Did Herman Cain Ever Have A Shot At The Republican Nomination?

MODs, I tried doing a poll and it didn't work. You may want to look into that.
And yes, I've done polls before.

To the powers that be
Make the choices
1. Heck yeah!
2. Awww HAIL to da naw!
3. You know, I just don't know.
Hell to the no!

But he's a winner at fat-ugly-white woman chasing, buck dancing and singing Mammy for the white folk. I hear at his book signing he lets them rub his head for good luck.
Ole Marks on a roll tonight..I think he's going to see how many Cain threads he can start in ONE NIGHT.

good grief.

Cain had as much chance AS ANY AMERCIAN CITIZEN should. who would want to run in this political dirty politics is the sad thing about it.
Ole Marks on a roll tonight..I think he's going to see how many Cain threads he can start in ONE NIGHT.

good grief.

Cain had as much chance AS ANY AMERCIAN CITIZEN should. who would want to run in this political dirty politics is the sad thing about it.

I mentioned this morning we needed another dozen threads on this subject to another poster.

The tabloided minds just cant help themselves.
Ole Marks on a roll tonight..I think he's going to see how many Cain threads he can start in ONE NIGHT.

good grief.

Cain had as much chance AS ANY AMERCIAN CITIZEN should. who would want to run in this political dirty politics is the sad thing about it.

Aren't you RWer types the first to talk about all politics is dirty so that's to be expected?

BTW, it's the Right that's responsible for any leaks on Cain's personal habits, if a media leak is what you were implying.
Did Herman Cain Ever Have A Shot At The Republican Nomination?
What say you? Yay? OR nay?

Yes (Yay).
Would it be easy for an outsider like Cain against the establishment?
No (Nay).

Right now, a grand total of ZERO votes have been cast, so it's really still up for grabs, and if you're among the eight regular participants in the televised debates, I wouldn't count you out yet as topsy-turvy as this primary race has been, and momentum changes quickly when we finally start getting these early primary (and caucus) results.

It's a matter how these early primaries develop to see who ultimately has no chance.
Ole Marks on a roll tonight..I think he's going to see how many Cain threads he can start in ONE NIGHT.

good grief.

Cain had as much chance AS ANY AMERCIAN CITIZEN should. who would want to run in this political dirty politics is the sad thing about it.

Aren't you RWer types the first to talk about all politics is dirty so that's to be expected?

BTW, it's the Right that's responsible for any leaks on Cain's personal habits, if a media leak is what you were implying.

It is rumored to have started on the right and is also rumored the white house ran with it.
He had a good shot as long as he stayed unvetted. In hindsight, he had no chance. The affair was going to come out sooner or later and end his support among bible thumpers and his settlements would have been spun so bad in the general he'd have lost all 50 states.

But until that all came out? Oh he had a chance. He had a good shot at it. Now he's toast.

That isn't a bad thing though. Part of the primary process is the vetting. Cain just didn't stand up to scrutiny.
He had a good shot as long as he stayed unvetted. In hindsight, he had no chance. The affair was going to come out sooner or later and end his support among bible thumpers and his settlements would have been spun so bad in the general he'd have lost all 50 states.

But until that all came out? Oh he had a chance. He had a good shot at it. Now he's toast.

That isn't a bad thing though. Part of the primary process is the vetting. Cain just didn't stand up to scrutiny.

Vetting? You mean like the total lack of it in 2008 of Obama?
Funny how these radicals talk about Obama's lack of vetting. However, you've never heard Obama say something as colossally stupid as "Uhm, I have a lot of things twirling around in my head."

What a DUNCE Cain is. But, whaddayaexpect...from a 2-bit pizza man.
Marc, you know very well that Cain was only in the race to sell books. The extracurricular activity was his ace in the hole to ensure he didn't actually win the nomination. He's been planning his exit strategy for many many years.
Marc, you know very well that Cain was only in the race to sell books. The extracurricular activity was his ace in the hole to ensure he didn't actually win the nomination. He's been planning his exit strategy for many many years.

Many years you say?

Listen, I've been listening to his show. I've heard how he was pushed and prodded, and prodded and pushed by his audience. I honestly believe he thought long and hard. He's been talking about for months, perhaps the better part of a year. Then he finally did it. I was surprised. The way he spoke about it he gave the process a lot of reverence. He spoke about having to pray about it and consult with his family. I mean, we're talking months and months and months ago, over a year ago now. At the time he spoke very soberly on even considering running for President. I'm surprised he was such a joke and flop with his actual campaign...based on how he spoke about it that is.

Anyway, I say that to say, I'm not sure if he was planning his exit strategy for many years. :cool:
What say you? Yay? OR nay?

of course not.....he is Black....and as we all know by now,the Republican Party is 90% White and vote as one.....so if Pat Robertson says no or some Far Right Winger in Texas....then thats it.....
Hell to the no!

But he's a winner at fat-ugly-white woman chasing, buck dancing and singing Mammy for the white folk. I hear at his book signing he lets them rub his head for good luck.
is this a good thing or a bad thing?.....
Vetting? You mean like the total lack of it in 2008 of Obama?

Fun game: take any issue you feel Obama was not vetted on, go to google, search for that issue using Obama as a key word and the command site:CNN.com. Let me know which ones fail to generate a single hit.

What you'll find is he was vetted, it's just more fun to believe he wasn't.

As for Cain, it didn't require a conspiracy to take him down. Any digging at all into his past by a campaign would have found the two settlements for sexual harrassment and I can't imagine it'd be that much harder to find evidence of a 13 year long affair.

But again, it's more fun to believe everyone but you is part of some huge conspiracy. So enjoy it.

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