Zone1 Despite the Democrats' Latest attempt, Men cannot get pregnant.

Anyone who denies the biological basis for the distinction between men and women has no credible claim to “science” nor to “rational thought”.

If you're going to make these claims at least get the terms right. The biological distinctions are male and female. You continue to confuse biology with social ideas of gender. Here's a little of what they teach about the distinction at Yale School of Medicine.

What Do We Mean By Sex and Gender?

The IOM, now embedded within the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), concluded there was more than sufficient evidence that, beyond reproductive biology, there were major differences in the biology of women and men that greatly affected their health and influenced treatment and prevention strategies.

Importantly, the committee emphasized that neither the health of women nor men is simply a product of biology but is also influenced by sociocultural and psychological experience. To differentiate between these broad areas of investigation, the members created working definitions of “sex” — when referring to biology — and “gender” — when referring to self-representation influenced by social, cultural, and personal experience.

A crucial parameter of language is that the meaning of each word is standardized, so that when one person uses a word, another can understand what is meant by that word.
Your inability to understand the distinction is your own. It's just inevitable that a certain percentage of any given society will remain ignorant either willfully or from lack of mental acuity.
When you try to twist a word, to use it to mean something that no sane person understands it to mean, then you are undermining the very purpose of language, and demonstrating that it is you who does not understand language.
I understand them just fine as do the educators at Yale and the students who graduate from their medical school. What's your excuse? 😄
Every sane English-speaking human being understands the word “man” to refer to an adult human being who is biologically male, and “woman” to refer to an adult human who is biologically female. Your confusion over the meanings of these words, and the underlying reality that they are used by sane people to communicate, only goes to show that there is something very, very, very wrong with you.
Calling Yale educators insane is hilarious especially as I imagine you doing it from your double wide trailer.
No sane person suffers from the confusion that you do, over the distinction between men and women. Such confusion is prima facie proof that there is something seriously messed-up in your head.
No sane person according to you but nearly every professional and Ivy league institution. I think I'm in good company. 😄

If you're going to make these claims at least get the terms right. The biological distinctions are male and female. You continue to confuse biology with social ideas of gender. Here's a little of what they teach about the distinction at Yale School of Medicine.

What Do We Mean By Sex and Gender?

The IOM, now embedded within the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), concluded there was more than sufficient evidence that, beyond reproductive biology, there were major differences in the biology of women and men that greatly affected their health and influenced treatment and prevention strategies.

Importantly, the committee emphasized that neither the health of women nor men is simply a product of biology but is also influenced by sociocultural and psychological experience. To differentiate between these broad areas of investigation, the members created working definitions of “sex” — when referring to biology — and “gender” — when referring to self-representation influenced by social, cultural, and personal experience.

Your inability to understand the distinction is your own. It's just inevitable that a certain percentage of any given society will remain ignorant either willfully or from lack of mental acuity.

I understand them just fine as do the educators at Yale and the students who graduate from their medical school. What's your excuse? 😄

Calling Yale educators insane is hilarious especially as I imagine you doing it from your double wide trailer.

No sane person according to you but nearly every professional and Ivy league institution. I think I'm in good company. 😄


If you're going to make these claims at least get the terms right. The biological distinctions are male and female. You continue to confuse biology with social ideas of gender. Here's a little of what they teach about the distinction at Yale School of Medicine.

What Do We Mean By Sex and Gender?

The IOM, now embedded within the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), concluded there was more than sufficient evidence that, beyond reproductive biology, there were major differences in the biology of women and men that greatly affected their health and influenced treatment and prevention strategies.

Importantly, the committee emphasized that neither the health of women nor men is simply a product of biology but is also influenced by sociocultural and psychological experience. To differentiate between these broad areas of investigation, the members created working definitions of “sex” — when referring to biology — and “gender” — when referring to self-representation influenced by social, cultural, and personal experience.

Your inability to understand the distinction is your own. It's just inevitable that a certain percentage of any given society will remain ignorant either willfully or from lack of mental acuity.

I understand them just fine as do the educators at Yale and the students who graduate from their medical school. What's your excuse? 😄

Calling Yale educators insane is hilarious especially as I imagine you doing it from your double wide trailer.

No sane person according to you but nearly every professional and Ivy league institution. I think I'm in good company. 😄

The hard, undeniable, immutable reality is this:

You cannot deny the biological distinction between men and women, as you insist on doing, and still retain any credibility whatsoever as being in any way sane or intelligent.

Such denial is prima facie proof that there is something severely defective about your mental processes.

If you keep insisting that man can be a woman, or vice versa, then all sane people will know better than to give any credence to anything that you have to say on any topic.
In reality, from what I’ve read, an MRI is not conclusive. The minor changes in self declared trannies (who are natal males), do not add up to a female brain. If anything it shows a natal male brain resisting, IMO
The trans ideology is against objective/conclusive evidence of sex/gender. Otherwise why not simply go with the historical definition and method of determination of sex/gender. If a person has a penis, he is male. If a person has a vagina, she is female.

I live in a state in which people do not register to vote by party. So if I want to be a "democrat" all I have to do is identify as a democrat. Apparently it's the same way with sex/gender. (Note sarcasm).
Dr. Bhavik Kumar made the remarks during a hearing on the Democrat-controlled Committee that was intended to push the narrative that restricting abortion access can harm women.

