Did Anybody Know That There's A New Black Ariel?

What is Disney really trying to say? That they hate white people?

lol... ya, that's it. :rolleyes:



I've got to the point that I can't watch network TV anymore due to the over-emphasis on 11% of the population.

I mean I moved to a lily white subdivision and I avoid black areas for a reason so why should I be bothered about watching them on TV?

The police blotter from the local DC news every morning is all you need to see as to the reason why.

America need to come to terms with reality that blacks are on their way out and concentrate more on whites, hispanics, and asians to sell their wares.
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have black demographic in percent of population decreased to 11%?? That's terrible. That's a yuge hit and abortion in black areas is probably a big part of it. and besides....what black man really wants an angry radical black woman...or an angry white radical BLM supporting white woman either for that matter.

I just don’t like the double standard of it all

If Disney adapted a classic African folk story and casted it with white actors, people would lose their shit
have black demographic in percent of population decreased to 11%?? That's terrible. That's a yuge hit and abortion in black areas is probably a big part of it. and besides....what black man really wants an angry radical black woman...or an angry white radical BLM supporting white woman either for that matter.
I think it’s decreased due to the massive influx and reproduction of Hispanics.
To give children of color a character they can relate to.
The world doesn’t revolve around white people.
Every race even though we are ALL One race descended from noah or even Adam if you want to go back further, have unique traits and it so happens that caucasians are very good at spreading civilization.
Yeah conservatives were irrationally losing their shit for a while about it
Its motive more than being upset. Lowering the standards also includes a near total reverse of what we saw end in the 1960's. And frankly, there are better more economical vacations than going to Disneyworld. Pure aggravation. The low times are just about bearable. You go places to relax. The main highways are near stall levels for hours at a time near it. The roads around it with the stores and living places have lights and the traffic stalls and it is frustrating.
To give children of color a character they can relate to.
The world doesn’t revolve around white people.
Then your opinion is that blacks are so unimaginative, so lacking in curiosity, so bereft of culture and their own stories that they must adopt white history as their own.
To give children of color a character they can relate to.
The world doesn’t revolve around white people.
So create new characters of color they can relate to

Or make a movie based on fairy tale/folk stories from those cultures

But stop taking European folklore and casting it with people of non-European heritage

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