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DeVos For Due Process, Against Democrats

That is the reason I'm all for public schools, it good to know other points of view, the real world is not black and white, gray areas are more than black and white areas.

This is the only way to be tolerant of others, is to be around them, as you have to be in the workplace.

You're pure example of people who are inserting themselves into subjects they know nothing about, so they talk about completely unrelated things.

Again, how is anything you are talking about related to the thread?
PoliticalChic apparently never went to college in the U.S. When I went, there were males who referred to females as "poontang". DeVoss shows herself to be a cult person from the gutter. She has some penis-worship thing going on in her head.

And when I went to college there were females obsessed with one of the wrestlers because he supposedly had a dick that made him look like a tripod. (that was his nickname).

It's amazing how poorly SJW types think of women as somehow not sexual beings just like guys are.
That doesn't mean they want to be raped.

If they were raped it should be handled by the Police department, not some Student Resources council.

What most of these cases revolve around is bad hookups, usually with both parties under the influence of alcohol they willingly ingested.
What protections do you need? I see people on USMB broadcasting every day that they like young white women with large breass.t Am I allowed to say both what happened to me personally and whomI I would like in my bed
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9. Just as their Bolshevik predecessors believed…’You’ve got to break some eggs to make an omelet,’ a cavalier euphemism for destroying innocent lives to advance your desire for power.

In the desire to gain the women’s vote, no amount of damage to males, white males, is too much collateral damage.

“Neal was a sophomore football standout at Colorado State University at Pueblo when a night of sexual intimacy, and dueling views afterward about what happened, resulted in a multiyear suspension. He has sued the university and the Education Department, contending that his due-process rights were violated after the 2015 incident and that the school exhibited gender bias against him. The university declined to comment.

“One day all of your dreams are in front of you and you’re on a path and a trajectory for you to achieve those dreams — only then for it to be yanked from you, totally out of your control,” Grant Neal said.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/loca...cfb1d2-0d89-11e7-9b0d-d27c98455440_story.html

10. Watch the way the Left twists reality:

“The National Women’s Law Center said it planned to sue the Department of Education over the new rules.

“No one should be pushed out of school for experiencing violence – but that is exactly what the Trump administration’s weakened title IX rule will do to students,” the NWLC said in a tweet.”
Betsy DeVos rolls back Obama-era guidance on campus sexual assault

Of course, it is those white males who are being ‘pushed out of school.’
Until the Trump Administration fought for justice.
11. Every Liberal/Democrat/Communist is up in arms about the DeVos rules….


“If your child is a victim of sexual misconduct at school, or an accused offender, administrators must soon respond to their cases in major, untested ways. That could mean a courtroom-like hearing where lawyers would cross-examine youthful witnesses and challenge their credibility, a huge shift from traditional behind-the-scenes investigations of highly sensitive and damaging allegations.

The final Title IX rule, anticipated to arrive this month, will invite fury: DeVos has said every survivor must be taken seriously — but also that the accused can’t be presumed guilty. The Obama administration in 2011 laid out guidance pushing schools to resolve an epidemic of complaints of sexual assault and harassment. But DeVos scrapped the Obama-era policies, saying they were unfair to everyone involved, and she now wants to balance the scales of justice with clear, formal rules. “Our proposed rule recognizes that we can continue to combat sexual misconduct without abandoning due process,” she says.”
How the new DeVos rules on sexual assault will shock schools — and students

I challenge every Democrat, etc., to articulate their objections.
7. Read the following carefully, and note how Liberal hate the idea of the accused having rights if it is a male:

“Victim rights groups condemned the new rules, saying they would reduce the rights of survivors of sexual assault. DeVos’s regulations are expected to be challenged in court.

“If this rule goes into effect, it will make schools more dangerous and could push survivors out of school entirely,” said the group Know your IX, which aims to eradicate sexual violence in schools.

“The rule does not prioritize students and survivors, but rather tips the scales in favor of named abusers and protects universities and their bottom lines.

