Did Jeb "step in it"?

The Bushes always thought Jeb was the smart one ... guess he's just as dumb as W.

Let's see....Dubya graduated from both Yale and Harvard.....became a millionaire in the oil bidness, bought the MLB Texas Rangers, built a new ballpark in Arlington, two term governor of Texas, twice elected president of the US....and some pinhead nothing like you calls him dumb. :lol:
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yep. We'll have comedy channel for months on end w/ no subscription fee :D :rofl:

Nowhere near the high comedy of Willy and Hildabeast trying to pretend they're not swindling thieves and traitors. Hillary will be measured for a prison orange pantsuit before she ever gets another shot at stealing the WH silverware. :badgrin:

Where did you hear that? The same place that told you Romney would easily become president? You gotta stop listening to talk radio. You'll end up disappointed every time.
The Bushes always thought Jeb was the smart one ... guess he's just as dumb as W.

Let's see....Dubya graduated from both Yale and Harvard.....became a millionaire in the oil bidness, bought the MLB Texas Rangers, built a new ballpark in Arlington, two term governor of Texas, twice elected president of the US....and some pinhead nothing like you calls him dumb. :lol:

Shrub's daddy's money did all that. He was just along for the ride.
Where did you hear that? The same place that told you Romney would easily become president? You gotta stop listening to talk radio. You'll end up disappointed every time.

Speaking of talk radio, how's Airhead America doing?
The Bushes always thought Jeb was the smart one ... guess he's just as dumb as W.

Let's see....Dubya graduated from both Yale and Harvard.....became a millionaire in the oil bidness, bought the MLB Texas Rangers, built a new ballpark in Arlington, two term governor of Texas, twice elected president of the US....and some pinhead nothing like you calls him dumb. :lol:
built a park? With whose money?
When they bought the team, the Rangers were playing in an old minor-league stadium. It didn’t have the fancy sky boxes and other amenities that helped make other franchises much more profitable. As a result, the team couldn’t compete with other big-city teams for good players. But the new owners weren’t willing to finance the construction of a new ballpark. They decided to hit up taxpayers for the money.

First, the new owners threatened to move the team out of Arlington, Texas, sending local officials scurrying to put together a deal they couldn’t refuse. Under the resulting agreement, the taxpayers of Arlington would raise $135 million, the bulk of the cost of construction, through a hike in sales taxes.
How George W. Bush scored big with the Texas Rangers Center for Public Integrity
I'll say it again.

When Kelley asked the question, the buffoon didn't register the "if you knew then what you know now" part. He answered it as though he were being asked if he would have done the same thing given what we knew then.

He gets a pass for that. Despite the fact that he tried to bring Hillary into it as a buffer. That was lame.

However, his fumbling over this and his inability to just say that the invasion was a huge mistake....is going to be a problem for him.

He's not done a good job of cover even with FOX news helping him try.
I'll say it again.

When Kelley asked the question, the buffoon didn't register the "if you knew then what you know now" part. He answered it as though he were being asked if he would have done the same thing given what we knew then.

He gets a pass for that. Despite the fact that he tried to bring Hillary into it as a buffer. That was lame.

However, his fumbling over this and his inability to just say that the invasion was a huge mistake....is going to be a problem for him.

He's not done a good job of cover even with FOX news helping him try.

Gonna be hard for him to be critical at all of the last two Repub presidents. The other candidates are free to seperate themselves from any negatives. Jeb is stuck with it.

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