Desperate John Brennan Shifts From ‘Trump Russia’ to ‘Trump is Racist’ – “This Madness Must End”

He's so desperately trying to get rid of Trump so a Democrat can be elected and spare him from going to prison. It's he who's showing madness.

Desperate Brennan Shifts From 'Trump Russia' to 'Trump is Racist' - "This Madness Must End"
Fuck that commie bastard. His freedom-hating red-army ass had no business anywhere near our intelligence or national security.

We can't allow these commies to get away. We must execute them all.

Kill a commie for mommy.

Fuck that commie bastard. His freedom-hating red-army ass had no business anywhere near our intelligence or national security.

We can't allow these commies to get away. We must execute them all.

Kill a commie for mommy.


This madness will only end after Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz start issuing indictments on the Obama admin deep state conspirators......any fucking day now......very'll will happen.....
Brennan...There's another asshole who needs to be outfitted for an orange suit.

I do not care what color the suit is, but Brennan and the rest of the 911 Traitors deserve more than prison. They deserve total asset forfeiture and this

OK, my turn....

Was that controlled demolition of WTC 7 or not?

If you believe that was controlled demolition, then 911 was a fraud, since the official 911 line on WTC 7 is that it "fell because of damage from the Twin Towers...."

And what hit the Pentagon at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground....????

Hint - not a 757, since its engines are way more than 10 feet lower than the nose....

Polls say more than 60% of Americans do not believe the "official version" of 911....

Col Osman knows why, as did his pal Zbigniew....


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