Did African-American Slaves Rebel?

IM2 writes,

"It appears that many whites here need to earn the true history of life in America."

It appears that you have personal issues because of your never ending attempt to shove black past history into white peoples faces who have never owned slaves, sell blacks at markets, whip their backs or just lynch them.

Slavery was OUTLAWED in 1866.

No whites today are involved with that ugly past.

Grow up!
The vast majority of American black slaves didn't revolt because they knew they had a good deal being owned by benevolent white people.

Back in Africa they lived in filthy grass huts and were usually starving most of the time.

But here in America the black slaves were provided a small house in which to live, given food for themselves and their families, and had a guaranteed job on the plantation where they lived for free. .... :thup:

I disagree since being a slave is demeaning. Better to be poor and free without the beatings slaves go
For a long time, until 1856 (or about) white men who didn't own property couldn't vote, they could but they came out with $1 tax and then literacy tests, and yet blacks were not allowed, or women till 1920.

White rich men, poor white men, poor illiterate men, then white women, now and then some blacks were allowed to vote, then the Civil rights act in 1960 and now the GOP are suppressing blacks, disabled and poor seniors again.

District of Columbia is yet not allowed to vote, yet they pay taxes, funny how their demographics is now largely black.

Anyway, blacks, poor white men, women, Catholics, and Native Americans had to fight for the right to vote, but the blacks and poor have it worst.

Wasps, stands for Weathy, anglo- saxon, protestants. Today it still means what it originally meant.

You made errors such as the following:

1) District of Columbia is yet not allowed to vote, yet they pay taxes, funny how their demographics is now largely black.

" DC citizens were prohibited from voting in Presidential elections until the 23rd amendment to the Constitutional was ratified in 1961. They have never been permitted full voting rights in Congress."

2) then the Civil rights act in 1960

Actually it is 1964-1965.

3) Blacks couldn't vote

False they have legal voting rights since 1870, but wasn't enforced for years because of racist Democrats fighting it for many decades with various methods employed to prevent blacks from voting.
You know it's amazing, the three of you - if this site didn't show how many messages you'd already made I'd think you were just trolls, which I guess you are, but beyond that, do you have even the slightest sense of decency? I get that it's anonymous and everything but how do you type those words? I just don't get it.

People like you make me agree with the Mollie TIbbets of the world "I hate white people" - just not for the same reasons.
It appears that many whites here need to earn the true history of life in America.
Did African-American Slaves Rebel?
by Henry Louis Gates, Jr

One of the most pernicious allegations made against the African-American people was that our slave ancestors were either exceptionally “docile” or “content and loyal,” thus explaining their purported failure to rebel extensively. Some even compare enslaved Americans to their brothers and sisters in Brazil, Cuba, Suriname and Haiti, the last of whom defeated the most powerful army in the world, Napoleon’s army, becoming the first slaves in history to successfully strike a blow for their own freedom.

As the historian Herbert Aptheker informs us in American Negro Slave Revolts, no one put this dishonest, nakedly pro-slavery argument more baldly than the Harvard historian James Schouler in 1882, who attributed this spurious conclusion to ” ‘the innate patience, docility, and child-like simplicity of the negro’ ” who, he felt, was an ” ‘imitator and non-moralist,’ ” learning ” ‘deceit and libertinism with facility,’ ” being ” ‘easily intimidated, incapable of deep plots’ “; in short, Negroes were ” ‘a black servile race, sensuous, stupid, brutish, obedient to the whip, children in imagination.’ ”

Consider how bizarre this was: It wasn’t enough that slaves had been subjugated under a harsh and brutal regime for two and a half centuries; following the collapse of Reconstruction, this school of historians — unapologetically supportive of slavery — kicked the slaves again for not rising up more frequently to kill their oppressive masters. And lest we think that this phenomenon was relegated to 19th- and early 20th-century scholars, as late as 1959, Stanley Elkins drew a picture of the slaves as infantilized “Sambos” in his book Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life, reduced to the status of the passive, “perpetual child” by the severely oppressive form of American slavery, and thus unable to rebel. Rarely can I think of a colder, nastier set of claims than these about the lack of courage or “manhood” of the African-American slaves.

