Details surface about Chinese spy who worked for Sen. Feinstein

They should investigate and you can bet if this person worked for Trump for twenty years the Dems would be screaming bloody murder for an investigation.
Feinstein’s office would not comment on the story, saying they do not address personnel matters or investigations, but they added that none of their California offices staffers had ever had security clearance.

The FBI declined to comment on the story-----------------------

from you website, don't or are you unable to read? Now Trump knowingly conspired with the Russians and so did his campaign members.

But But But TRUMP!!
Details Surface About Chinese Spy Who Worked For Sen. Feinstein
SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) – New details emerged Wednesday about how a mole for the government of communist China managed to stay by Senator Dianne Feinstein’s side for nearly 20 years.

OMG LMDAO you can't trust these losers I swear every single one of them are and have SOLD us out to CHINA .

The dirt coming out on these Democratic losers is amazing hopefully more and more get caught and we drain the swamp of all these crooked leftist and some rep. scums.

Oh and go figure another Californian idiot.

I will state that unequivocally China poses a much bigger threat than Russia did in their prime. Maybe not the military tensions between the U.S and Russia in the 60s-80s, the function of a more global world where countries communicate (whereas then Americans knew little about Russia and vice versa); but, from an existential position, China is far worse. They aren't focused solely on the military, to them economic power is far more important, and America has allowed them to succeed.

Get smart guys. Trump isn't perfect, but he is the only guy who is confront this threat, don't be lulled to sleep. There are some who will sell America up the river and help China rule the world.

Have you heard of the TTP Trump ripped up?

Check out the new trade agreement:
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership

But But But TRUMP!!
Clinton mafia links to Sacramento and the drug trafficking links to USMB HIV threads.

The conservative boogeyman du jour
Not so...but the left has major butt itch over Russia....Hey Baldy.....why did the FBI tell Di Fi that she had a spy for an office manager but didn't tell Trump he had a spy in his campaign??? And why is it that Di Fi's husband has so many lucrative business ventures in China?
Maybe if your head was not in your ass so deep you could smell corruption in Di Fi's office and family.....just maybe then you wouldn't worry so much about Conservative boogie men....
Feinstein’s office would not comment on the story, saying they do not address personnel matters or investigations, but they added that none of their California offices staffers had ever had security clearance.

The FBI declined to comment on the story-----------------------

from you website, don't or are you unable to read? Now Trump knowingly conspired with the Russians and so did his campaign members.
You don’t need Security Clearence to bribe for legislation.
Di Fi's husband has gotten filthy rich in lucrative deal after another....where is a special prosecutor for her???
Hey Mr. Magoo make yourself useful you damn cowardly lying dope...what? have you recused yourself from all aspects of your job???
Di Fi's husband has gotten filthy rich in lucrative deal after another....where is a special prosecutor for her???

Definitely sounds like collusion...liberals have a soft spot for Mao Tse Tung....remember the high ranking official in the obama admin. who openly expressed her admiration of Mao?

Her name was Anita Dunn and she was Obama's communication director, who declared war on Fox News, came under scrutiny herself when it was discovered she had told an audience that Mao Tse Tung was one of her favorite political philosophers and quoted Mao on how to "fight your war." In a speech , after she joined the Obama White House, Ms. Dunn said the "two people I turn to most" were Mother Teresa and Mao Tse-Tung. She barely discussed the late nun, but waxed at length about the lessons Mao had taught her.

Mao makes Hitler look like small fry when it comes to mass murder. Can you imagine the uproar if Trump's communication director made a speech and praised Hitler?

Once again we see leftwing dictators get a pass and the hyprocisy of democrats.

Anyone remember how many deaths Mao's administration was responsible for?

Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years' Mao Zedong, founder of the People's Republic of China, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history, an expert who had unprecedented access to official Communist Party archives says.
how many deaths was mao responsible for? - Google Search
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