Desperate Media Accuses Dr Carson Of Calling For Drone Strikes Against Illegals


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Jul 21, 2009
The media is getting desperate. Democrats are losing the public relations battle. Hillary's campaign is sinking and they're trying desperately to get Joe Biden and Elisabeth Warren to get into the run for president. Meanwhile, they're making up stuff about the Republican candidates. The latest is this false accusation that Dr Ben Carson called for drone strikes on illegal Democrats crossing the border. Of course it was a lie, and Dr Carson addressed it. Last week was their attempt to throw out the race card by accusing Republicans of using the supposed deragatory term "Anchor Babies".

Heck, the left won't call our own unborn children babies, but they insist that we call illegals' kids "just babies". Dr Carson addressed this as well, calling it a distraction.

During an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday, Ben Carson scolded members of the media for distorting his views on illegal immigration. Speaking to fill-in host Jim Acosta, the Republican presidential candidate argued that “[a]t some point I hope we have some responsible media which actually focuses on the problem.”

Carson’s comments came in response to Acosta misinterpreting his views on immigration, specifically through the use of drones to monitor the U.S./Mexico border:

You said that the United States should consider using drone strikes to secure the border with Mexico. What did you mean by that? Obviously, drones are used now for surveillance along the border. Are you talking about taking drone strikes at the U.S./Mexico border?

The renounced neurosurgeon stressed he was “quite clear" what he meant about the use of drones used to monitor the southern border:

I said that drones are excellent for surveillance. You know, along that border, we have miles and miles of fences, and, you know, I went there last week and didn't see any border patrol people, and those fences are so easy to scale. It’s almost like not having a fence there.​

Carson went one step further and told Acosta that when he initially made those comments he knew the media would distort his views on immigration:

So drones can help with the surveillance,and no way did I suggest that drones be used to kill people. And I said that to the media at the time. I said you guys, some of you are going to go out and say Carson wants to use drones to kill people on the borders. How ridiculous. At some point I hope we have some responsible media which actually focuses on the problem.

- See more at: Carson Demands ‘Responsible Media’ Cover Illegal Immigration Correctly

If most of our illegal (?) immigrants are coming from Asian Nations and India why is it the republicans are obsessed with the southern border with Mexico? Are they only concerned with a certain type of immigrant? Or is this some sort of new dog whistle for the rabid base. Imagine this image, the republican standing guard at the Mexican border as the illegals fly, boat, and drive into America. Politics of so many words so many useless words. Does anyone miss them voting to repeal the ACA or sweating profusely over same sex marriage? ;) Can you say useless.
If most of our illegal (?) immigrants are coming from Asian Nations and India why is it the republicans are obsessed with the southern border with Mexico? Are they only concerned with a certain type of immigrant? Or is this some sort of new dog whistle for the rabid base. Imagine this image, the republican standing guard at the Mexican border as the illegals fly, boat, and drive into America. Politics of so many words so many useless words. Does anyone miss them voting to repeal the ACA or sweating profusely over same sex marriage? ;) Can you say useless.
Add on the fact that most of the people here illegally entered legally. They just over-stayed their visa.
If most of our illegal (?) immigrants are coming from Asian Nations and India why is it the republicans are obsessed with the southern border with Mexico? Are they only concerned with a certain type of immigrant? Or is this some sort of new dog whistle for the rabid base. Imagine this image, the republican standing guard at the Mexican border as the illegals fly, boat, and drive into America. Politics of so many words so many useless words. Does anyone miss them voting to repeal the ACA or sweating profusely over same sex marriage? ;) Can you say useless.

prove the numbers of asian/indian illegal invaders exceeds the number of mexican/south american illegal invaders..

no one can...there's no way to know who is coming and going or what they're smuggling in...americans are going to change that. We are against using illegals as slave labor and we are against drug smuggling and we are against human trafficking.

The question is why do you support slave labor and why are you in favor of drug and weapons smuggling and human trafficking?
If most of our illegal (?) immigrants are coming from Asian Nations and India why is it the republicans are obsessed with the southern border with Mexico? Are they only concerned with a certain type of immigrant? Or is this some sort of new dog whistle for the rabid base. Imagine this image, the republican standing guard at the Mexican border as the illegals fly, boat, and drive into America. Politics of so many words so many useless words. Does anyone miss them voting to repeal the ACA or sweating profusely over same sex marriage? ;) Can you say useless.
Add on the fact that most of the people here illegally entered legally. They just over-stayed their visa.
Not most.

Last I heard was 40% who are still here. This may or may not be true.

This includes some Hollywood actors. Most of those on expired visas were at the very least screened and or quarantined a sufficient period for infectious diseases. These "refugees" we're not.

But the left has decided to support illegals. They figure it's gonna win elections. Who cares about the mayhem it's causing along the border

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