So, did African-American slaves rebel? Of course they did. As early as 1934, our old friend Joel A. Rogers identified 33 slave revolts, including Nat Turner’s, in his 100 Amazing Facts. And nine years later, the historian Herbert Aptheker published his pioneering study, American Negro Slave Revolts, to set the record straight. Aptheker defined a slave revolt as an action involving 10 or more slaves, with “freedom as the apparent aim [and] contemporary references labeling the event as an uprising, plot, insurrection, or the equivalent of these.” In all, Aptheker says, he “has found records of approximately two hundred and fifty revolts and conspiracies in the history of American Negro slavery.” Other scholars have found as many as 313.

The Five Greatest Slave Rebellions in the United States | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross
Slavery predated America by a millennia or two. Ancient Egypt, an ancient
black society had slavery too. Modern Black Muslims even now STILL have slaves, it's the legacy of Africa. People need to stop blaming white Europeans when its an endemic to humanity world wide.
That's the thing about this discussion. No one has ever said every white person had it easy. But it is documented that no white person, perhaps with the exception of independent thinking white females, had it worse than blacks and people of color.
It appears that many whites here need to earn the true history of life in America.
Did African-American Slaves Rebel?
by Henry Louis Gates, Jr

One of the most pernicious allegations made against the African-American people was that our slave ancestors were either exceptionally “docile” or “content and loyal,” thus explaining their purported failure to rebel extensively. Some even compare enslaved Americans to their brothers and sisters in Brazil, Cuba, Suriname and Haiti, the last of whom defeated the most powerful army in the world, Napoleon’s army, becoming the first slaves in history to successfully strike a blow for their own freedom.

As the historian Herbert Aptheker informs us in American Negro Slave Revolts, no one put this dishonest, nakedly pro-slavery argument more baldly than the Harvard historian James Schouler in 1882, who attributed this spurious conclusion to ” ‘the innate patience, docility, and child-like simplicity of the negro’ ” who, he felt, was an ” ‘imitator and non-moralist,’ ” learning ” ‘deceit and libertinism with facility,’ ” being ” ‘easily intimidated, incapable of deep plots’ “; in short, Negroes were ” ‘a black servile race, sensuous, stupid, brutish, obedient to the whip, children in imagination.’ ”

Consider how bizarre this was: It wasn’t enough that slaves had been subjugated under a harsh and brutal regime for two and a half centuries; following the collapse of Reconstruction, this school of historians — unapologetically supportive of slavery — kicked the slaves again for not rising up more frequently to kill their oppressive masters. And lest we think that this phenomenon was relegated to 19th- and early 20th-century scholars, as late as 1959, Stanley Elkins drew a picture of the slaves as infantilized “Sambos” in his book Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life, reduced to the status of the passive, “perpetual child” by the severely oppressive form of American slavery, and thus unable to rebel. Rarely can I think of a colder, nastier set of claims than these about the lack of courage or “manhood” of the African-American slaves.

So, did African-American slaves rebel? Of course they did. As early as 1934, our old friend Joel A. Rogers identified 33 slave revolts, including Nat Turner’s, in his 100 Amazing Facts. And nine years later, the historian Herbert Aptheker published his pioneering study, American Negro Slave Revolts, to set the record straight. Aptheker defined a slave revolt as an action involving 10 or more slaves, with “freedom as the apparent aim [and] contemporary references labeling the event as an uprising, plot, insurrection, or the equivalent of these.” In all, Aptheker says, he “has found records of approximately two hundred and fifty revolts and conspiracies in the history of American Negro slavery.” Other scholars have found as many as 313.