“If this rule goes into effect, schools will be shielded from liability for ignoring or covering up sexual harassment.”

The new rules are the result of a long-running effort by the Trump administration to overhaul title IX, a federal law banning sexual discrimination. Under Barack Obama, colleges and universities were required to have processes in place to combat sexual assault, or risk losing federal funding.”
Betsy DeVos rolls back Obama-era guidance on campus sexual assault, which basically discriminates access to education based on gender.

This is the ire of Liberals over allowing the accused to have due process.
In the Soviet Union, they were called 'show trials.'
ACLU has worked out correcting her horrible campus sexual assault policy.

But this issue is trivial compared to Devos seizing wages of student loan borrowers during pandemic. She has a coat made of Dalmatian puppies.

The ACLU, formed as a communist front group by Roger Baldwin, is getting back in touch with its roots.

What could be better than suing to make certain Americans don't have due process?
Baldwin became more and more disillusioned with communism and called it "A NEW SLAVERY" (capitalized in the original).[6] He condemned "the inhuman communist police state tyranny, forced labor."[7] In the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members.[7]

DeVos sued for seizing student loan borrowers' wages during pandemic

“They want to frame people working for their enemies and ruin them and put them in prison, a la LTG Flynn.

This permeates liberal culture. Did you know that the ACLU – the Alleged Civil Liberties Union – just sued Betsy De Vos because she ordered reforms to campus man-witch trials that gave men such radical due process rights as the right to know the charges, to have time to respond to them, to not be judged by the same person who is prosecuting them, and to confront their accuser? The ACLU came out against these things – at least in cases where ole Grandpa Badfinger’s not the accused. And speaking of that handsy old weirdo, how about all those lib luminaries leveling with us that even if he did what Tara Reade said he did, eh, no biggie. They’ll vote for him anyway, and that whiny broad should stop crying all over their beautiful progressive narrative.”
12. Actually, rather than leading the fight for justice, DeVos was responding to it, as a number of the males who have suffered under the Democrat/Liberal version of justice, have sued.

“…alleging in lawsuits that college investigations treated them unfairly, are often securing settlements that clear the discipline from their record, lawyers and advocacy groups say. Some are being allowed to return to campus.

The legal pushback from these men has emerged in response to a wave of campus activism
in recent years and a shift in federal enforcement of Title IX, the law that led to more reports of sexual assault and major changes in how colleges resolve those complaints.

Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination in federally funded schools, has become a rallying point for assault survivors who want colleges to pay more attention to the problem of sexual violence. But now more men are using the 1972 law to defend themselves. They often say that colleges are acting with gender bias against them.

Since 2011, more than 150 lawsuits have been filed against colleges and universities involving claims of due-process violations during the course of Title IX investigations and proceedings related to sex-assault allegations, according to a database kept by a group called Title IX For All. In the two decades before that year, the group found, only 15 such lawsuits were filed against universities.”

Under Obama, males lost ‘due process.’

No such guidelines would ever have been promulgated under Obama, or Hillary. Corruption and bias would continue to be in effect.
13. Here is one comment following the Washington Post article, to give you an idea why DeVos needed to step in:

“Mr. Storch from the Albany Office of the State University of New York System obviously doesn't understand the problem. He states parents are threatening lawsuits because they don't want their child to have a mark on their record because their children want to be in public office! NO, Mr. Storch if your child is falsely accused of a heinous crime and suspended or expelled by school administrators for something they didn't do, parents are concerned that their child can't get in to another school because their transcripts are being marked with sexual assault. Schools are labeling young men as rapist.

My son was falsely accused by a female several months after they had sex and coincidentally after he started to date her friend. No charges or arrests were made by the police. The school did their so called token biased investigation. They never recovered the text messages the girl sent to her friend the next day confirming it was consensual (thankfully the friend gave them to my son).

