Did Biden Even Win the Primaries ?

No, you didn't. You have yet to factually establish that the '1000 affidavits' even exist. Let alone what they say.

When you can, feel free to cite them. Until then, you're just telling us another story backed by nothing that you never bothered to fact check.
Third time now, and I'm not going to tell you again. I DON'T NEED establish anything about the 1000 affidavits. Post 129 & 136 already addressed it, and don't make a fool out of yourself any further by saying they didn't. Uh, let's see - maybe I'm undercounting. Maybe it was 2,000. HA HA HA. View attachment 432118

No matter what you say, Biden Boob is not going to be president. 4 more years of Trump. GET USED TO IT. :biggrin:

When you're citing those '1000 affidavits' as evidence, you absolutely have to be able to factually establish they exist. And what they actually say.

You can't do either.

Once again, so much for your 'evidence'. The moment its subject to the slightest scrutiny, it collapses.
I think I'm going to be going to Trump's inauguration party. I'll bring my fiddle and play some good old-fashioned, real AMERICAN culture, Bluegrass music there, for all the nationalist Republicans. Something open borders, globalist, INTERnationalist Democrats (like "citizen of the world" Obama) know nothing about.

I think I'm going to be going to Trump's inauguration party. I'll bring my fiddle and play some good old-fashioned, real AMERICAN culture, Bluegrass music there, for all the nationalist Republicans. Something open borders, globalist, INTERnationalist Democrats (like "citizen of the world" Obama) know nothing about.

Or, you'll just come up with another conspiracy theory to explain the failure of your old conspiracy theory.

Remember when you told us this was over because it was going to Trump's Supreme Court?

How'd that work out again?
When you're citing those '1000 affidavits' as evidence, you absolutely have to be able to factually establish they exist. And what they actually say.

You can't do either.

Once again, so much for your 'evidence'. The moment its subject to the slightest scrutiny, it collapses.
You have no idea how idiotic you sound. I previously posted a video of the PA hearing, with DOZENS of sworn affidavit eyewitnesses all testifying about the fraud. Same thing occured in Arizona and Nevada. You're a sap.

And I just posted multiple evidences right here in this thread you saw it, you're just a liar, and not a very good one.

The evidence phase is long over with. We are now in the action phase of what is going to be done about all the fraud. That's what happening now. I kinda like the martial law scenario. :biggrin: And there won't be fraud there/then.
What to do about all the frauders after its all over and Trump is looking at his next 4 years as POTUS. I think they should all be removed from the US, and sent to Guantanamo. Why keep them here to infect our land and people. bad enough we have Covid.
And the mayors who keep allowing leftist idiots to riot, burn, loot, They need to be brought to justice.
When you're citing those '1000 affidavits' as evidence, you absolutely have to be able to factually establish they exist. And what they actually say.

You can't do either.

Once again, so much for your 'evidence'. The moment its subject to the slightest scrutiny, it collapses.
You have no idea how idiotic you sound. I previously posted a video of the PA hearing, with DOZENS of sworn affidavit eyewitnesses all testifying about the fraud. Same thing occured in Arizona and Nevada. You're a sap.

And I just posted multiple evidences right here in this thread you saw it, you're just a liar, and not a very good one.

The evidence phase is long over with. We are now in the action phase of what is going to be done about all the fraud. That's what happening now.

I'm sure to you the idea of being able to prove your 'evidence' exists and what it actually says is idiotic. But to rational people, its makes perfect sense. How could you possibly know if the 'evidence' proves anything if you can neither see it nor verify anything about it.....including its existence?

And just because your 'evidence' can't withstand the slightest scrutiny doesn't mean that evidence is no longer important.

It merely means you can't support your claims with it.

Which we all already knew.
What to do about all the frauders after its all over and Trump is looking at his next 4 years as POTUS. I think they should all be removed from the US, and sent to Guantanamo. Why keep them here to infect our land and people. bad enough we have Covid.

Or your military dictatorship fantasies tell us more about you than it does about the next 4 years.

Alas, your scrambling rout from your 'evidence' is far more indicative of why Biden is President-Elect.

I think your claims are becoming more and more grandiose.....as an excuse for you to disappear on January 20th when the bug of your conspiracies slam into the windshield of reality
Then there's all the statue vandals. They should be made to construct new statues to replace the old ones and help to erect them back where they were torn down.