In response to a question from Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA), Kumar, medical director for primary and trans care at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast claimed, “Men can have pregnancies, especially trans men.”

“Somebody with a uterus may have the capability of becoming pregnant, whether they’re a woman or a man,” Kumar claimed. “That doesn’t make a difference.”

I'm gonna say it...

Men cannot get pregnant.

Does anyone disagree? If you agree, just await responses as I am.
Leftists are science deniers.
The hard, undeniable, immutable reality is this:

You cannot deny the biological distinction between men and women, as you insist on doing, and still retain any credibility whatsoever as being in any way sane or intelligent.
You mean males and females. 😄
Such denial is prima facie proof that there is something severely defective about your mental processes.
Denial of what is taught in our most highly rated educational institutions is certainly that. 😄
If you keep insisting that man can be a woman, or vice versa, then all sane people will know better than to give any credence to anything that you have to say on any topic.
Honest question. Do you think you, rando on the internet have more credence than Yale's School of Medicine where biology is concerned?
You mean males and females. 😄

Denial of what is taught in our most highly rated educational institutions is certainly that. 😄

Honest question. Do you think you, rando on the internet have more credence than Yale's School of Medicine where biology is concerned?

Honest question. Do you think you, rando on the internet have more credence than Yale's School of Medicine where biology is concerned?

If you can see with your own eyes that grass is green, and someone that you recognize as an “expert” tells you that grass is purple, what color is grass? And what should this tell you about how much you should trust that “expert”?

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
If you can see with your own eyes that grass is green, and someone that you recognize as an “expert” tells you that grass is purple, what color is grass? And what shoudl thsi tell you about how much you should trust that “expert”?
Grass is green because it obsorbs light at various wavelengths except for green which it reflects back. The underlying physics might not be obvious to someone still just learning about basic colors and shapes. 😄
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
The "party" in that instance is a political party and that quote neatly encapsulates this scenario here where a Republican politician is telling you to question what doctors and scientists have observed, objectively with their natural and mechanical instruments.
Why should assurances from someone who isn't a medical professional impress me? 😄
What “medical professional?” This sick fuck works for Planned Parenthood, which is apparently expanding from just killing kids for money to mutilating those who survive for money.

Neither of which is healthcare or medicine.
What “medical professional?” This sick fuck works for Planned Parenthood, which is apparently expanding from just killing kids for money to mutilating those who survive for money.

Neither of which is healthcare or medicine.
He works for Planned Parenthood as a Dr. That makes him a medical professional. These words are all fairly easy to understand. 😄
Grass is green because it obsorbs [sic] light at various wavelengths except for green which it reflects back. The underlying physics might not be obvious to someone still just learning about basic colors and shapes. 😄

The "party" in that instance is a political party and that quote neatly encapsulates this scenario here where a Republican politician is telling you to question what doctors and scientists have observed, objectively with their natural and mechanical instruments.

The important point is that you are stupidly allowing yourself to be deceived by “experts” who are telling you to believe things that your own eyes, ears, and other senses, and your brain should clearly tell you are bullshit.

You'll believe any lies from these “experts” above what, if you had the intellectual capacity of a normal human being, you would be able to directly and clearly observe for yourself.

If an “expert” tells you that •• plus •• equals ••••••••••, then does •• plus •• equal ••••••••••, or does it only equal ••••?
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The important point is that you are stupidly allowing yourself to be deceived by “experts” who are telling you to believe things that your own eyes, ears, and other senses, and yo0ru brain should clearly tell you are bullshit.

You'll believe any lies from these “experts” above what, if you had the intellectual capacity of a normal human being, you would be able to directly and clearly observe for yourself.

If an “expert” tells you that •• plus •• equals ••••••••••, then does •• plus •• equal ••••••••••, or does it only equal ••••?

How many lights do you see?
He works for Planned Parenthood as a Dr. That makes him a medical professional.

That makes him a murderer, not a “medical professional”.

So, you believe what a murderer tells you, even if it irreconcilably contradicts what you should be able to directly observe for yourself?
The important point is that you are stupidly allowing yourself to be deceived by “experts” who are telling you to believe things that your own eyes, ears, and other senses, and yo0ru brain should clearly tell you are bullshit.
You putting "experts" in quotation marks isn't any sort of refutation of their work and some things might not be obvious to your naked eye. Atoms aren't observable with the naked eye, neither is light in the infra red spectrum but they're both still there.
You'll believe any lies from these “experts” above what, if you had the intellectual capacity of a normal human being, you would be able to directly and clearly observe for yourself.
If you want to convince me they’re lying then present counter evidence that goes beyond "not uh". 😄
If an “expert” tells you that •• plus •• equals ••••••••••, then does •• plus •• equal ••••••••••, or does it only equal ••••?
If someone can't refute the science or even show a basic understanding of it then that person holds no relevant position that anyone needs to take seriously. Hence why Yale School of Medicine will continue to teach their students about the difference between gender and biological sex.
That makes him a murderer, not a “medical professional”.

So, you believe what a murderer tells you, even if it irreconcilably contradicts what you should be able to directly observe for yourself?
I don't believe you when you identify him as a murderer. Can you present evidence of his murder conviction?
Here's the thing with Leftists: It's all about semantics. If you define "man" to be anyone who claims to be a man, then certainly a man can get pregnant. If you define "women" to be anyone who claims to be a woman, then women can impregnate other women.

It's stupid but not complicated.

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