DeSantis is the new Jeb!: a milktoast establishment conservative getting outshone by Trump on the airwaves & crushed by Trump in the polls


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Ron DeSantis only drew a crowd of 200 people in South Carolina the other day. How embarrassing. DeSantis’ small crowd size in South Carolina reminds me of Jeb Bush’s 2016 small crowds.

I am one of his big supporters but I don't think Ron is quite ready yet.

Great Governor for one the top states but he isn't that well known nationally yet.

He should pass on this election, finish out his term as Governor and then spend two years campaigning for 2028.
I think that DeSantis would do better in the general election than Trump. Trump has too much baggage.
Ron DeSantis only drew a crowd of 200 people in South Carolina the other day. How embarrassing. DeSantis’ small crowd size in South Carolina reminds me of Jeb Bush’s 2016 small crowds.

I didnt know you were a MAGA

When did that happen?
I didnt know you were a MAGA

When did that happen?
Sorry bout that,

1. Unlike you, one night during sleep, he grew a brain, and when he woke up all that was on his mind was *MAGA*.
2. He took as a sign to join the, Republican Party.
3. And did.

I am one of his big supporters but I don't think Ron is quite ready yet.

Great Governor for one the top states but he isn't that well known nationally yet.

He should pass on this election, finish out his term as Governor and then spend two years campaigning for 2028.

You're forgetting. The election is still 1.5 years away. Ron isn't going to announce until after the FL legislative session has ended.
The point: There's still plenty of time for DeSantis to be known. And that will happen in a very short amount of time when he announces.
And it'll give Trump a lot of time to hang himself. All DeSantis has to do is compare his FL executive record to Trumps.
DeSantis: Actually cut and eliminated taxes. Then decreases spending.
Trump: Cut taxes. But at the same time, eliminated tax deductions and increased spending.

DeSantis brushes off the leftist trying to dog pile him.
Trump: Has gotten completely dog piled by the left so many times now, it's a normal event. It's almost expected.
One thing Trump has going for him is the amount of sympathy he gets from his supports for all the dog piling.
None the less, Trump was very ineffective as a president because of all the dog piling.
You're forgetting. The election is still 1.5 years away. Ron isn't going to announce until after the FL legislative session has ended.
The point: There's still plenty of time for DeSantis to be known. And that will happen in a very short amount of time when he announces.
And it'll give Trump a lot of time to hang himself. All DeSantis has to do is compare his FL executive record to Trumps.
DeSantis: Actually cut and eliminated taxes. Then decreases spending.
Trump: Cut taxes. But at the same time, eliminated tax deductions and increased spending.

DeSantis brushes off the leftist trying to dog pile him.
Trump: Has gotten completely dog piled by the left so many times now, it's a normal event. It's almost expected.
One thing Trump has going for him is the amount of sympathy he gets from his supports for all the dog piling.
None the less, Trump was very ineffective as a president because of all the dog piling.
Good analysis but I think the 2024 election is going to be fucked up like Hogan's Goat.

I see Trump and Potatohead both being losers to the public in this.

Thanks to all the misinformation the filthy Democrat Party put out I don't see Trump having as near as much support as he had in 2016. Even with Potatohead being the worst President in the history of the Republic unfortunately for this country he will win.

I have this gut feeling that it would be better for Ron to just sit this one out and come fresh in 2028. This country is already screwed with Potatohead.
Good analysis but I think the 2024 election is going to be fucked up like Hogan's Goat.

I see Trump and Potatohead both being losers to the public in this.

Thanks to all the misinformation the filthy Democrat Party put out I don't see Trump having as near as much support as he had in 2016. Even with Potatohead being the worst President in the history of the Republic unfortunately for this country he will win.

I have this gut feeling that it would be better for Ron to just sit this one out and come fresh in 2028. This country is already screwed with Potatohead.

Again 100%

Although Trump has gained some sympathy support over the Bragg BS, I don't think it'll carry him very far. There's just too many people on both sides who are just sick of the drama, bashing and attacks.
The democrats have been bashing and attacking, Trump supporters have been bashing and attacking. Until it's just boring.
Once BLM, WOKE and the lefts cancel culture started losing it's popularity, a LOT of us were glad to see go. But then here comes the Trump supporters with their version of it all.

The 2024 election could very well be messed up if it's Biden and Trump part duh!!!!