The Five Greatest Slave Rebellions in the United States | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross
Slavery predated America by a millennia or two. Ancient Egypt, an ancient
black society had slavery too. Modern Black Muslims even now STILL have slaves, it's the legacy of Africa. People need to stop blaming white Europeans when its an endemic to humanity world wide.

Black society did not have chattel slavery. Learn the different forms of slavery such as debt slavery where you serve as a slave until you pay off your debt then you are free, and the system of perpetual slavery called chattel slavery done by whites. Europeans still have slaves themselves. Apparently it is the legacy of Europe. We will blame white Europeans for colonizing the planet and taking from others what was not theirs by force. No more white folks excuses
It appears that many whites here need to earn the true history of life in America.
Did African-American Slaves Rebel?
by Henry Louis Gates, Jr

One of the most pernicious allegations made against the African-American people was that our slave ancestors were either exceptionally “docile” or “content and loyal,” thus explaining their purported failure to rebel extensively. Some even compare enslaved Americans to their brothers and sisters in Brazil, Cuba, Suriname and Haiti, the last of whom defeated the most powerful army in the world, Napoleon’s army, becoming the first slaves in history to successfully strike a blow for their own freedom.

As the historian Herbert Aptheker informs us in American Negro Slave Revolts, no one put this dishonest, nakedly pro-slavery argument more baldly than the Harvard historian James Schouler in 1882, who attributed this spurious conclusion to ” ‘the innate patience, docility, and child-like simplicity of the negro’ ” who, he felt, was an ” ‘imitator and non-moralist,’ ” learning ” ‘deceit and libertinism with facility,’ ” being ” ‘easily intimidated, incapable of deep plots’ “; in short, Negroes were ” ‘a black servile race, sensuous, stupid, brutish, obedient to the whip, children in imagination.’ ”

Consider how bizarre this was: It wasn’t enough that slaves had been subjugated under a harsh and brutal regime for two and a half centuries; following the collapse of Reconstruction, this school of historians — unapologetically supportive of slavery — kicked the slaves again for not rising up more frequently to kill their oppressive masters. And lest we think that this phenomenon was relegated to 19th- and early 20th-century scholars, as late as 1959, Stanley Elkins drew a picture of the slaves as infantilized “Sambos” in his book Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life, reduced to the status of the passive, “perpetual child” by the severely oppressive form of American slavery, and thus unable to rebel. Rarely can I think of a colder, nastier set of claims than these about the lack of courage or “manhood” of the African-American slaves.

So, did African-American slaves rebel? Of course they did. As early as 1934, our old friend Joel A. Rogers identified 33 slave revolts, including Nat Turner’s, in his 100 Amazing Facts. And nine years later, the historian Herbert Aptheker published his pioneering study, American Negro Slave Revolts, to set the record straight. Aptheker defined a slave revolt as an action involving 10 or more slaves, with “freedom as the apparent aim [and] contemporary references labeling the event as an uprising, plot, insurrection, or the equivalent of these.” In all, Aptheker says, he “has found records of approximately two hundred and fifty revolts and conspiracies in the history of American Negro slavery.” Other scholars have found as many as 313.

The Five Greatest Slave Rebellions in the United States | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross
Slavery predated America by a millennia or two. Ancient Egypt, an ancient
black society had slavery too. Modern Black Muslims even now STILL have slaves, it's the legacy of Africa. People need to stop blaming white Europeans when its an endemic to humanity world wide.

