Detroit nears largest city bankruptcy in american history

Yeah...if Detroit was run by these guys, it'd just be swimmin' in money, wouldn't it? :cuckoo:

HAHAHA. So now anyone who criticizes detroit is in the KKK?? You pathetic libs are so funny.

You weren't talking about Detroit in your original post and you know it. You were talking about black people and blaming all of the city's problems on them.

That makes you a racist by any definition so, yes, the KKK is appropriate for you.
You weren't talking about Detroit in your original post and you know it. You were talking about black people and blaming all of the city's problems on them.

That makes you a racist by any definition so, yes, the KKK is appropriate for you.

You support affirmative action so YOU are the wacist. I oppose AA and am thus anti-wacist.
You weren't talking about Detroit in your original post and you know it. You were talking about black people and blaming all of the city's problems on them.

That makes you a racist by any definition so, yes, the KKK is appropriate for you.

You support affirmative action so YOU are the wacist. I oppose AA and am thus anti-wacist.

MLK wanted everyone to be equal...Well, putting someone ahead of someone else isn't treating people equal.

The left understands that they must give an advantage to blacks to even come close.
Hardly the first and surely not the last municipal government that has or will go broke.
[Remember the movie "Ghost Busters" and the scene in city hall where Bill Murray turns to the erstwhile Mayor of New York and tells him "Think of all the voters!"
There's no point in sending troups of Janet Napolitano's underlings on worldwide searches for new welfare recipients to bring to the United States as future Obama voters while you somehow inadvertantly let the city of Detroit go down the sh!tter. So, the people of Detroit, after sitting in their own filth and excrement without making an attempt to clean up their own mess, are going to have the people of the United States finally step in and clean up their feces for them and the Union's, too. Who can forget the people that thanklessly and deliberately killed the goose that laid so many golden eggs for them. Whats 17 trillion dollars between friends, anyway?

-Just an aside, the author digresses temporarily to the State of Rhode Island. To show exactly how Democratic Politicians move up to bigger and better things, after bankrupting the City Of Providence, Mayor David Ciccilline ran for and was elected Rhodes Island's Congressional Representative, bigger pot to loot, for sure. Watch out, there, Davey, Barack has been known on a time or two, to shout "Interception" and take an extra drag, out of turn, off the marijuana cigarette being passed around the interior of the "Choom Wagon", maybe he's reformed and its only the US Treasury he's making an extra pass or two out of turn on, today.

Or maybe Barry's taking the cue from the Colorado Legislature, where the Speaker, after sensing the presence of marijuana smoke had to use his gavel to order all the Legislators present in the session to put out their "Doobies". Maybe that was the rationale behind the legislators call for the state's coeds to defend themselves from a potential rapist by urinating or vomiting on themselves rather than use a fiirearm. Last resort use your ball point pen. Stick it where the catheter would go. ]

"The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.

– Alexis de Tocqueville

It’s easy to kick Detroit. The place just about roles over and begs for it. Now we learn that the City Henry Ford built is now eligible to be put under emergency management by Governor Rick Snyder. Michigan State Treasurer described the situation succinctly below.

“We believe there’s a financial emergency in the city and that there’s no plan in place to correct the situation … I do believe strongly Detroit is fixable,” he said.

I read this, nod in sad agreement and then think to myself that Detroit is just the symptom. Detroit is just the canary that died in the burning coal mine of American finance. Our country is going bankrupt and despite our heartfelt desire that this not happen, most of us are helping it occur. We are caught in what’s called a discursive dilemma. Gonzalo Lira gives us an explanation of how we made it to sequestration below.

The majority of the group believes taxes should be cut—and at the same time, the majority of the group thinks the government should deliver more services to the people. All of the members of the group individually do not want a deficit, but as a group their incoherence leads to a deficit. This is the democratic fiscal incoherence, a situation unique to democracies.

So this devolves down to every level of government. Nobody in the State of Rhode Island was willing to resolve the dilemma. They believed and still implicitly believe that the next level up the chain (Washington, DC) would bail them out.

They believe in Fairy Dust. They believe in The Bernanke Put. They stand athwart logic and high school mathematics. Rhode Island’s legislature believes they can magically legislate any rate of return on their pensions that the public unions feel entitled to. The fact that current conditions conspire against the possibility of such a generous return on investment can’t be allowed to stand in the way of what is Fair!

Detroit has even more impetus to believe in the magical bailout. They have no driver forcing them to resolve their fiscal incoherence. They just ask for more money to flush down the toilet and about every thirty years, a President and a Congress are stupid enough to fork over.

Mayor Bing doesn’t even really seem perturbed that the state treasurer just accussed him of total failure. In government, total failure justifies the need for additional investment! Bing explains below.

“My administration has been saying for the past four years that the city is under financial stress. If the governor decides to appoint an emergency financial manager, he or she, like my administration, is going to need resources — particularly in the form of cash and additional staff,” Bing said

Everyone needs more cronies that ought to fix just about everything! That has apparently been the American Way of dealing with this fiscal incoherence since 1975. Gonzalo Lira explains it below.

"My administration has been saying for the past four years that the city is under financial stress. If the governor decides to appoint an emergency financial manager, he or she, like my administration, is going to need resources — particularly in the form of cash and additional staff,” Bing said"

Detroit and How Democracies Die | RedState

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