Detroit police searching for suspect who stole a liquor store Snoop Dogg bobblehead

Side topic... you all ever watch the show "48 hours"
At the end they always show what the person was convicted of and their sentencing.
Blows my mind how light so many sentences are today. No wonder crime is off the charts.
Example... couple episodes ago, a man goes to rob another man who is completely innocent.
The innocent man during the robbery reached for his gun, took a shot at the criminal and the criminal shot him dead.
He was charged with 2nd degree murder and sentenced to 8 years.
WTF?? 8 years means more like 4-5 years.
A completely innocent man with a wife and 2 kids... dead. And the piece of shit who had prior convictions gets a sentence where he could be released in as little as 4 years.
^^^ Hopefully that man's family can file a lawsuit if winning one can make the right kind of difference that is.

God bless you and his family always!!!


P.S. Whoever stole the bobble head, I can't see the person getting away with stealing such a thing with it being such an uncommon thing to rip off. In other words, it is only going to stick out like a sore thumb no matter where they end up taking it too. I wonder what a pawn shop would give the person for it, if it were to end up in one of those places that is.
Side topic... you all ever watch the show "48 hours"
At the end they always show what the person was convicted of and their sentencing.
Blows my mind how light so many sentences are today. No wonder crime is off the charts.
Example... couple episodes ago, a man goes to rob another man who is completely innocent.
The innocent man during the robbery reached for his gun, took a shot at the criminal and the criminal shot him dead.
He was charged with 2nd degree murder and sentenced to 8 years.
WTF?? 8 years means more like 4-5 years.
A completely innocent man with a wife and 2 kids... dead. And the piece of shit who had prior convictions gets a sentence where he could be released in as little as 4 years.
yea i have watched that show too....many violent people get some pretty light sentences for the crime they committed.....
"All units..........all on the lookout for people stealing a huge chunk of worthless plastic in the shape of a retired rap singer"

"Put down the donuts........get out on the streets......the Chief wants this prioritized over everything else"

Typical fucking Commie-NaziKaren piglets.

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