Black society did not have chattel slavery. Learn the different forms of slavery such as debt slavery where you serve as a slave until you pay off your debt then you are free, and the system of perpetual slavery called chattel slavery done by whites. Europeans still have slaves themselves. Apparently it is the legacy of Europe. We will blame white Europeans for colonizing the planet and taking from others what was not theirs by force. No more white folks excuses
I like trolls, besides themselves. Blacks where just as much a part of slavery as any other race, so spare me the pedantic lectures. They bore me. Blacks profited from slavery just like anyone else. So, let's get back to basics.
It appears that many whites here need to earn the true history of life in America.
Did African-American Slaves Rebel?
by Henry Louis Gates, Jr

One of the most pernicious allegations made against the African-American people was that our slave ancestors were either exceptionally “docile” or “content and loyal,” thus explaining their purported failure to rebel extensively. Some even compare enslaved Americans to their brothers and sisters in Brazil, Cuba, Suriname and Haiti, the last of whom defeated the most powerful army in the world, Napoleon’s army, becoming the first slaves in history to successfully strike a blow for their own freedom.

As the historian Herbert Aptheker informs us in American Negro Slave Revolts, no one put this dishonest, nakedly pro-slavery argument more baldly than the Harvard historian James Schouler in 1882, who attributed this spurious conclusion to ” ‘the innate patience, docility, and child-like simplicity of the negro’ ” who, he felt, was an ” ‘imitator and non-moralist,’ ” learning ” ‘deceit and libertinism with facility,’ ” being ” ‘easily intimidated, incapable of deep plots’ “; in short, Negroes were ” ‘a black servile race, sensuous, stupid, brutish, obedient to the whip, children in imagination.’ ”

Consider how bizarre this was: It wasn’t enough that slaves had been subjugated under a harsh and brutal regime for two and a half centuries; following the collapse of Reconstruction, this school of historians — unapologetically supportive of slavery — kicked the slaves again for not rising up more frequently to kill their oppressive masters. And lest we think that this phenomenon was relegated to 19th- and early 20th-century scholars, as late as 1959, Stanley Elkins drew a picture of the slaves as infantilized “Sambos” in his book Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life, reduced to the status of the passive, “perpetual child” by the severely oppressive form of American slavery, and thus unable to rebel. Rarely can I think of a colder, nastier set of claims than these about the lack of courage or “manhood” of the African-American slaves.

So, did African-American slaves rebel? Of course they did. As early as 1934, our old friend Joel A. Rogers identified 33 slave revolts, including Nat Turner’s, in his 100 Amazing Facts. And nine years later, the historian Herbert Aptheker published his pioneering study, American Negro Slave Revolts, to set the record straight. Aptheker defined a slave revolt as an action involving 10 or more slaves, with “freedom as the apparent aim [and] contemporary references labeling the event as an uprising, plot, insurrection, or the equivalent of these.” In all, Aptheker says, he “has found records of approximately two hundred and fifty revolts and conspiracies in the history of American Negro slavery.” Other scholars have found as many as 313.

The Five Greatest Slave Rebellions in the United States | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross
Slavery predated America by a millennia or two. Ancient Egypt, an ancient
black society had slavery too. Modern Black Muslims even now STILL have slaves, it's the legacy of Africa. People need to stop blaming white Europeans when its an endemic to humanity world wide.

Black society did not have chattel slavery. Learn the different forms of slavery such as debt slavery where you serve as a slave until you pay off your debt then you are free, and the system of perpetual slavery called chattel slavery done by whites. Europeans still have slaves themselves. Apparently it is the legacy of Europe. We will blame white Europeans for colonizing the planet and taking from others what was not theirs by force. No more white folks excuses
I like trolls, besides themselves. Blacks where just as much a part of slavery as any other race, so spare me the pedantic lectures. They bore me. Blacks profited from slavery just like anyone else. So, let's get back to basics.
While race is a myth it gives comfort to many groups, tribes or individuals, it gives them a feeling, while imaginary, of superior being. A genuine reading of the history for instance of early America demonstrates a more complicated picture that includes 'class'. Class for some reason is missing in much dialogue today. Americans don't want to face class, the cheering crowds at Trump rallies would have no place in Trump's world but they are swayed by his tribal bigotry. An excellent read on this topic is 'White Trash' by Nancy Isenberg. Whites were treated the same as blacks in much of the country but especially the South. The were even labeled and made less than human. Today because of the notion of race they are convinced they bleed differently than others, and so long as they believe this they are easily managed and controlled. Trump snowflakes cheer a man whose class would deny them a seat at their table. White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America by Nancy Isenberg

