Did Bill Clinton encourage Trump to run for president?

For someone who "really wants Trump to be the nominee" you liberals seem to be doing everything you can to try to make Republicans not vote for him. Why is that?

Says who? Personally, I'd love you nutbags to make him your standard-bearer next year.

For someone who "really wants Trump to be the nominee" you liberals seem to be doing everything you can to try to make Republicans not vote for him. Why is that?

Our logic is simple. We know the more we bash Trump the more you nutters will rally around him.
For someone who "really wants Trump to be the nominee" you liberals seem to be doing everything you can to try to make Republicans not vote for him. Why is that?
Who says we don't want Republicans to vote for Trump? Please do.
I'm not gonna get my hopes up, but if true, this opens up all kinds of hilarious possibilities.


Former president Bill Clinton had a private telephone conversation in late spring with Donald Trump at the same time that the billionaire investor and reality-television star was nearing a decision to run for the White House, according to associates of both men.

The revelation of the call comes as many Republicans have begun criticizing Trump for his ties to Democrats, including past financial donations to the Clintons and their charitable foundation.

Trump took the call from his office in Trump Tower in New York, according to the four allies, who requested anonymity because they are not authorized to speak publicly. The call came as Trump was making a final decision about whether to run, and he was candid about his political ambitions and his potential interest in seeking the White House during the talk, these allies said.

The 42nd president listened intently and then analyzed Trump’s prospects and his desire to rouse the GOP base, the Trump allies said.

The tone of the call was informal, and Clinton never urged Trump to run, the four people said. Rather, they said, Clinton sounded curious about Trump’s moves toward a presidential bid and told Trump that he was striking a chord with frustrated conservatives and was a rising force on the right.

One person with knowledge of Clinton’s end of the call said the former president was upbeat and encouraging during the conversation, which occurred as Trump was speaking out about GOP politics and his prescriptions for the nation.

More: Donald Trump talked politics with Bill Clinton weeks before launching 2016 bid - The Washington Post

Very interesting. Former President Clinton is a sly rascal. So, is Trump a Democratic plant? A Manchurian Candidate?

further proof that its a corrupt one party system of demopublicans and reprocrats diguised as two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected.

Former president Bill Clinton had a private telephone conversation in late spring with Donald Trump at the same time that the billionaire investor and reality-television star was nearing a decision to run for the White House, according to associates of both men.

The revelation of the call comes as many Republicans have begun criticizing Trump for his ties to Democrats, including past financial donations to the Clintons and their charitable foundation.

Trump took the call from his office in Trump Tower in New York, according to the four allies, who requested anonymity because they are not authorized to speak publicly. The call came as Trump was making a final decision about whether to run, and he was candid about his political ambitions and his potential interest in seeking the White House during the talk, these allies said.

The 42nd president listened intently and then analyzed Trump’s prospects and his desire to rouse the GOP base, the Trump allies said.

The tone of the call was informal, and Clinton never urged Trump to run, the four people said. Rather, they said, Clinton sounded curious about Trump’s moves toward a presidential bid and told Trump that he was striking a chord with frustrated conservatives and was a rising force on the right.

One person with knowledge of Clinton’s end of the call said the former president was upbeat and encouraging during the conversation, which occurred as Trump was speaking out about GOP politics and his prescriptions for the nation.

More: Donald Trump talked politics with Bill Clinton weeks before launching 2016 bid - The Washington Post

Very interesting. Former President Clinton is a sly rascal. So, is Trump a Democratic plant? A Manchurian Candidate?

further proof that its a corrupt one party system of demopublicans and reprocrats diguised as two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected.

Trump has outlined many progressive views/policies. Some R voters seem willing to overlook this because of his views on trade and illegal immigration, while progs condemn him and don't seem aware of his prog views.

