Did Dr. Ben Carson 'flip flop' on abortion positions?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
"Carson told the Baltimore Sun in 1992, “As a physician who does not believe in abortion, when faced with a patient who has severe medical problems, I would refer someone for an abortion.""
Dr. Ben Carson’s campaign admits he referred women to abortionists
[all subsequent quotes from above, and bracketed text is me not the quotes]

[He doesn't believe in abortion yet recommends abortions in certain instances? Isn't that kinda like telling the Nazis where Anne Frank and family are hiding, but not actually murdering them yourself?]

"Carson made the statement the same year he participated in a study that examined tissues derived from two aborted children. While Carson played no role in harvesting or handling the tissue, he strongly defends medical experimentation with aborted babies, calling opposition to the practice "foolish." Rick Santorum has said he would never engage in medical research that was "morally suspect."

Recent misstatements also called into question whether he believes life begins at conception.

On August 12, Fox News host Neil Cavuto asked Carson, “At the point of conception - do you see that as life, Doctor?”

“Certainly once the heart starts beating - certainly at that point," Carson replied.

While he has said he opposes abortion without exceptions, he told Cavuto, "in cases of rape and incest, I would hope that [mothers] would very quickly avail themselves of emergency room and in the emergency room, they have the ability to administer, you know, RU-486, other possibilities, before you have a developing fetus."

Carson later said that he misspoke.

"I think when conception occurs, life occurs," he told Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. He also told ABC's This Week program, "I believe that life begins at conception.""

[So, life begins with heartbeats, no no, I mean at conception.]

"He said that his remarks to Cavuto meant to imply that both sides of the abortion debate would be able to agree that life begins when a fetal heartbeat can be detected - usually within the first six weeks of pregnancy.

When asked about "RU-486," he responded, "I think when conception occurs, life occurs. But I do believe in contraception."

"The egg is only fertilizable at certain times - and there are certain types of drugs, progestins, that can prevent ovulation...if ovulation doesn’t occur, you’re not going to have conception."

The Carson campaign later said Carson meant to speak of "emergency contraception," not the RU-486 abortion pill."

[So, here's a doctor, a supposedly skilled neurosurgeon who can't keep Plan B and RU-486 straight in his head? Guess I understand now why he's a 'retired brain surgeon.' But he wants to be President because that's so much easier? He going to be able to keep all the Muslim factions straight in his head, or will he try ordering US military to bomb Syria because of their involvement with 9/11?

Maybe he should just stay retired?]
You comparing Abortion with Nazi practices?

On the other hand, the Nazi's were Eugenicists.

Comparing the logic of saying you oppose abortion but refer women to have abortions with turning in the Jews but claiming you didn't murder them. Thought that was clear and simple?
Jesus Fucking Christ, what's wrong with you?

Like almost all physicians, Carson will not - would not - perform abortions. But if a woman insists on having one, he will (would) refer the woman to someone who would perform the abortion safely (for the mother - for the child in the womb, not so much).

If aborted tissue is available to be used for research, and it can be beneficially used for research, then it should be so used. But that should NEVER be the basis for encouraging abortion or justifying abortion.

In cases of rape and/or incest, the circumstances surrounding the conception of a BABY IN THE WOMB should not determine whether it has the right to LIFE, which is presumed. However, if the rap-ee acts quickly enough, it may be possible to prevent conception in real time, which is perfectly acceptable.

Don't be a fucking idiot.

You may recall that the Ultimate Spokesperson for the Pro-Choice Agenda (back in the days when Democrats did not formally disdain the concept of "morality"), Governor Mario Cuomo took the position that he, as a Catholic, was morally opposed to abortion, but that he did not have the right to impose that view on anyone else.

So his child in the womb was "human," but no one else's was, necessarily.

And that position is one you could accept, I assume.
Jesus Fucking Christ, what's wrong with you?

Like almost all physicians, Carson will not - would not - perform abortions. But if a woman insists on having one, he will (would) refer the woman to someone who would perform the abortion safely (for the mother - for the child in the womb, not so much).

If aborted tissue is available to be used for research, and it can be beneficially used for research, then it should be so used. But that should NEVER be the basis for encouraging abortion or justifying abortion.

In cases of rape and/or incest, the circumstances surrounding the conception of a BABY IN THE WOMB should not determine whether it has the right to LIFE, which is presumed. However, if the rap-ee acts quickly enough, it may be possible to prevent conception in real time, which is perfectly acceptable.

Don't be a fucking idiot.

You may recall that the Ultimate Spokesperson for the Pro-Choice Agenda (back in the days when Democrats did not formally disdain the concept of "morality"), Governor Mario Cuomo took the position that he, as a Catholic, was morally opposed to abortion, but that he did not have the right to impose that view on anyone else.

So his child in the womb was "human," but no one else's was, necessarily.

And that position is one you could accept, I assume.

Spend that much time responding to idiots a lot? Or just the ones making points you think are embarassing or inconvenient?
It's OK for a civilian to change his/her mind about abortion. It's only significant when a politician changes his/her vote.
You comparing Abortion with Nazi practices?

On the other hand, the Nazi's were Eugenicists.

Comparing the logic of saying you oppose abortion but refer women to have abortions with turning in the Jews but claiming you didn't murder them. Thought that was clear and simple?
Clear, simple, and totally stupid.
There is no point of comparison betweena medical procedure and genocide. None.
Besides, since when did libs care about candidates flip flopping? Hillary Clinton holds the exact opposite views from what she held in 2008.
You comparing Abortion with Nazi practices?

On the other hand, the Nazi's were Eugenicists.

Comparing the logic of saying you oppose abortion but refer women to have abortions with turning in the Jews but claiming you didn't murder them. Thought that was clear and simple?
Clear, simple, and totally stupid.
There is no point of comparison betweena medical procedure and genocide. None.
Besides, since when did libs care about candidates flip flopping? Hillary Clinton holds the exact opposite views from what she held in 2008.

I'm not a liberal.
Seems when you guys have nothing else to throw you try and marginalize intelligent thought with accusations of being a liberal. I'm for Trump, dunno how many times I've said that. Just because somoene raises uncomfortable truths about someone on a certain side of the aisle doesn't mean they're seated on the other side. Pleanty of identical questions and points coming from conservative sites and groups about Carson.
Seems when you guys have nothing else to throw you try and marginalize intelligent thought with accusations of being a liberal. I'm for Trump, dunno how many times I've said that. Just because somoene raises uncomfortable truths about someone on a certain side of the aisle doesn't mean they're seated on the other side. Pleanty of identical questions and points coming from conservative sites and groups about Carson.
You would have more credibility if you had also questioned Hillary's flip flops. Or Trumps. Trump's positions now are about 180 degrees from what they were 2 years ago. Also comparing a medical procedure to the Holocaust indicates someone less than mentally acute.

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