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

Race is a myth:

The Myth of Race by Jefferson M. Fish
The Myth of Race: The Troubling Persistence of an Unscientific Idea by Robert Wald Sussman
A Dreadful Deceit: The Myth of Race from the Colonial Era to Obama's America by Jacqueline A. Jones

"To lay all of this at Trump’s feet would be to give him too much credit. As I’ve argued before, the misogynist, racist, nativist, anti-LGBT right wing that took over the GOP in 1980—of which Perkins himself is evidence—has much to answer for, not least of all, the rise of Donald Trump as the party’s standard-bearer. Trump may not have been the first choice of right-wing leaders, but they created the conditions that cleared his path to the nomination, and most have lined up behind him since he won it."

The Normalization of Evil in American Politics


Lerone Bennett wrote a book detailing exactly what you speak of called, The Shaping of Black America. Chicago: Johnson Publishing Co., 1975. I that book he wrote a chapter which describes exactly what you are talking about as to how the very wealthy European elites created the myth of white supremacy in order to control the majority.

'The Road Not Taken', by Lerone Bennett

In the linked article he details how it was started. And these idiots continue doing it.
It appears that many whites here need to earn the true history of life in America.
Did African-American Slaves Rebel?
by Henry Louis Gates, Jr

One of the most pernicious allegations made against the African-American people was that our slave ancestors were either exceptionally “docile” or “content and loyal,” thus explaining their purported failure to rebel extensively. Some even compare enslaved Americans to their brothers and sisters in Brazil, Cuba, Suriname and Haiti, the last of whom defeated the most powerful army in the world, Napoleon’s army, becoming the first slaves in history to successfully strike a blow for their own freedom.

As the historian Herbert Aptheker informs us in American Negro Slave Revolts, no one put this dishonest, nakedly pro-slavery argument more baldly than the Harvard historian James Schouler in 1882, who attributed this spurious conclusion to ” ‘the innate patience, docility, and child-like simplicity of the negro’ ” who, he felt, was an ” ‘imitator and non-moralist,’ ” learning ” ‘deceit and libertinism with facility,’ ” being ” ‘easily intimidated, incapable of deep plots’ “; in short, Negroes were ” ‘a black servile race, sensuous, stupid, brutish, obedient to the whip, children in imagination.’ ”

Consider how bizarre this was: It wasn’t enough that slaves had been subjugated under a harsh and brutal regime for two and a half centuries; following the collapse of Reconstruction, this school of historians — unapologetically supportive of slavery — kicked the slaves again for not rising up more frequently to kill their oppressive masters. And lest we think that this phenomenon was relegated to 19th- and early 20th-century scholars, as late as 1959, Stanley Elkins drew a picture of the slaves as infantilized “Sambos” in his book Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life, reduced to the status of the passive, “perpetual child” by the severely oppressive form of American slavery, and thus unable to rebel. Rarely can I think of a colder, nastier set of claims than these about the lack of courage or “manhood” of the African-American slaves.

So, did African-American slaves rebel? Of course they did. As early as 1934, our old friend Joel A. Rogers identified 33 slave revolts, including Nat Turner’s, in his 100 Amazing Facts. And nine years later, the historian Herbert Aptheker published his pioneering study, American Negro Slave Revolts, to set the record straight. Aptheker defined a slave revolt as an action involving 10 or more slaves, with “freedom as the apparent aim [and] contemporary references labeling the event as an uprising, plot, insurrection, or the equivalent of these.” In all, Aptheker says, he “has found records of approximately two hundred and fifty revolts and conspiracies in the history of American Negro slavery.” Other scholars have found as many as 313.

