Did Newt personally profit from his ethics code violation?

Newt admitted to the crime of lying to investigators.


he admitted and it was proven that he lied.

He lied to cover his ass.

That is who he is.

Do you think he wont lie to cover his ass right now?

If he were president?
I would type what his fate should be but some Nazi **** bans me every time I do.
Newt admitted to the crime of lying to investigators.


he admitted and it was proven that he lied.

He lied to cover his ass.

That is who he is.

Do you think he wont lie to cover his ass right now?

If he were president?

The ethics committee is not a federal investigator.

Do you have any thinking braincells tm?
His fate should not be including elected office ever again.

The right is so very desperate they will run this morally crippled man.
Newt admitted to lying to the ethics committee.

That's all that really matters: he will lie when it is politically expedient for him to do so.

Most likely true. But what elected leader or underling doesn't do the same thing?

After considering the matter for three and a half years, the IRS issued a "technical advice memorandum" finding no violation of tax laws in the use of a tax-exempt entity to sponsor Gingrich's course, "Renewing American Civilization."

Gingrich began the course in 1993, before Republicans won control of the House and made him speaker. Gingrich's lectures were videotaped and widely distributed.

Democrats said it was a campaign gimmick and filed ethics complaints accusing him of illegal use of tax-exempt funds for political purposes. A tax expert hired by the House Ethics Committee said the course violated tax laws, and in 1997 Gingrich agreed to pay a $300,000 fine for making misleading statements to the ethics panel and failing to seek better legal advice before using tax-exempt money for the course.

look at the time he admitted to breaking federal laws for campaign finance.

He then lied to the people investigating the crime.

YEARS later some irs decision made a determination on the case.

The investigators he lied to were not whom I thought they were so yes it was not a federal crime to lie to them.

I made a mistake in thinking they were feds.

I appologise for my mistake.

Now have you ever appologised to me for claiming the FBI cleared him?

No , you know why.

Because facts mean nothing to you.

Hell I evern had to go get the proof of any clearing for you becasue you were not interested in the real facts.

This is the differance between you and me.

I will bow to the real facts once I see them.

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Clinton was impeached for lying & still got to be president. I wonder if Newt can get away with it also.
The fact that you are having this conversation should tell you something Gramps... I never have to ask these questions about Paul. In the world of politics you can do many thing ilegal or wrong and never be charged of a crime.

BTW, TM, please just stfu.
thank you for helping make my point.

Republicans forgive anything on their side but demand perfect moral behavior from their oposition
Congress railroaded Newt because they & all their government buddies missed some pay-checks. They wanted his ass gone. So they made something up.

He Broke federal laws.

good god the right will excuse ANYTHING for poltical gain.

Please cite the federal law he broke and was convicted of.


Continue to be referred to as a lying hack.
Ethics violations. Not federal law.

Wanna read the full letter he entered into the record admitting he violated ethics rules?

Here ya go:
Statement Issued by Speaker Gingrich

Published: December 22, 1996

Following is Speaker Newt Gingrich's statement on the findings by a House ethics subcommittee that he violated House rules:

"The investigative subcommittee of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct has issued a statement of alleged violation. With great sadness, I have filed an answer which admits to that violation.
I would like to comment on the statement as follows:
"I was overconfident, and in some ways, naive. With deep sadness, I agree. I did not seek legal counsel when I should have in order to insure clear compliance with all applicable laws, and that was wrong. Because I did not, I brought down on the people's house a controversy which could weaken the faith people have in their Government.

In responding to complaints in this matter, I did not manage the effort intensely enough to thoroughly direct or review information being submitted to the committee on my behalf. In my name and over my signature, inaccurate, incomplete and unreliable statements were given to the committee, but I did not intend to mislead the committee."
Read the rest here: Statement Issued by Speaker Gingrich - Text - NYTimes.com
Now have you ever appologised to me for claiming the FBI cleared him?

No , you know why.

Because facts mean nothing to you.

Grampa Murked U never said the FBI cleared him of anything. You did.

Its federal tax laws and he admitted it.

READ THE GOD DAMNED LINK you lying piece of shit.

Quit ignoring every piece of undeniable congressionally documented evidence you are given.

This is why your party is dying

The IRS cleared him so I will ask again. What federal laws did Newt break?

Then why did he admitt the crime to congress?

Go get your proof the FBI cleared him

Grampa Murked U said the IRS cleared him. You (truthnevermatters) changed it from the IRS to the FBI.

Why should Grampa Murked U find proof of something that he never said?

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"In my name and over my signature, inaccurate, incomplete and unreliable statements were given to the committee". - Gingrich.