At any rate, nearly all the R candidates are welfare/warfare big gov statists...just like the Ds. Once again voting for POTUS will likely be akin to choosing Coke or Diet Coke.
I think Trump has become as disillusioned with our politicians as the rest of us. He could be a far left Collie as far as I am concerned, as long as he stops the dumbing down of our common core children, and the socializing of our health, and the unemployment plague, and the immigration scourge, and the out of control spending waste with his determination to make America #1 again. Vote for an exceptional America again, and the whole world wins. An exceptional America gave the world light, and skyscrapers, and cars, and food, and charity, and work and an intestinal fortitude that the whole world was in awe of.
Let's let Trump make us exceptional again.
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Donald Trump has read Dale Carnegie. As a businessman there is no reason for him to not befriend everybody. But as a leader, he takes umbrage at anything that hurts the country he lives in.
He expects his own family members to succeed. He expects his country to excel as well.
Regardless of how he feels about his friends, how much you want to bet he WON'T be spending millions on a party for the Mexican President like Obama did.
He is his own man and way to arrogant to let someone else tell him what to do.
He sits in his office and makes money. Let him sit in our office and make money.
If one isn't a bloody fool, one could easily recognize that the last person Hillary would want to face on the campaign trail for the Presidency would be a man who is using his own monies to demolish everyone in his path to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Unlimited funds. No way either Clinton would be in some grandiose plot to try to enlist Trump to run to decimate the Republican Party AND THEN GIVE UP?

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. That dog don't hunt.
If one isn't a bloody fool, one could easily recognize that the last person Hillary would want to face on the campaign trail for the Presidency would be a man who is using his own monies to demolish everyone in his path to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Unlimited funds.

he needs votes that his funds could never buy...
If one isn't a bloody fool, one could easily recognize that the last person Hillary would want to face on the campaign trail for the Presidency would be a man who is using his own monies to demolish everyone in his path to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Unlimited funds.

he needs votes that his funds could never buy...

are you saying hillary could buy more votes? Tell us, whats the going rate for a vote? how much do you think the dems are paying for votes in 2016? $5, $10, more?
If one isn't a bloody fool, one could easily recognize that the last person Hillary would want to face on the campaign trail for the Presidency would be a man who is using his own monies to demolish everyone in his path to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Unlimited funds.

he needs votes that his funds could never buy...

are you saying hillary could buy more votes? Tell us, whats the going rate for a vote? how much do you think the dems are paying for votes in 2016? $5, $10, more?

I was promised a night to remember with Hillary. Thanks, Bill.
If one isn't a bloody fool, one could easily recognize that the last person Hillary would want to face on the campaign trail for the Presidency would be a man who is using his own monies to demolish everyone in his path to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Unlimited funds.

he needs votes that his funds could never buy...

are you saying hillary could buy more votes? Tell us, whats the going rate for a vote? how much do you think the dems are paying for votes in 2016? $5, $10, more?

I was promised a night to remember with Hillary. Thanks, Bill.

I don't think Trump is the least bit interested in a night with an old ugly fat lesbian.
If one isn't a bloody fool, one could easily recognize that the last person Hillary would want to face on the campaign trail for the Presidency would be a man who is using his own monies to demolish everyone in his path to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Unlimited funds.

he needs votes that his funds could never buy...

are you saying hillary could buy more votes? Tell us, whats the going rate for a vote? how much do you think the dems are paying for votes in 2016? $5, $10, more?

no, i'm saying, no matter how much money he has, he still can't win...
If one isn't a bloody fool, one could easily recognize that the last person Hillary would want to face on the campaign trail for the Presidency would be a man who is using his own monies to demolish everyone in his path to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Unlimited funds.

he needs votes that his funds could never buy...

are you saying hillary could buy more votes? Tell us, whats the going rate for a vote? how much do you think the dems are paying for votes in 2016? $5, $10, more?

no i'm saying, no matter how much money he has, he still can't win...

well, thats your opinion, but opinions are like assholes----------------------------everyone has one. and in this case, yours stinks.

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