The Five Greatest Slave Rebellions in the United States | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross
Slavery predated America by a millennia or two. Ancient Egypt, an ancient
black society had slavery too. Modern Black Muslims even now STILL have slaves, it's the legacy of Africa. People need to stop blaming white Europeans when its an endemic to humanity world wide.

Black society did not have chattel slavery. Learn the different forms of slavery such as debt slavery where you serve as a slave until you pay off your debt then you are free, and the system of perpetual slavery called chattel slavery done by whites. Europeans still have slaves themselves. Apparently it is the legacy of Europe. We will blame white Europeans for colonizing the planet and taking from others what was not theirs by force. No more white folks excuses
I like trolls, besides themselves. Blacks where just as much a part of slavery as any other race, so spare me the pedantic lectures. They bore me. Blacks profited from slavery just like anyone else. So, let's get back to basics.

Just be quiet and learn the different types of slavery. When women get equal rights as granted by the constitution, let me know.
It appears that many whites here need to earn the true history of life in America.
Did African-American Slaves Rebel?
by Henry Louis Gates, Jr

One of the most pernicious allegations made against the African-American people was that our slave ancestors were either exceptionally “docile” or “content and loyal,” thus explaining their purported failure to rebel extensively. Some even compare enslaved Americans to their brothers and sisters in Brazil, Cuba, Suriname and Haiti, the last of whom defeated the most powerful army in the world, Napoleon’s army, becoming the first slaves in history to successfully strike a blow for their own freedom.

As the historian Herbert Aptheker informs us in American Negro Slave Revolts, no one put this dishonest, nakedly pro-slavery argument more baldly than the Harvard historian James Schouler in 1882, who attributed this spurious conclusion to ” ‘the innate patience, docility, and child-like simplicity of the negro’ ” who, he felt, was an ” ‘imitator and non-moralist,’ ” learning ” ‘deceit and libertinism with facility,’ ” being ” ‘easily intimidated, incapable of deep plots’ “; in short, Negroes were ” ‘a black servile race, sensuous, stupid, brutish, obedient to the whip, children in imagination.’ ”

Consider how bizarre this was: It wasn’t enough that slaves had been subjugated under a harsh and brutal regime for two and a half centuries; following the collapse of Reconstruction, this school of historians — unapologetically supportive of slavery — kicked the slaves again for not rising up more frequently to kill their oppressive masters. And lest we think that this phenomenon was relegated to 19th- and early 20th-century scholars, as late as 1959, Stanley Elkins drew a picture of the slaves as infantilized “Sambos” in his book Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life, reduced to the status of the passive, “perpetual child” by the severely oppressive form of American slavery, and thus unable to rebel. Rarely can I think of a colder, nastier set of claims than these about the lack of courage or “manhood” of the African-American slaves.

So, did African-American slaves rebel? Of course they did. As early as 1934, our old friend Joel A. Rogers identified 33 slave revolts, including Nat Turner’s, in his 100 Amazing Facts. And nine years later, the historian Herbert Aptheker published his pioneering study, American Negro Slave Revolts, to set the record straight. Aptheker defined a slave revolt as an action involving 10 or more slaves, with “freedom as the apparent aim [and] contemporary references labeling the event as an uprising, plot, insurrection, or the equivalent of these.” In all, Aptheker says, he “has found records of approximately two hundred and fifty revolts and conspiracies in the history of American Negro slavery.” Other scholars have found as many as 313.

The Five Greatest Slave Rebellions in the United States | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross
Yeah, that's right up there with those great jungle bunny civilizations that no one's ever heard of.
You know it's amazing, the three of you - if this site didn't show how many messages you'd already made I'd think you were just trolls, which I guess you are, but beyond that, do you have even the slightest sense of decency? I get that it's anonymous and everything but how do you type those words? I just don't get it.

