure that the state has everything needs from the federal government to recover,” Biden said, in remarks Thursday morning. “Our prayers are with with the people of Hawaii, but not just our prayers. Every asset we have will be available to them.” Gov. Josh Green said he was notified early Thursday that Biden approved for the declaration.

The state says the approval makes federal funding available to affected individuals in Maui County. The assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and programs to help people recover from the the disaster."

In addition to this, federal funding was available within 6 to 12 hours of the wildfires; there is no effort to try to restrict allocation of federal funding for stupid ass reasons like in the previous administration - for example, when the Trump admin refused to give funding for the California wildfires, just to "own the libs" -- and later had to reverse its decision due to caving in to pressure -- and not a single Trumper complained.

When it comes to disaster relief for AMERICANS no matter if they are from a red state or a blue state -- the shti that matters most is what is being DONE to assist them...not a single presidential photo op or speech has done anything significant in comparison to ACTUAL funding and boots on the ground - and what is clear is, one admin repeated delayed and played games with that funding for political reasons and one didn't. All of that conspiracy bullshit will remain that, bullshit.
LOL. Yeah, Biden is putting a check for $700 in their hands. That outa make them happy.
Yep....and I remember all of the hogwash from the left about how the Western deserts are in a drought.

They've always been in a drought....because they're deserts.

If you're stupid enough to put communists in charge of water management you're going to have a lot of problems.

They're nothing but saboteurs.
Drought definitions are based on historical data for that area. Meaning you’re not in a drought unless it’s unusually dry for that particular area based on their average rainfall.

You are a moron.
Drought definitions are based on historical data for that area. Meaning you’re not in a drought unless it’s unusually dry for that particular area based on their average rainfall.

You are a moron.
You could have said it without the insult.

The fact is the desert is called a desert for a reason.

The problem with you manipulators and propagandists is you use what is normal and try to create false impressions in the public for whatever nefarious means you think will get them to give up their rights.
The West is dry and it will always be dry.
A forest fire means one thing for someone who lives in the West but something else for people who live in the South or the East.
There's a lot of mountains out West. They act as a barrier to moisture in parts of the West. They stretch all the way from Canada to New Mexico. There's also a mountain range called the Olympic range that cuts Washington in half. On the Western side of that range is lush forests. The Eastern side is desert. Those mountains stop much of the rainfall that normally would fall in Eastern Washington, Idaho, and Montana.
Anyone who lives in the state of Washington knows that once you go East of that range you go into Yakama and it's dry. If it was further South is would be nothing but desert like Nevada and Arizona. All of that moisture from the Pacific Ocean falls on the mountains and little of it ends up in the Western deserts.
All of those years of bitching about dry weather, and now they're bitching about heavy rains.

Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch......
LOL. Yeah, Biden is putting a check for $700 in their hands. That outa make them happy.

You mean they got handed a check so they could buy clothes and food and pay for accommodations until their insurance claim started coming through? How dare the government give them money!!!!!

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