She was treated as a "victim" based completely off of her saying "it happened". There is case after case like my son's and the schools expel the students because they are afraid of being sued by a "victim". School Administrators are playing investigator, judge, and jury for crimes being committed -- felonies, why not let them investigate murders, and kidnappings while they are at it. They should be investigating students cheating on tests, but it is absurd to have them investigating alleged sexual assaults, then labeling students as rapists.

The Office of Civil Rights has hundreds of complaints against colleges right now from both accused and accusers that they are trying to investigate. Why? Because schools can't investigate sexual assaults. It isn't fair to the falsely accused students and it isn't fair to true victims of a crime.”
The Democrat Party for Russian Collusion

The Democrat Party, against free speech

The Democrat Party, lying about a college rape culture.

1. Trump ran to wrest American children from the clutches of the Liberal indoctrination industry...
"School choice: Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary" Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary

Trump, for school choice, Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary https://www.washingtonpost.com/loca...3ebab6bcdd3_story.html?utm_term=.b990cddd44a8

2. For years, notably by and under the auspices of Obama, males were often railroaded as sex offenders to support the Obama lie about colleges being a rape culture, the Democrat claim of a 'war on women.'

" For years, advocates for colleges to do more to prevent and punish sexual assault on campus have cited a 2007 federal statistic that one in five female students experience sexual assault in college. President Obama and members of Congress have used the statistic, as have many others." New survey finds 1 in 5 college women have experienced sexual assault | InsideHigherEd

3. Of course, as is the case with so many Liberal claims, it is far from true. Very far.

"A new report on sexual assault released today by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) officially puts to bed the bogus statistic that one in five women on college campuses are victims of sexual assault. In fact, non-students are 25 percent more likely to be victims of sexual assault than students, according to the data. And the real number of assault victims is several orders of magnitude lower than one-in-five.

The full study, which was published by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a division within DOJ, found that rather than one in five female college students becoming victims of sexual assault, the actual rate is 6.1 per 1,000 students, or 0.61 percent (instead of 1-in-5, the real number is 0.03-in-5). For non-students, the rate of sexual assault is 7.6 per 1,000 people."

4. But to use it to pretend a ‘war on women,’ many men’s lives have been sacrificed in college kangaroo courts designed to prove the myth. General Flynn must know just what that feels like.
...no longer: Trump Sec’y of Education Betsy DeVos has issued guidelines to end the railroading of males, and to re-institute due process for these beleaguered men.

“…every survivor of sexual assault must be taken seriously, but the accused can't be presumed guilty.”

Here's why DeVos is a heroine.

Oberlin College loses appeal in suit by expelled male student, case reinstated
Posted by William A. Jacobson Monday, June 29, 2020 at 2:30pm
Oberlin College’s “100 percent responsibility rate—in cases where most if not all the respondents were male—supports an inference regarding bias in the hearings themselves”

To refresh your memory, John Doe No. 1’s case involved whether a female student gave “consent” as defined by Oberlin College to what on the surface was a consensual sexual encounter, as I wrote in December 2017, Lawsuit: Oberlin College sexual assault hearing process rigged, 100% conviction rate.

John Doe No. 1 had his case dismissed in the federal district court on legal grounds, despite the judge finding there was reason to doubt the result, as I wrote in April 2019, Male student lawsuit against Oberlin College dismissed despite possibly flawed sexual assault disciplinary decision.The appeal was argued in December 2019, Cautious optimism for expelled Oberlin College male student after appellate argument.

The 6th Circuit just issued its Opinion (pdf.), reversing the dismissal and reinstating the case. In so doing, the court excoriated Obelin College’s alleged misconduct (which the court had to accept as true at this procedural stage)."

Justice would not have been available had Trump not been elected.
Who is trying his best to silence journalist, tramp. He even goes so far as to refrain from answering their questions if he doesn't like it, and blames it on a nasty question.
As far as the Russian collusion, the senate reported that the Russians wanted Tramp to win. Tramp asked Russia to find the 30,000 emails, he knew who his buddies were.

Its not a new report, the report comes from 2014, Barr would never have time to waste for reporting on sexual assaults of females.
Absolutely dripping with stupidity.

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