One thing I just don't get. In all these forums I go to, die hard Trump supporters just don't even care about all the leftist crap Trump shoved in our faces. They don't care that Trump lied about so much. Propped himself up as the only one that can lead his followers to the promise land (sort of speak).
The ad on another thread here says "Trump is the only one who can make American great again." The level of ego behind that is off the charts.

90% of the DeSantis bashing is coming from Republicans. The democrats don't even need to bother.
Again 100%

Although Trump has gained some sympathy support over the Bragg BS, I don't think it'll carry him very far. There's just too many people on both sides who are just sick of the drama, bashing and attacks.
The democrats have been bashing and attacking, Trump supporters have been bashing and attacking. Until it's just boring.
Once BLM, WOKE and the lefts cancel culture started losing it's popularity, a LOT of us were glad to see go. But then here comes the Trump supporters with their version of it all.

The 2024 election could very well be messed up if it's Biden and Trump part duh!!!!

One thing I just don't get. In all these forums I go to, die hard Trump supporters just don't even care about all the leftist crap Trump shoved in our faces. They don't care that Trump lied about so much. Propped himself up as the only one that can lead his followers to the promise land (sort of speak).
The ad on another thread here says "Trump is the only one who can make American great again." The level of ego behind that is off the charts.

90% of the DeSantis bashing is coming from Republicans. The democrats don't even need to bother.
I think that Trump was the best President of modern times. However, he was still a big government President. He still ran up the debt and didn't do too much to reduce the damn welfare state. He grew the size of the government.

I think DeSantis is the best Governor in the country. I love his anti wokeness agenda. However, he ain't perfect either. He ran on a platform of no new taxes but created the filthy ass internet tax. He also didn't championed open carry in the state with the Constitutional Carry bill.

Republicans are always better than Democrats. That is not even debatable. However, at the end of the day the Republicans are also a party of big government.

Just wait and see how this RINO House folds like a cheap suit and let the Democrat shitheads increase the debt. What they need to be doing is saying no more debt. Only spend what we have coming in but they don't have the courage to tell the Democrat filth to shove it.
I think that Trump was the best President of modern times.
That ain't saying much. The RNC doesn't want any good presidents. Someone that actually stands for fiscal and constitutional conservatism.

However, he was still a big government President. He still ran up the debt and didn't do too much to reduce the damn welfare state. He grew the size of the government.

I think DeSantis is the best Governor in the country. I love his anti wokeness agenda. However, he ain't perfect either. He ran on a platform of no new taxes but created the filthy ass internet tax. He also didn't championed open carry in the state with the Constitutional Carry bill.

He also completely eliminated some taxes. And reduce a bunch more. That's leaps and bounds above Trumps tax record. The tax deductions he eliminated made the tax cuts almost a wash.
Then when you account for the loss of USD value from the borrowing and spending, we ended up paying more.
Republicans are always better than Democrats. That is not even debatable. However, at the end of the day the Republicans are also a party of big government.

Better at what?
Don't get me wrong, I was a republican for many years. Then I discovered what fiscal conservatism was. When you consider that Republicans have spent more money and raised the debt ceiling more times than the democrat have, it's hard to support them.
The left has their whacko's like AOC, the squad, Bernie and now Biden (again). But I think there's still more moderate democrats who don't really care for the radicals in their party. But they have their backs against the wall for the same reason many republicans who don't like Trump don't stand up against him.
DC has it's own cancel culture. Don't tow the party line and you'll get primaried.
Trump did that very thing to Thomas Massie for wanting a quorum call when the NDAA was being voted on.
Just wait and see how this RINO House folds like a cheap suit and let the Democrat shitheads increase the debt. What they need to be doing is saying no more debt. Only spend what we have coming in but they don't have the courage to tell the Democrat filth to shove it.

I'm OK with the debt ceiling increase. What I'm not OK with is the House ramping up spending that's going to create another reason to increase the debt ceiling again. After the debt ceiling increase, the House should NOT, under no circumstances allow anymore spending than what's necessary to meet important obligations.
For example: No more money for BS like gender studies that was funded during Trump. Or any of that kind of BS. Just pay for what we have to have. Make no new obligations for stupid crap. Then there won't be a need for any more debt ceiling increases.

When the printing presses stop, so does inflation.
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I like DeSantis That's all that matters.

If he thinks Trump is his enemy. He's retarded. He's next.

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