And the dopes who kneel at the national anthem and US flag, should be made to stand with the hands on their hearts for the anthem and flag display. In southern states, they should be required to stand for the playing of "Dixie" and the Confederate flag flying there too.

And all the teachers who have been teaching anti-Trump junk should be fired, and banned from ever teaching again.





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Then there's all the statue vandals. They should be made to construct new statues to replace the old ones and help to erect them back where they were torn down.

And the dopes who kneel at the national anthem and US flag, should be made to stand with the hands on their hearts for the anthem and flag display. In southern states, they should be required to stand for the playing of "Dixie: and the Confederate flag flying there too.

And all the teachers who have been teaching anti-Trump junk should be fired, and banned from ever teaching again.

Wow.....even by your standards, that's quite the awkward attempt to change the topic away from your 'evidence'.

Ask for proof the '1000 affidavits' even exists and you'll randomly scramble to 'statue vandals'.

Are you starting to see why Trump's attorney's never even alleged that fraud had occurred in their legal arguments?
Or your military dictatorship fantasies tell us more about you than it does about the next 4 years.

Alas, your scrambling rout from your 'evidence' is far more indicative of why Biden is President-Elect.

I think your claims are becoming more and more grandiose.....as an excuse for you to disappear on January 20th when the bug of your conspiracies slam into the windshield of reality
Biden is President NOTHING, and he'll be rounding up shopping carts for the next 4 years if he isn't in prison for being a China front man, and engaging in treason. And you're just a gullible pigeon, who drinks the left kool aid, sucker 24/7.

And what is this "military dictatorship" blabbering ? Where did that come from. Dreaming out loud again ? Sap.
Wow.....even by your standards, that's quite the awkward attempt to change the topic away from your 'evidence'.

Ask for proof the '1000 affidavits' even exists and you'll randomly scramble to 'statue vandals'.

Are you starting to see why Trump's attorney's never even alleged that fraud had occurred in their legal arguments?
There IS NO evidence discussion. It ended weeks ago, I've just been humoring you. Like I said, the only thing to discuss now is the methodology to STOP THE STEAL, and round up the perpetrators.
What '1000 affidavits'? Remember, you're just repeating what you were told to think. But you don't fact check anything.

Show us the 1000 affidavits. You can't. It a story you can't back up and never bothered to try.

Worse, when a handful of affidavits ARE made available, they collapse under an even passing scrutiny. Just like Melissa Carone.

Meanwhile, Biden won the inital count, every recount, hand count, physical ballot count, electronic tally, certified result, certificate of ascertainment and electoral vote. With everyone from thee CISA to the Attorney General to the Voting Implementation Manager of Georgia affirming that there is no evidence of a stolen election.

You've been played like a fiddle.
You haven't shown how THEY "collapse", nor have you shown anything about the Mellisa Carone you mentioned, or even cited what "facility" you're talking about. You're just babbling stuff, and I'm wasting my time reading it.

HAHA "Biden won". :right: Listen to this goofball. I suppose next, you're going to claim he got 80 Million votes, huh ? :puhleeze:

EARTH TO SKYLAR: Biden got 20 Million REAL votes, and most of those from illegal aliens. Trump got over 100 Million - the 74 Million the thieves cited + millions more that were switched and given to Biden.

Do you think Biden is going to become president ? Don't bet on it. Trump isn't going to let this be stolen from him. Keep watching. View attachment 432086
The fact that they are contradicted by other witnesses and have no corroborating evidence shows them collapsing by definition

So yes it has been shown how they collapse

You have no fucking evidence that the election was stolen and neither does any one else
I just posted videos of what I was talking about. You have posted nothing but your own hearsay, with zero source/link.

You've shown no collapse of anything, You've shown NOTHING here.

Here's more evidence of election fraud. No issue has ever had more evidence than this one. Silly liberals think they can wash evidence away, just by saying it doesn't exist. What do they think they'r accomplishing ?

And all this was LAST MONTH'S DISCUSSION. That discussion is long over. Now we're talking about how Trump is going to STOP THE STEAL. Lots of avenues exist, with even martial law being declared in 6 states to ensure legitimate new elections, as a last resort, if necessary. No way Biden could win when the elections are controlled in a fair manner, properly.

