Dictator Obama at it Again

Easy way to beat him...DISREGARD his E.O.'s and state that he DISREGARDED the Constitution with the WAIVERS of the ACA Law for his UNION DONORS! There were NO PROVISIONS for waivers written into that law!
Low unemployment, low inflation, low gas prices, low mortgage interest rates, stock market doubled, ISIS losing, the Iranians giving up their nukes, and the Republicans defeated.
How good is President Obama?
Low unemployment, low inflation, low gas prices, low mortgage interest rates, stock market doubled, ISIS losing, the Iranians giving up their nukes, and the Republicans defeated.
How good is President Obama?
Sorry Chris but Obama had nothing to do with anything you listed its just been so long things have to change
Obama saved us from another Great Depression with the stimulus, rebuilt GM, brought unemployment down to 5.1%, passed healthcare reform and Wall Street banking reform, saw the stock market soar and housing rebound, got bin Laden, got Ghaddafi, secured WMDs from Syria, got the Iranians to give up their nukes, passed START, freed gays in the military, created 12 million private sector jobs, 65 months of economic growth, increased Americans net worth by $26 trillion dollars . . .
ALL without any help from the Republican Party
Obama saved us from another Great Depression with the stimulus, rebuilt GM, brought unemployment down to 5.1%, passed healthcare reform and Wall Street banking reform, saw the stock market soar and housing rebound, got bin Laden, got Ghaddafi, secured WMDs from Syria, got the Iranians to give up their nukes, passed START, freed gays in the military, created 12 million private sector jobs, 65 months of economic growth, increased Americans net worth by $26 trillion dollars . . .
ALL without any help from the Republican Party

Would you please repeat that with a gentle violin solo of "Hearts & Flowers" to give it a little more cred?
Obama saved us from another Great Depression with the stimulus, rebuilt GM, brought unemployment down to 5.1%, passed healthcare reform and Wall Street banking reform, saw the stock market soar and housing rebound, got bin Laden, got Ghaddafi, secured WMDs from Syria, got the Iranians to give up their nukes, passed START, freed gays in the military, created 12 million private sector jobs, 65 months of economic growth, increased Americans net worth by $26 trillion dollars . . .
ALL without any help from the Republican Party
You make me laugh.hahahaha
Low unemployment, low inflation, low gas prices, low mortgage interest rates, stock market doubled, ISIS losing, the Iranians giving up their nukes, and the Republicans defeated.
How good is President Obama?

Unemployment is high but the numbers are cooked, inflation is low because the economy sucks and Obama's stooge at the Fed is artificially keeping it low, Obama has nothing to do with the price of gas, or mortgage rates or the stock market. ISIS went from nobody to #1 terror group under Obama's watch and this is only a setback, they are still enjoying their gains. The Iranians just pulled off the biggest scam in history over the hapless idiot Obama, and the GOP has the House and Senate.

Just how fucking stupid are you?
January 26, 2013
Gun activists designated last Saturday “Gun Appreciation Day” in an attempt to highlight their opposition to gun safety laws. The PR stunt proved to be more of an embarrassment, however, when 5 people were shot at 3 different gun shows on Gun Appreciation Day. On Friday afternoon, an Iowa gun dealer closed out the week by becoming the sixth person shot at a gun show. The man claims he was “showing off a .25 caliber pistol he thought was unloaded when he slid the action of the gun.” The gun was not unloaded, and a bullet went through his left palm.
Low unemployment, low inflation, low gas prices, low mortgage interest rates, stock market doubled, ISIS losing, the Iranians giving up their nukes, and the Republicans defeated.
How good is President Obama?

94.5 million UNDEREMPLOYMENT, LOW to NO NTEREST RATE on your savings, Fracking has scared Saudi Arabia into taking drastic measures to make sure OUR OIL INDUSTRY can't compete at these prices, putting THOUSANDS of oil workers into unemployment, Stock market DOW LOST PROFIT from 2014 when DOW closed last day at 17823.07 and closed TODAY at 17, 425.03, ISIS just KILLED 14 Americans in California, and a few weeks before that killed 130 French civilians, Iran has given up NOTHING as they HAVE NOT SIGNED the supposed DEAL, and the Republicans now hold the House, Senate, and President Trump will take over and FIX all the Manchurian muslim's FUCK UPS! ...I'd say he SUCKS and is inept in his job, and then we have THIS today!

New Jobless Claims: Up 20K, Largest Increase Since ...
6 hours ago - Today's seasonally adjusted 287K new claims, up 20K from last week, ... claims was 287,000, an increase of 20,000 from the previous week's .
Executive order on background checks.
They said he's getting ready to issue an executive order on background checks probably coming next week
I know what he plans on doing but you don't....Close loopholes on gun sales at gun shows...
He wants to take our guns
I only have weapons and firearms and he ain't taking any...
More Americans have been killed by guns since 1968, than have been killed in all the wars the United States has ever fought.

1,171,177 killed in all the wars we have ever fought.

1,384,171 killed by guns in the United States since 1968.


CANCER kills more Americans than all the gun killings since WHENEVER DATE YOU PICK.... why aren't you fools on the Anti-American NeoCommie left FIGHTING against CANCER?

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