Dick Turbin Throws Out The Race-Card

Dick Turbin Throws Out The Race-Card

the same guy who voted against
Condoleezza Rice and Janice Rogers Brown

they were both black - but they don't count

I guess the Democrats only feel some blacks count
who is dick kidding, he not only is a dick, but its so obvious he hates all minorities, just lies to them to get their votes.
Isn't it something how these asses like Durbin keeps getting elected over and over and over and over and?

Nobody ever seems to run against them or if they do they are smeared out of the running somehow. that's how Obama got elected to his position in Illinois. He released a bunch of dirt on the guys divorce running against him I believe
so you are saying he played the race card, too soon
got ii

She was confirmed twice before as a US attorney. The Republicans are engaged in one more of their hostage taking stunts demanding unrelated legislation be passed before they release her.

She's a black racist, in the mold of Eric "The RED" Holder, and will be a rubber stamp for all of Obuma's UNCONSTITUTIONAL acts.... Your HYPOCRISY is showing again, you fucking NYC liberal!

Dick Durbin accused Republicans of racism over Obama's nominee for Attorney General. Even MSNBC is beside themselves over this:

MSNBC s Capehart Steele Slam Durbin Over Back of the Bus Rhetoric Against GOP

Rosa Parks must be spinning in her grave knowing how much that same Party that tried to keep her in the back of the bus, uses her Legacy as a commodity to either shift a debate or shakedown for money. Dick's race card is worn and seen better days. It is expected and laughable every time a liberal does not get its way how quick the race card comes out. At the same time, Republicans are weak. They play right into it. Can we get a Republican with balls to tell a whiny Lefty that his or her race card has expired and its time to debate on content and character? Can we get a Republican to call bullshit on a Lefty who channels Rosa Parks for an African American Woman nomination in Lynch yet somehow looked past skin color to fight the nomination of Condoleeza Rice
Lynch is another person who will get the nomination because the Republicans are afraid of being accused of racism.
Her selection is simply because she is a black female and not due to her achievements. She has claimed that Obama's Executive Actions are legal and that illegal immigrants have as much right to work in the US as citizens have. Both of these opinions are enough to deny her the appointment as AG.

What Lynch said was that she preferred illegal immigrants "be participating in the workplace than not participating in the workplace". I would think this sentiment would resonate with those of you who whine about illegals on welfare.

As for Obama's EO, she said it is not amnesty. And she is correct. Those who call it amnesty are either stupid or evil. In any case, they are demagogues whose intent is to keep the gullible rubes fired up.

When asked by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) “Who has more right to a job in this country" – citizens and legal permanent residents or illegal aliens?
“I believe that the right and the obligation to work is one that's shared by everyone in this country regardless of how they came here,” Lynch responded.
If that is the case, how can you prosecute any company that employs them? She is on the wrong side of this argument.
Obama has freed his base from the tyranny of "the obligation to work".

That is how he got elected.
Dick Turbin is a liar and an exploiter of people; if this were a just world he would be wearing an orange jump suit chasing down extra bowls of broth for his criminal buddy Harry Reid.
In a Republic of Virtue he would get a bullet to the nape of the neck, and his family would be billed by the state for the expense involved.
so you are saying he played the race card, too soon
got ii

She was confirmed twice before as a US attorney. The Republicans are engaged in one more of their hostage taking stunts demanding unrelated legislation be passed before they release her.

Dick Durbin accused Republicans of racism over Obama's nominee for Attorney General. Even MSNBC is beside themselves over this:

MSNBC s Capehart Steele Slam Durbin Over Back of the Bus Rhetoric Against GOP

Rosa Parks must be spinning in her grave knowing how much that same Party that tried to keep her in the back of the bus, uses her Legacy as a commodity to either shift a debate or shakedown for money. Dick's race card is worn and seen better days. It is expected and laughable every time a liberal does not get its way how quick the race card comes out. At the same time, Republicans are weak. They play right into it. Can we get a Republican with balls to tell a whiny Lefty that his or her race card has expired and its time to debate on content and character? Can we get a Republican to call bullshit on a Lefty who channels Rosa Parks for an African American Woman nomination in Lynch yet somehow looked past skin color to fight the nomination of Condoleeza Rice

Uh huh. Nearly interesting historical perspective. Regarding the Republican Party, black folks should probably ask: What have you done for me lately?
Funniest aspect of this Republican obstructionism -

Eric Holder stays on until his replacement is confirmed.
Yup, an example of damned if you do and damned if you don't.

This is the fucked up thing about this administration. Nothing they have anything to do with turns out good.
Holder is right where he needs to be, making an ass of himself and Obama.
so you are saying he played the race card, too soon
got ii

She was confirmed twice before as a US attorney. The Republicans are engaged in one more of their hostage taking stunts demanding unrelated legislation be passed before they release her.

She's a black racist, in the mold of Eric "The RED" Holder, and will be a rubber stamp for all of Obuma's UNCONSTITUTIONAL acts.... Your HYPOCRISY is showing again, you fucking NYC liberal!

Yes she is. we could go back to when they (snake Democrats) made judge Roberts wife cry with the questioning of him. These Democrats hates WE THE PEOPLE if we give our objections to our reps and they stand up for us. By spewing this type of ugly shit like from Dickhead Durbin

Dick Durbin accused Republicans of racism over Obama's nominee for Attorney General. Even MSNBC is beside themselves over this:

MSNBC s Capehart Steele Slam Durbin Over Back of the Bus Rhetoric Against GOP

Rosa Parks must be spinning in her grave knowing how much that same Party that tried to keep her in the back of the bus, uses her Legacy as a commodity to either shift a debate or shakedown for money. Dick's race card is worn and seen better days. It is expected and laughable every time a liberal does not get its way how quick the race card comes out. At the same time, Republicans are weak. They play right into it. Can we get a Republican with balls to tell a whiny Lefty that his or her race card has expired and its time to debate on content and character? Can we get a Republican to call bullshit on a Lefty who channels Rosa Parks for an African American Woman nomination in Lynch yet somehow looked past skin color to fight the nomination of Condoleeza Rice

Why do you think that Democrats of 50 years ago are still alive today, making policy? Are you that stupid?
so you are saying he played the race card, too soon
got ii

She was confirmed twice before as a US attorney. The Republicans are engaged in one more of their hostage taking stunts demanding unrelated legislation be passed before they release her.

She's a black racist, in the mold of Eric "The RED" Holder, and will be a rubber stamp for all of Obuma's UNCONSTITUTIONAL acts.... Your HYPOCRISY is showing again, you fucking NYC liberal!

Then have the vote.
so you are saying he played the race card, too soon
got ii

She was confirmed twice before as a US attorney. The Republicans are engaged in one more of their hostage taking stunts demanding unrelated legislation be passed before they release her.

She's a black racist, in the mold of Eric "The RED" Holder, and will be a rubber stamp for all of Obuma's UNCONSTITUTIONAL acts.... Your HYPOCRISY is showing again, you fucking NYC liberal!

Then have the vote.

AS with Brown, perhaps in another 600 DAYS!... Karma...what a bitch!

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