You are a liar

It was irrefutable shown how the claims collapse under scrutiny

videos prove nothing and are not evidence

I have stayed facts

There was no theft and there is no evidence of theft

they were controlled in a fair proper manner and trump lost

There will be no martial law you dumb ass
You have never posted evidence

No one has.

A YouTube video is meaninglessness
Oh, and exactly WHY, HA HA HA, is a You Tube video meaningless? Because somebody on CNN of MSNBC told you to say that ? View attachment 432113 No video from anywhere is meaningless.

Fact is, video evidence is the best evidence there is. It is real life happening right before your eyes. Calling it meaningless is just another of the many idiotic things that we hear from the left, while they amazingly expect people to accept their outlandish ideas, and ludicrous pronouncements.

The more you talk, the less credibility you have. :laugh:
No moron

because anyone can make a video and say what they want they are meaningless

You have no evidence and evidence is where credibility comes from.

they videos show NOTHING except people making accusations

they are meaningless worthless and they are not evidence
And who, pray tell, says it was illegal?

Did you even watch those videos? They don't claim fraud. They're about poll watchers.
That's right. Maybe you didn't read my post. I said just obstruction of poll watchers in multiple states, is enough to declare the whole election invalid. Do you know the role of poll watchers. You know their purpose ?

Poll watchers are what give an election its validity. Without them, the whole election HAS NO VALIDITY, and cannot stand. And it has been done without them. Some people have to be told twice.

And ALL the videos are not about poll watchers. Looks like you didn't watch them all.
they are nothing more than videos of people expressing opinion

Mass.consensus of opinion is nonprofit or evidence moron
What '1000 affidavits'? Remember, you're just repeating what you were told to think. But you don't fact check anything.

Show us the 1000 affidavits. You can't. It a story you can't back up and never bothered to try.

Worse, when a handful of affidavits ARE made available, they collapse under an even passing scrutiny. Just like Melissa Carone.

Meanwhile, Biden won the inital count, every recount, hand count, physical ballot count, electronic tally, certified result, certificate of ascertainment and electoral vote. With everyone from thee CISA to the Attorney General to the Voting Implementation Manager of Georgia affirming that there is no evidence of a stolen election.

You've been played like a fiddle.
You haven't shown how THEY "collapse", nor have you shown anything about the Mellisa Carone you mentioned, or even cited what "facility" you're talking about. You're just babbling stuff, and I'm wasting my time reading it.

HAHA "Biden won". :right: Listen to this goofball. I suppose next, you're going to claim he got 80 Million votes, huh ? :puhleeze:

EARTH TO SKYLAR: Biden got 20 Million REAL votes, and most of those from illegal aliens. Trump got over 100 Million - the 74 Million the thieves cited + millions more that were switched and given to Biden.

Do you think Biden is going to become president ? Don't bet on it. Trump isn't going to let this be stolen from him. Keep watching. View attachment 432086
The fact that they are contradicted by other witnesses and have no corroborating evidence shows them collapsing by definition

So yes it has been shown how they collapse

You have no fucking evidence that the election was stolen and neither does any one else
I just posted videos of what I was talking about. You have posted nothing but your own hearsay, with zero source/link.

You've shown no collapse of anything, You've shown NOTHING here.

Here's more evidence of election fraud. No issue has ever had more evidence than this one. Silly liberals think they can wash evidence away, just by saying it doesn't exist. What do they think they'r accomplishing ?

And all this was LAST MONTH'S DISCUSSION. That discussion is long over. Now we're talking about how Trump is going to STOP THE STEAL. Lots of avenues exist, with even martial law being declared in 6 states to ensure legitimate new elections, as a last resort, if necessary. No way Biden could win when the elections are controlled in a fair manner, properly.

Yo.....................Protectionist.........................do you know the definition of "allegedly"? Apparently not, because you are using it as proof of the election being stolen. Even the far right wing video you posted had the good sense to say "allegedly", yet you are saying it's fact without any proof.
Fact is, video evidence is the best evidence there is. It is real life happening right before your eyes. Calling it meaningless is just another of the many idiotic things that we hear from the left, while they amazingly expect people to accept their outlandish ideas, and ludicrous pronouncements.

Video is the best evidence there is? Guess you never heard of a "deep fake". Might wanna Google that sometime.

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