Despite Being Caught Scrubbing the Transcript, WH Refuses To Fix It To Reflect The Truth

What was the lie about the Iran deal that started all of this hoopla?
The Obama lie was he claimed the Iranian negotiations only started when a more moderate Iranian leader took office. Someone as Obama swore "we can work with". Total bullshit lie. The negotiations began two years before when the Iranian leadership was much more extreme.
Just like everything Obama has claimed to have accomplished the facts have always shown the opposite.

Thank you for that. Do you have a link to this? It must be a RW media story because I haven't seen this.
I think the House needs to start a new inquiry over this one. Holy cow>

Impeach. Impeach. Impeach.
You're happy having government lie to you, as long as it's Democrats doing it.

The government lies to us all day long. If a reporter asks a question about classified information should the answer be truthful or should the spokesman stick to the approved talking points? More mountains out of molehills if you ask me.
So when Bush "lied" about Iraq that was OK too, right?

If he had some classified intelligence that supported his position on the WMD. Maybe, but there is no evidence of that.

Only in your liberalism-addled mind does that bear any resemblance to the truth!
I think the House needs to start a new inquiry over this one. Holy cow>

Impeach. Impeach. Impeach.
I believe the State Department already has dumbass.

Not good enough, they'll just sweep it under the rug. There needs to be a new and fully funded investigation by the House on what Josh said and why it wasn't in the transcript, even though it is on video. That's not good enough. Obviously, Iran is going to be given a nuclear bomb by Obama and then "we're all gonna die!". Captain America AKA Donald Trump, will not be able to stop it because at the last minute sneaky old Obama is going to declare Martian law. Then The Messiah will beam Trump and all his supporters to the FEMA camps waiting on Venus.
I think the House needs to start a new inquiry over this one. Holy cow>

Impeach. Impeach. Impeach.
You're happy having government lie to you, as long as it's Democrats doing it.

The government lies to us all day long. If a reporter asks a question about classified information should the answer be truthful or should the spokesman stick to the approved talking points? More mountains out of molehills if you ask me.
So when Bush "lied" about Iraq that was OK too, right?

If he had some classified intelligence that supported his position on the WMD. Maybe, but there is no evidence of that.
He actually had overwhelming classified intelligence that supported it.
But I see you are trying to create a distinction that doesn't really exist. The only valid distinction for you is "Democrat--Good, Republican--Bad". This is why I cant take you seriously and you have no integrity.

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