That ^ there means he LIED. You can get technical and say it wasn't a lie, per se, it was just inaccurate, incomplete and unreliable statements provided to an investigatory arm of the US Congress, but for all intents and purposes: He lied.

The House Ethics Committee concluded that inaccurate information supplied to investigators represented "intentional or ... reckless" disregard of House rules.

It might also behoove some to know the IRS made the ruling stating that the House Ethics Committee refused to hand over the full transcripts.

IRS on the Newt's case: "

    • Despite requests to the Ethics Committee, the Service has not been allowed access to the transcripts by the Ethics Committee. Therefore, we are unable to evaluate the context in which these statements were made.

We base our conclusions in this memorandum upon the facts available to us....our factual record does not include transcripts of witness statements before the Ethics Committee....part of our analysis of whether PFF had a substantial nonexempt purpose to serve private interests is the determination of the purposes for forming and operating PFF. In determining the purposes of PFF, evidence of the purposes and roles of PFF's officers and directors acting in their official capacities and of Mr. Gingrich acting in his capacity as teacher of the RAC course is relevant. Information was obtained from these persons under oath by the Ethics Committee's Special Counsel.

It is precisely this information to which we have been denied access by the Ethics Committee. It is possible that if the Ethics Committee had rendered full cooperation with our examination, the transcripts might have affected our conclusion."
Read that memorandum here

Then the IRS cowered and said Gingrich's course wasn't "partisan" - Riiiight. That's like saying a course by the extreme partisan Nancy Pelosi taught wasn't partisan. Ha!

It's a long, complex and muddled story, but the IRS did not exonerate him of the Ethics charges - and no matter how hard Newtonians try, you'll never get around the fact NEWT HIMSELF SAID HE LIED.

Which leads me to the question: Did he make those statements to the Ethics Committee under oath?
I keep asking and no one ever answers. I honestly don't know.

Everyone acts like its some great criminal deal yet where are the outrage threads about congress playing the market with non public knowledge? Democrats bought and sold votes for Obamacare. Everyone knows the deal with congress. They ALL cheat and lie. But now suddenly Newt is expected to be a saint among sinners. Clinton was a liar, not a peep. Weiner was a liar, not a peep. Seriously, but Newt is not god so fuckem.

I'll ask again.....Did he profit?

I really don't think we should let Nancy Pelosi--(QUEEN of the unethical herself) determine who our GOP nominee is.

There is no doubt that Newt Gingrich has stepped on lots of toes--in his slashing of the Federal Budget during the Clinton years. And those that didn't get their Christmas tree earmarks--(including Republicans) are going to be supporting Mitt Romney.

But coming from Nancy Pelosi--COME ON!

60 minutes just outed her for insider trading--profiting big bucks--on something we peasants would get thrown in jail over.

'60 Minutes' Uncovers Pelosi's Insider Stock Trades

Then her brother in law received a bigger taxpayer loan than Solyndra--737 million dollar taxpayer funded loan.


Newt Gingrich was cleared of all ethics charges--with the exception of one minor charge. And for Nancy Pelosi to release that information--is against house ethics rules.

If she really had something on Newt Gingrich--believe me she wouldn't announce it now--prior to the nomination--in an effort to scare off primary Gingrich voters. She would wait until after he won the nomination. Don't be DUMBED into giving her what she wants.
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Newt LIED to investigators to save his hide.

Not to hide a sexual encounter but to save his hide.

He did this while fucking his aid while attacking Clinton for fucking his aide.

The man is so morally compromised that even republicans are trying to lie about him so they can vote for him.
For Republicans it will be a choice between Gingrich, a corporate lobbyist, an admitted liar, guilty of ethics violations, adulterous affairs, and known for his hotheaded outburst or Obama. No doubt they will choose the former.
Now have you ever appologised to me for claiming the FBI cleared him?

No , you know why.

Because facts mean nothing to you.

Grampa Murked U never said the FBI cleared him of anything. You did.

The IRS cleared him so I will ask again. What federal laws did Newt break?

Then why did he admitt the crime to congress?

Go get your proof the FBI cleared him

Grampa Murked U said the IRS cleared him. You (truthnevermatters) changed it from the IRS to the FBI.

Why should Grampa Murked U find proof of something that he never said?


Your right Rick , I thought he said FBI when he said IRS.

I really trashed it yesterday.

I appologise to all for my mental mistakes yesterday.

I have a really bad cold and was trying to find something to entertain mayself while sick and should never have come here yesterday as my brain was fried with a massive headache and a hacking cough.

No more sick posting for me.

Again I appologise to all for my really bad performance yesterday.

Never post drunk, never post stoned and never post sick.

Im better today so look out.

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