They type them because they are cowards and most(not all) of the moderators don't do anything about it because they feel the same way.
It appears that many whites here need to earn the true history of life in America.
Did African-American Slaves Rebel?
by Henry Louis Gates, Jr

One of the most pernicious allegations made against the African-American people was that our slave ancestors were either exceptionally “docile” or “content and loyal,” thus explaining their purported failure to rebel extensively. Some even compare enslaved Americans to their brothers and sisters in Brazil, Cuba, Suriname and Haiti, the last of whom defeated the most powerful army in the world, Napoleon’s army, becoming the first slaves in history to successfully strike a blow for their own freedom.

As the historian Herbert Aptheker informs us in American Negro Slave Revolts, no one put this dishonest, nakedly pro-slavery argument more baldly than the Harvard historian James Schouler in 1882, who attributed this spurious conclusion to ” ‘the innate patience, docility, and child-like simplicity of the negro’ ” who, he felt, was an ” ‘imitator and non-moralist,’ ” learning ” ‘deceit and libertinism with facility,’ ” being ” ‘easily intimidated, incapable of deep plots’ “; in short, Negroes were ” ‘a black servile race, sensuous, stupid, brutish, obedient to the whip, children in imagination.’ ”

Consider how bizarre this was: It wasn’t enough that slaves had been subjugated under a harsh and brutal regime for two and a half centuries; following the collapse of Reconstruction, this school of historians — unapologetically supportive of slavery — kicked the slaves again for not rising up more frequently to kill their oppressive masters. And lest we think that this phenomenon was relegated to 19th- and early 20th-century scholars, as late as 1959, Stanley Elkins drew a picture of the slaves as infantilized “Sambos” in his book Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life, reduced to the status of the passive, “perpetual child” by the severely oppressive form of American slavery, and thus unable to rebel. Rarely can I think of a colder, nastier set of claims than these about the lack of courage or “manhood” of the African-American slaves.

So, did African-American slaves rebel? Of course they did. As early as 1934, our old friend Joel A. Rogers identified 33 slave revolts, including Nat Turner’s, in his 100 Amazing Facts. And nine years later, the historian Herbert Aptheker published his pioneering study, American Negro Slave Revolts, to set the record straight. Aptheker defined a slave revolt as an action involving 10 or more slaves, with “freedom as the apparent aim [and] contemporary references labeling the event as an uprising, plot, insurrection, or the equivalent of these.” In all, Aptheker says, he “has found records of approximately two hundred and fifty revolts and conspiracies in the history of American Negro slavery.” Other scholars have found as many as 313.

The Five Greatest Slave Rebellions in the United States | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross
Yeah, that's right up there with those great jungle bunny civilizations that no one's ever heard of.
You know it's amazing, the three of you - if this site didn't show how many messages you'd already made I'd think you were just trolls, which I guess you are, but beyond that, do you have even the slightest sense of decency? I get that it's anonymous and everything but how do you type those words? I just don't get it.

They type them because they are cowards and most(not all) of the moderators don't do anything about it because they feel the same way.
Given that 2 of them have made tens of thousands of posts I'm guessing that kind of talk is encouraged here.
Slavery? I see rich whites that say they abhor border fences living in gated communities telling me that they despise border walls and stuff. I see poor Americans being dispossessed by these assholes that say poor jobless Americans are forgettable trash and elevate Mexican illegals over poor American workers.Those rich white assholes dictate the narrative of THIS story because THEY have the money. I am channeling Woody Guthrie here. Yeah, it's like like THAT.
The vast majority of American black slaves didn't revolt because they knew they had a good deal being owned by benevolent white people.

Back in Africa they lived in filthy grass huts and were usually starving most of the time.

But here in America the black slaves were provided a small house in which to live, given food for themselves and their families, and had a guaranteed job on the plantation where they lived for free. .... :thup:

I disagree since being a slave is demeaning. Better to be poor and free without the beatings slaves were getting,

The vast majority couldn't revolt because of the situation they were in.
That's why they came in droves to NYS for welfare.
I remember the assassination of MLK. And the backlash, the riots, people burning down their own homes I remember when JFK was murdered, no mass riots, none of that. Blacks need to grow up an out of that victimhood gambit. Get over it. It's perfectly doable. Get over outrages, real or imagined. Past or present. It's Kool. You can do IT!
Last edited:
Just be quiet and learn the different types of slavery. When women get equal rights as granted by the constitution, let me know.

