Dewayne Haskins


Gold Member
Oct 30, 2020
Listening to the Keyshawn Johnson this show this morning on ESPN Jordan Cornette and Shae Peppler Cornette were filling in and talking about Dewayne Haskins and his recent outing to a strip club and not wearing a mask. Jordan Cornette absolutely berated and tore into Haskins for his actions. My opinion is that is a TOTAL overreaction as the rest of the media is following suit.

I DO NOT condone Haskins visiting a strip club. That was completely inappropriate for a pro athlete. HOWEVER, more of the brew-ha-ha is over his failure to wear a mask. Haskins is being taken to task because he is being accused of putting his teammates in danger and more so for his coach who is recovering from cancer. The fact that this is not a pandemic but a "plan-demic" and COVID-19 is being used as a control tool and in place to carry out a pre-planned agenda that began years ago makes all situations similar to this even more ridiculous.

What really irked me this morning about Cornette's comments is when he said, "in this studio when we are not on the air, we put the mask on." So, when he is on the air, the mask is off. That's utterly hypocritical. If Cornette and anyone else truly believe that there is an actual virus and it can be spread through the air and caught by not having a mask on, then the moment he takes that mask off he is at risk and is putting everyone in whatever studio he finds himself in at risk, just like what Haskins did.

Believe what you want, everyone is entitled to believe what they want, but go down the rabbit holes and stay away from mainstream media and you will discover the truth. The truth being this is absolutely a plandemic and has been in the works for years all to carry out an agenda of control, damaging the economy, and creating chaos. The evidence is out there one just needs to find it as I did.
The entire NFL season is down to a thread.
A COVID outbreak will wipe out an entire team.

Haskin breaking quarantine to get his jollies put his whole team at risk.
The fact that this is not a pandemic but a "plan-demic" and COVID-19 is being used as a control tool

The entire Olympics was cancelled.
Some “plan”

The entire world takes COVID seriously. We are stuck with retarded Conservatives who mock science.
The fact that this is not a pandemic but a "plan-demic" and COVID-19 is being used as a control tool

The entire Olympics was cancelled.
Some “plan”

The entire world takes COVID seriously. We are stuck with retarded Conservatives who mock science.

I understood the Olympics were only postponed, not cancelled at all.

In any event, regardless of the seriousness of the coronavirus, it WAS planned. Red China felt it gave them their best opportunity to remove President Trump and replace him with Sleepy Joe.
The fact that this is not a pandemic but a "plan-demic" and COVID-19 is being used as a control tool

The entire Olympics was cancelled.
Some “plan”

The entire world takes COVID seriously. We are stuck with retarded Conservatives who mock science.

I understood the Olympics were only postponed, not cancelled at all.

In any event, regardless of the seriousness of the coronavirus, it WAS planned. Red China felt it gave them their best opportunity to remove President Trump and replace him with Sleepy Joe.

Some “plan”

Infect your own people first with a virus that you can’t control and have no vaccine for.

Just to get rid of Trump
as I agenda is in place thus the cancellations. Make people suffer and depressed is one of the main goals. Science? A science that you are told exists? This is the problem, what you read and research may not always be the truth. A person with an open mind considering anything is possible would understand. Until you've seen the results of anything with your own eyes and experienced that, in my opinion it's not true until that is done.
There’s a two-part reasoning to the hype over this event:

1. Hours earlier Haskins threw away whst may have been his last chance to be a starting QB in the NFL with a terrible performance against the Seahawks in a game with significant playoff implications.

2. Haskins had already been fined and disciplined earlier in the year for COVID violations, at which time he claimed to have gotten the message and changed his ways.
The NBA played in a bubble with restricted access to games and living quarters

The NFL was more open but had strict rules about going out in public. It did not include lap dances
The NBA played in a bubble with restricted access to games and living quarters

The NFL was more open but had strict rules about going out in public. It did not include lap dances
Hey, let's remember how we were at that age. No girl friend before covid world equals lonely now. These NFL guys are still pretty young. Bad move yes, one some of us may have made at that age. I liked women at that age and did some stupid stuff. We all did.
The NBA played in a bubble with restricted access to games and living quarters

The NFL was more open but had strict rules about going out in public. It did not include lap dances
Hey, let's remember how we were at that age. No girl friend before covid world equals lonely now. These NFL guys are still pretty young. Bad move yes, one some of us may have made at that age. I liked women at that age and did some stupid stuff. We all did.
listening to the wrong head
Hey, let's remember how we were at that age. No girl friend before covid world equals lonely now. These NFL guys are still pretty young. Bad move yes, one some of us may have made at that age. I liked women at that age and did some stupid stuff. We all did.

For me it’s less about the COVID issue and more about being out partying a couple hours after he’d stunk up the joint versus the Seahawks. His career is on the line. He damn well ought to be in the film room trying to save his career rather than out on the town. He might not have a paycheck next year so he really shouldn’t be throwing cash around.
The NBA played in a bubble with restricted access to games and living quarters

The NFL was more open but had strict rules about going out in public. It did not include lap dances
Hey, let's remember how we were at that age. No girl friend before covid world equals lonely now. These NFL guys are still pretty young. Bad move yes, one some of us may have made at that age. I liked women at that age and did some stupid stuff. We all did.
the visit to the strip club is not the each his own. The problem is the big deal over not wearing a mask. He put NOBODY in danger by going mask-less. Masks are useless in every sense of the word unless of course you are a doctor performing surgery and opening somebody's body.

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