DETROIT - Carjack City! Better Buy A Gun!!!!


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
State of Disgust!
The few "good guys" left in Detroit better start arming themselves. Armed street thugs are on a rampage carjacking vehicles thus earning a new title for their "beautiful" :)eek:) city -- Carjack City.

DETROIT (AP) — When they pull up to a gas station these days, Detroit drivers are looking beyond the price per gallon at a far more threatening concern: carjackers.

The armed auto thieves have become so common here that parts of the bankrupt metropolis are referred to as "Carjack City," and many motorists fear getting out of their vehicles even for a few moments to fill a tank.


Authorities blame many of the carjackings, ironically, on improvements in vehicle security. Anti-theft equipment, GPS systems and advanced locks now prevent many vehicles from being driven without a key in the ignition.

That makes it difficult or impossible for thieves to steal parked cars, leading them to target vehicles that are occupied, said Jonathan Parnell, of Detroit's auto-theft squad. Also contributing to the thefts is a strong demand for stolen wheels and tires, police said.


Detroit police reported 720 carjackings last year in the city of fewer than 700,000 people. That's down from nearly 850 in 2011 and 1,231 in 2008. The decline may partly be due to Detroit's freefalling population, but the thefts still exceed the carjackings in some comparably sized U.S. cities.

I don't know why anyone would want to live in Detroit these days but it seems to me that it has become a war zone. Who in their right mind would traverse a war zone without a weapon? An effective weapon -- that is.

Detroit motorists under siege in 'Carjack City' - US news

[ame=]Cracking Down on Armed Robbers in 'Carjack City' - YouTube[/ame]

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