Please post a list of rights that don't apply to women and blacks.
The vast majority of American black slaves didn't revolt because they knew they had a good deal being owned by benevolent white people.

Back in Africa they lived in filthy grass huts and were usually starving most of the time.

But here in America the black slaves were provided a small house in which to live, given food for themselves and their families, and had a guaranteed job on the plantation where they lived for free. .... :thup:

I disagree since being a slave is demeaning. Better to be poor and free without the beatings slaves were getting,

The vast majority couldn't revolt because of the situation they were in.
That's why they came in droves to NYS for welfare.

Did not happen.

Welfare: A White Secret
By Barbara Ehrenreich

Come on, my fellow white folks, we have something to confess. No, nothing to do with age spots or those indoor-tanning creams we use to get us through the | winter without looking like the final stages of TB. Nor am I talking about the fact that we all go home and practice funky dance moves behind drawn shades. Out with it, friends, the biggest secret known to whites since the invention of powdered rouge: welfare is a white program. Yep. At least it's no more black than Vanilla Ice is a fair rendition of classic urban rap.

The numbers go like this: 61% of the population receiving welfare, listed as "means-tested cash assistance" by the Census Bureau, is identified as white, while only 33% is identified as black. These numbers notwithstanding, the Republican version of "political correctness" has given us "welfare cheat" as a new term for African American since the early days of Ronald Reagan. Yet if the Lakers were 61% white and on a winning streak, would we be calling them a "black team"?

Wait a minute, I can hear my neighbors say, we're not as slow at math as the Asian Americans like to think. There's still a glaring disproportion there. African Americans are only 12% of the population as a whole, at least according to the census count, yet they're 33% of the welfare population -- surely evidence of a shocking addiction to the dole.

But we're forgetting something. Welfare is a program for poor people, very poor people. African Americans are three times as likely as whites to fall below the poverty level and hence to have a chance of qualifying for welfare benefits. If we look at the kind of persons most likely to be eligible -- single mothers living in poverty with children under 18 to support -- we find little difference in welfare participation by race: 74.6% of African Americans in such dire straits are on welfare, compared with 64.5% of the poor white single moms.

That's still a difference, but not enough to imply some congenital appetite for a free lunch on the part of the African-derived. In fact, two explanations readily suggest themselves: First, just as blacks are disproportionately likely to be poor, they are disproportionately likely to find themselves among the poorest of the poor, where welfare eligibility arises. Second, the black poor are more likely than their white counterparts to live in cities, and hence to have a chance of making their way to the welfare office. Correct for those two differences, and you won't find an excess of African Americans fitting the stereotype of the sluttish welfare queen who breeds for profit.



So our confession stands: white folks have been gobbling up the welfare budget while blaming someone else. But it's worse than that. If we look at Social Security, which is another form of welfare, although it is often mistaken for an individual insurance program, then whites are the ones who are crowding the trough. We receive almost twice as much per capita, for an aggregate advantage to our race of $10 billion a year -- much more than the $3.9 billion advantage African Americans gain from their disproportionate share of welfare.

Welfare: A White Secret
Just be quiet and learn the different types of slavery. When women get equal rights as granted by the constitution, let me know.

Please post a list of rights that don't apply to women and blacks.

Not until you do this.

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
Why is it, Vietnamese transcended all their bugaboos from the Chinese to the French colonialists to American war? And they even had children with us, but some how they got over THAT war but blacks can't get over the American Civil and the still hang that over us? Why not? Dang cong san whatever, as the Vietnamese say, get over it. They did.
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