DeSantis should have waited until 2028

why would he drop out and endorse someone who’s going to lose?
Okay...what happens in 2028 if he runs and he didn't endorse the blob? The GOP voters are simple folk who may not know anything about policies and what they mean but they do remember when you're not sufficiently loyal to whomever their newest savior is
What would have been best is a Trump/Desantis ticket.

Trump could have showed desantis the ropes for 4 years and then desantis would be in the PERFECT position to take the reigns. real chance of that happening any more.
Big time layoffs of his campaign staff. Best thing he could do is drop out now and endorse Trump. If he stays in, he's going to get some lashes from Trump.

---DeSantis’ campaign lays off 38 staffers, more than one-third of total employee---

Both - DeSantis and the human scumbag's candidature will only help to ensure another 4 years of Lefty&Lib rule and it's inherent destruction of the US society.
Shame on the USA, for ALL parties not being able to come up with any proficient presidential candidate.
Okay...what happens in 2028 if he runs and he didn't endorse the blob? The GOP voters are simple folk who may not know anything about policies and what they mean but they do remember when you're not sufficiently loyal to whomever their newest savior is
People like you Leftists gag me with your arrogance. You believe no one but you are wise enough to lead and the rest of us just need to get in line.
Have you noticed just how ferkin' brain-dead Tater has become? Are you seriously saying you'd vote for that geriatric stumblebum again? SMFH
Both - DeSantis and the human scumbag's candidature will only help to ensure another 4 years of Lefty&Lib rule and it's inherent destruction of the US society.
Shame on the USA, for ALL parties not being able to come up with any proficient presidential candidate.
If America's people elect another Leftist then the country DESERVES to fail, fall, and burn. The same is going to happen if the same filth that stole 2020 tries to do it again and the courts don't intercede.
Big time layoffs of his campaign staff. Best thing he could do is drop out now and endorse Trump. If he stays in, he's going to get some lashes from Trump.

---DeSantis’ campaign lays off 38 staffers, more than one-third of total employee---

He should have attacked Trump from the get go, IOW behaved as if he wants to be the nominee.


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People like you Leftists gag me with your arrogance.
Cool. Its good to be useful. You should try it.
You believe no one but you are wise enough to lead and the rest of us just need to get in line.
Well, I saw in February what you're discovering today.

I wouldn't say you need to "get in line" but you should get a clue and realize you're not very bright.
Have you noticed just how ferkin' brain-dead Tater has become?
And in your next post on another thread you'll pontificate (you can look that up) on what kind of super-criminal Joe Biden is, capable of taking billions in bribes and not leaving a clue for the feds....
Are you seriously saying you'd vote for that geriatric stumblebum again? SMFH
Biden has my vote if he is the nominee. The GOP is a non-factor. They are anti-woman, anti-worker, anti-immigrant, anti-science, and anti-history.

The State of Florida ("where woke goes to die") is now trying to pass off Slavery as having been beneficial to blacks. This is just how bizarre your party has become.

This is the part where you lean on black conservative YouTube folks to try to prop up your crazy stance.
If America's people elect another Leftist then the country DESERVES to fail, fall, and burn. The same is going to happen if the same filth that stole 2020 tries to do it again and the courts don't intercede.
No country and especially it's general population deserves to fall and burn - due to politicians that regardless of their "supposed" political allegiance, are ALL, just a bunch of self enriching, egocentric, fantasists, lying sacks and criminals.

Lynch them all - (there are 350 million firearms in the USA for what?) maybe some politicians will then rethink their deeds and actions. Elect your own, new leaders stemming from the basis (that is what democracy is supposed to be about) - and not those elitist cretins, chosen by their own elitist party-circles, that simply consider the electors/voters to be THEIR mindless sheep.

What Americans forget - the last revolution was 250 years ago - in good old Europe they had one every 30-40 years.

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